
No Feeling

17 years old Arden gets shipped off by his mom to his father for the summer just a day after his birthday. Feeling betrayed and discarded by his mother, he also had to endure the pain of facing the father who abandoned him for his mistress along with their little perfect family. Just as he decided to ruin their perfect life, his step brother Luca would step in and ruined his plans. Coming for each other's necks in the beginning, Luca and Arden became inseparable. When Arden's alcohol addiction put the once peaceful family in hopeless situation. Luca blamed Arden for wrecking his life and family. But he also felt guilty that Arden had to endure everything on his own after being abandoned again and again.

Hwiyang · Realistic
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6 Chs

It Wasn't My Sexy Abs And Body

What Arden planned was spray painting the kids' parents car and house.

I face-palmed my self. He said he got this ide because he noticed my hobby and probably also saw unhealthy collection of spray paints in the garage.

It was foolproof because spray painting wouldn't trigger alarm in cars.

So we took his backpack to stock in the spray paints. He asked me for neon colors and black in case the car is white colored. He also packed in a suspicious container.

"What's that?" I asked pointing at the container.

"Slime, superglue and sprinkles. We're gonna make those cars shine even more." he laughed, eyes full of mischief. But I didn't miss how he secretly slipped in two of his water bottles inside the bag.

We decided to walk because taking the car could wake up Mom and Dad.

The first house was the furthest one from our house. The house was big, after all this was the house of a doctor. We didn't bother to climb up the gate, and opted for an easier option.

It was to paint the gate and the walls. We worked on one side of the wall each. I took neon green and he took a hot pink one.

I wrote 'Sorry about your wall' on the wall in a big bold font. I added several swirls from corner to corner so that it would be hard to wipe off.

I admired my masterpiece. The white elegant granite walls was adorned with my pretty drawings.

"It looks too good." Arden said behind me. He had finished his side before me so he watched me spraying mine.

I looked at his design. He draw a giant sized dick outlined in hot pink. Beside it he wrote 'I'm not a dick'

I agreed. He wasn't not a dick after all.

Next victim was a white car two blocks away. We didn't waste our breath and started to get on working.

I used the hot pink sprayer to wrote 'Barbie's' and 'blink blink car' on each side of the doors and draw a massive Hello Kitty on the  hood.

Arden was busy springkling the glittery liquid here and there. And even sprayed his glove covered hand and put his handprint next to the Hello Kitty.

We vandalized the next two cars in similar ways other than changing the theme from fulgar (I drew a lips and he wrote obscene words next to it) and spiderman.

I admired the black expensive Land Rover adorned in white cobwebs and spiders. We accidentally made an art.

It looked really cool. It was a pity to ruin it so we decided to let it be and only pour the remaining glitter liquid in streaks.

We finished at dawn and walked back home. Arden definitely was in good mood. He asked if I was thirsty and gave me a water bottle and drank from another bottle. I watched him waiting for him to wince from the alcohol but he just seem genuinely thirsty.

He looked at me looking at him. He raised one eyebrow, "Want a sip? I know you know what's inside this."

I didn't answer, my hands were fiddling with the cap of the bottle in my hand.

"Yours is water. You can drink it." he said. He continued to sip on his 'water' all the way home.

He became chattier and clumsier as the liquid inside his bottle almost finished. He kept cracking jokes that only he himself understood. I snatched the bottle in his hand and threw it away with my empty one in a trash can.

A moment later he seemed a little sober. But when he could see our home from faraway, he stopped walking.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I thought you live in different state that you never come to see me for years. But you're just two cities away."

He said glaring at me.

He refused to move after that. But he was weaker than me so playing tug war with him was relatively easy.

I managed to drag him home despite his protests and attempts to run away.

I dragged him inside and throw him in my room. But as soon as I closed the door, he suddenly burst into tears.

"Halmoni, no one cares about me anymore. Take me with you." He cried silently only repeating the same thing over and over again.

I watched him crying half amused half pitying. I didn't know who he wanted them take him along. But the words 'no one cares about me' put me in worry.

I only knew that after Dad lived with us, he lost contact with Arden's Mom. Only recently she contacted him again because she had work overseas this summer. She wanted to know if Arden could stay with us.

Mom was ecstatic of course. She met Arden as a kid before, as she was his kindergarten teacher. You could guess how my Mom and his Dad met. Mom always said that Arden was too mature as a five years old when she told me about him.

After all the tears and hiccups he finally calmed down. So I led him to his bed and tucked him in.

I hadn't realized it until just now,but I felt really really exhausted. So I quickly  took off all my clothes and slept on my underwear.

As I was deep in sleep I didn't know that I had completely forgotten that I made a promise to got to the beach with my friends on the second week of summer break, which was today. We didn't make an agreement to where we should gather. But they just decided to surprise me with an unannounced home visit.

It was 6 a.m and one of them decided to climb into my room after deciding that ringing the bell would disrupt the whole house member's peaceful sleep.

I just didn't understand how they thought that climbing into my room was an act of consideration. Because as soon as one of them stepped their foot in the room, he screamed for dear life.

I was nearly naked of course. But I still wore  briefs. Who could survive this heat without sleeping naked?

But what ignited the screaming wasn't my sexy abs and body. Although I wished it was.

It was Arden sleeping next to me.