
As a Man One Needs to Strive Big

Right now Tianzhu was acting like a normal baby would do at the age of one, playing around this and that but he's very obedient. His father usually took him to the meeting between old fogies who just talked about who knows what, Tianzhu would just stayed quietly on his father's lap while sometimes he concentrated on the talks of the old mans if he heard about something interesting, those old people were oblivious about this, they only found that this child looked so adorable and cute and obedient.

Even though his appearance appeared to be that of a one-year-old child and every single one of his body parts were that of a child too, he was a grown up man inside, so he never peed on his bed and he would endure it until his face became red then he would cry, he would only cry when he wanted to pee or p**p. His mother really cared about his food, so as soon as the meal time comes his mother would fetch him to the dining room and she would always choose a suitable and high nutrition for him. When it's time to sleep he would sleep obediently.

As the youngest and the only child and only grandchild of patriarch everyone in the clan would always care for him, even though he could speak, he still rarely speaks and he never demand for anything. As a result, everyone was astonished about this, 'What a mature child' was what everyone thought.

There were also a few kids in the clan but they were older than by three or four years old, those kids were the children of Tianzhu's father's cousins and nieces, so those kids would usually come to play with him and he would play with them too.

Tianzhu's appearance was just too adorable, even those young kids couldn't resist his cuteness, sometimes they would accidentally mistake him as a little princess, as a result those kids became the overprotective big brothers and big sisters for Tianzhu. As for Tianzhu he had no choice either, he could only play along bitterly, no one knows his difficulties.

But this also made Tianzhu quite satisfied and happy because those kids didn't seem to have any negative feeling toward him, Tianzhu could sense sincerity from them so the possibility of them plot against him in the future for the patriarch position decreased. But still, safe is better than sorry.

Tianzhu was the kind and generous type but the kind-hearted fool was definitely out of his dictionary. He lived the normal mortal life for half a hundred years, every fox, dog, Buddha all types of people and situations, he met every single one of them and experienced it himself, what's more he was also a novelist, so his plotting skill is naturally top notch, he could plot for the main character to suffer or enjoy the days as long as he wishes to, he could design every kind of plots be it the insignificant version or the multiverse-…no the unlimited unknown verse version.

Without parents he suffered the loneliness, sadness and a lot more negative emotions but a man must strive big, break the barrier of the bad past but that doesn't mean he forgot his past, the more he lives the more he matures. Finally, what he wished for finally came to him, right now wish isn't something that he need to wait anymore, as long as he wishes, as soon as he wished, those wishes would come to him instantly.


Two years passed in a flash again, right Tianzhu is 3 years old. During the year, Tianzhu had shown his capabilities, he could walk since one and a half year ago, he could speak clearly when he became 2 years old and he could write at the age of 2.5 years. These were something that only the son of a god could do, yet the Zhang Clan could produce this kind of genius.

All of the members of the Zhang became even more respectful toward the little young master Tianzhu, and the overprotective big sisters and big brothers were still the same as before too.

Those kids have already tested their Elemental Cores, the oldest one named Zhang Baishan, 6 years old, he had three Elemental Cores, Fire, Water and Wind. Next one is Zhang Baishuang, the twin of Baishan, she also had three Elemental Cores but she had Earth, Water and Fire. Another one named Zhang Fei, he's 5 years old, two Elemental Core, Fire and Water. Zhang Xiaoli, he's also 5 years old, 2 Elemental Cores, Earth and surprisingly the rare element, Ice.

The last one is a she, called Zhang Yueqing, 5 years old, she was the best among the group, she had only two Elemental Cores but those two are in the rare category, Light and Nature, it was surprisingly matched her character well, she was a really beautiful and gentle girl, whoever play with her they would feel the gentleness and softness from her, that little girl was originated from a branch family and she lost her parents since birth, her father passed away 5 years even before her birth and her mother died right after giving birth to her because of blood loss of giving birth plus an incurable illness.

The elders really pitied this child so after tested her Element Cores and found out that she had two rare cores they thus inform the main family then after the patriarch heard about this he decided to take her as his real granddaughter and thus she became like Tianzhu's real sister.

Actually Tianzhu was very fond of her, when he found out that the girl was without parents since birth he suddenly thought of himself who didn't even know who his parents or relatives were in his past life.

In his original world, if one wants to live good life that person would need to have a certification of graduation from at least a university and that was by no mean simple but as for this cultivation world, as long as one had a good talent, especially the Elemental Cores, then they could live a good life for the rest of their life, everyone would worship you, respect you and support you.

About Tianzhu's Elemental Cores, Tianzhu himself could somehow guess what it is already based on what he saw so far about the system's capabilities but he wanted to surprise himself, he also somewhat worried about one thing regarding this, if his clan members couldn't recognize it and mistake it for the ordinary one then he'll become the cliché trash young master like in the novel he wrote before, but after giving it some thoughts, he sighed in a relief because considering his clan's history is two hundred thousand years old, if they couldn't recognize this then it would only mean that they lacked knowledge or he could only blame himself.

Actually even though Tianzhu's power are sealed, his memory about the cultivations and everything else weren't sealed so he could now start to cultivate.


Tianzhu already had his own room, so he could do whatever he like now in the room.

Today was the second day since he got his room, so he was going to start his cultivation. He went to lock the door and went to sit on his bed in the lotus position and closed his eyes.

To start the cultivation for the beginner, first one needs to feel his Elemental Core and the heaven and earth qi, then he needs to guide to heaven and earth qi to attach to the Elemental Core, if he has one core then connect to one, if he has more than that then he'll need to connect all of them with the heaven and earth qi.

For the basic or normal Elemental Cores like Fire, Water, Wind and Earth it was quite easy to connect the heaven and earth qi with them but for the rare category, it was twenty times harder than the normal ones, that's why the people with rare Elemental Cores are usually regarded highly.

As for the Divine Elemental Core, it was at least a few hundred times harder than the normal ones, but it is also said that the one who's born with this Divine Elemental Core is definitely the greatest person with unyielding character, to sum it up, the Divine Elemental Core will always have born with the most special person so the owner will never fail to just merely cultivate.

The rarer the Elemental Cores the harder to form the connection between the heaven and earth qi and the cultivator would also reap a good reward after it, their cultivation would be faster.

However, for the Divine Elemental Core, the qi that needs to connect with was totally different from the rest, it needs a special type of qi called Divine Primordial Qi, it was a type of qi that only available for the gods to cultivate, it is also divided into rank, such as Common, Epic, Legendary and Divine Primordial Chaotic Myth. The Divine Elemental Core, would need either one of these rank as long as it is the Divine Primordial Qi.


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