
No Hero Yet, Sorry

It’s quite rare to want a quiet life. Most want to pursue fame, fortune, and lust. Yoho just wants to enjoy a quiet secluded life. But these damn monsters and villains keep coming from nowhere! And why does the Demon Queen want him to kill her?!

Nacht_Einseln · Urban
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2 Chs

EP I — Enter: Yoho

Arc I: The Lazy 'Hero'

Episode I: Enter Yoho

Today is going perfectly. I woke up on time, caught the earliest train to work, and now I'm enjoying a nice coffee as I leisurely walk down the street that is only a couple minutes from my job. Enjoying my white chocolate mocha, I blissfully sighed. This is the life!~

Many who repeatedly took this way to commute waved to me as I passed them. I'm not famous or anything, I just happen to be very friendly to others. 

I would often try to help the elderly cross the street, help lost children find their parents, and stop petty thefts. Not all in that order. My instinct to help others was the reason I could live so carefree nowadays. I had helped the right person on one of my walks and got blessed. Stopping at a crosswalk, I glanced down the street, watching as some adventurers fought a rogue ferobeast. 

Ferobeasts are one of many types of monsters in this world. They're pretty easy to take down, honestly, I think I could take one down. Then again, I could take any monster down without much trouble. 

My attention was brought back to the crosswalk light as it turned green, signaling to cross. My commute continued for another six minutes before I arrived at work. Craning my neck upward, I internally hyped myself up as I prepared for another day of needless arguments. It took me a couple seconds to hype myself up. After I was ready, I gave myself a once over before entering my workplace.

[Adventurer's Guild: Assistance & Insurance Building]

Upon entering, many of my coworkers from the first floor greeted me. I was quite popular at work due to my diligence and how efficient I was. 

"Yoho! Good Morning!"

"Mister Yoho, could you help me with these insurance forms later?"

"Mister Yoho, are you free today?"

Senior and junior workers alike often came to me for varying reasons, be it tax forms to insurance for weapons or adventurers. "Good morning everyone!" I greeted with a smile. I may live a boring life to some but it was the life I enjoyed. Being a 'hero' or an 'adventurer' just didn't suit me. I smiled as I reached the elevator. Most likely she's in today as well. My good mood was elevated even further at the thought of a certain someone being here. I was a lovesick puppy around her.

"Good morning, Yoho!"

Right as the elevator doors opened, my assumption was proven correct. Standing before me, her smile made the already bright room light up even more. "Good morning, Arka." This woman is my coworker, Arka Sahn. In my eyes, she's the most beautiful woman to ever exist. Her beautiful black hair that has such a beautiful sheen, the alluring glow her green eyes give off, and her beestung lips. She's the epitome of maturity and beauty in one. Oh ,wow, even from here she smells good! I paused at that thought. While she was a beautiful woman with a mesmerizing body, the thought I just had felt creepy.

I walked past her in a hurry so that I could forget about what had just run through my mind. Hearing the sound of footsteps behind me, I took a glance at my rear. Arka was following me, her smile still in place. We had been walking down the hallway for at least three minutes while she continued to stare at me smiling. Oh, damn, she wants something. It wasn't unusual for Arka to want something from me—she would always do this thing where she followed me until I caught the hint—it usually involved me taking up a task for her.

"Do you need help with something, Arka?"

She immediately perked up, her smile seemed to grow even more once I finished my question. "Yes actually! The chairman needs someone to monitor a party that plans on going into a Dread Field and I'm drowning in paperwork right now." I thought back to the last time I saw her desk, filled with over eight stacks of paper that towered over her cubicle by just a small amount. "Please!" She begged, making sure to accentuate the end of the word, truly proving the request to be dire. 

I felt my shoulders sag as a task that wasn't even mine had been assigned to me. "Fine. I'll do it." She jumped onto me, giving me a tight hug. Geezus woman!' I could feel her body pressing against mine. Someone like Arka Sah was a guaranteed shoe-in to get married if she wanted to. Did her size increase– Stopping that train of thought, I quickly separated from her and made my way to the chairman's office.

Thankfully the office is the easiest to reach as it's on the third floor near an elevator. Stopping right before the door, I could hear someone conversing but I was unable to make out exactly what they were saying. This door is super reinforced, not even my Titan Body can beat it. Making sure to look presentable, I fixed anything that would make my appearance look sloppy before knocking. A buzz to my right gave me a fright before I realized it was a standard communication device.

"You may enter." Following that I opened the door to a room filled with at least eight people. The chairman was sitting at his desk while the other heavily armed members were scattered around the room standing. The chairman gave me a once over before huffing. I could faintly hear him mutter something about Arka being too busy.

"Sir, I'm here as a stand-in for Arka." Because she doesn't know how to take a break, I wanted to say.

The chairman, Jang Jin-Sang gave me a soft smile before pointing towards a nearby couch. "Thank you, Yoho. Have a seat. You were going to be called to assist with this anyways." I don't even know what I've gotten myself into anymore. Taking a seat, I directed my full attention to the elderly chairman.

"Yoho, this is my son, Chungho. I want you to accompany him in a dungeon."