
no Harem Reading List

no Harem Reading List ::team no harem go read Just Some Recommendation by Azathoth2 on webnovel

creatorGod · Anime & Comics
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391 Chs

DXD:God of the new world Author: Vandalizer_z

{Author: Tigrewurmut}


Translation by Vandalizer_z

{Hogyuku is able to fulfill hidden desires by altering reality... and it has fulfilled the wish of one

powerful soul who has surpassed all others by taking her to another world.

A world where God is dead. A world where there are other gods and strong souls.

And this time He will occupy such empty skies, finally filling their loneliness.} Usually when the mc is Aizen in fanfics they show him having a lame attempt at looking smart and ending up with a 'smart' guy who goal seems to just be face slapping and trying to be edgy but YOU AUTHOR did it BEST. Your writing style shows you actually understand Aizens character and the way you showed it was marvelous, Character interactions was on point there were no drone like braindead ppl in this fic everyone seemed like an individual which is something most authors don't know how to show. Thank you for this master piece. Pls continue to update.Review by Vastoking