
No Escape From The Shameless

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT & EXPLICIT SEX Please be advised. To admit or continue to pretend? Feifei is greatly troubled. "Would he love me, a man, just as much as he loves me as a woman?" Yuan fell in love at first sight at the most stunning beauty he had ever laid his eyes on. He firmly decided from that day on, "This beauty will be in my arms, in my life, in my bed!" Then began the pursuit of a shameless man to make Feifei HIS. Then began the plan of a cunning fox to entice Yuan in his beauty trap. Feifei : I.. I am actually a man. Yuan : ???? Feifei : Really... I am. Yuan : Let me do a thorough......check? Feifei : ?????

babyPig · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
139 Chs



Feifei looked at the village below and the moon above them.

Then he looked back at Yuan and the basket full of oils.

"Really can't see?"

Seeing Feifei's apprehension, Yuan put down the basket and silenced him with the only way he know how.

Kissing Feifei senseless.

He turned Feifei facing the village and lightly licked his neck up to his ear. Leaving a trail of sultry wetness.

Feifei caught his breath.

Yuan's wet and warm tongue makes his knees weak.

"Your stallion will now show off his skills to his mare." Yuan whispered darkly while blowing hot air to the wetness he made.

Feifei's hair stood on ends.

In a delicious way.

He then tilted his head to the side, offering more of his skin to Yuan.

Asking him to do more.

Yuan scattered kisses on his way down from his ear to his neck and shoulders. Nibbling the skin from time to time.

Feifei moaned.

Yuan's wet lips and equally hot tongue makes him want to concede.

Concede and admit defeat.

"The stallion's skills are just....so-so." Feifei whispered defiantly but his ass is anxiously rubbing Yuan's front in honest appraisal.

Yuan chuckled.

"Then this stallion will try harder to impress his mare." Yuan kissed Feifei below his ears as his tongue stroked the skin lightly.

Then he blew hot air again on the wetness he made.

Feifei held Yuan's arm tightly in response. His breathing uneven.

Yuan lifted his head and looked down at Feifei's graceful display of his neck, those creamy white skin gleaming with his wet kisses.

With eyes burning with flames, he trailed his finger from Feifei's upper shoulder to the curve of his neck up to his chin.

And lingered at those sexy pouting lips curving with temptation.

"You are so beautiful." Yuan said with soul deep sincerity.

He traced those seductive lips with his thumb as his cock jerked with appreciation.

He lowered his head as he nibbled lightly on those lips. Wanting to chew on those lips until it breaks.

He groaned.

"Let out your tongue. I want to suck it." Yuan commanded bluntly.

Hearing Yuan's harsh demand, Feifei's body is filled with an inexplicable thrill.

He rubbed his ass on Yuan's cock harder with even more pressure.

Yuan's cock instantly raised its head in cheer.

Feeling the cock's response, Feifei whimpered.


"You heard me." Yuan snapped dangerously.

Feifei stifled a cry.

With watery silver eyes in grievance, he let out his tongue.

Yuan hummed in approval.

He directly swooped down and mercilessly clamped Feifei's tongue between his lips.

With the tongue in the middle of his lips, he leisurely glided on it, rolling back and forth.

Enjoying the slippery feel.

Visualizing Feifei up and down his cock.

Stimulated by the image in his mind, he sucked the tongue instantly with ruthless force and an even more vicious pull.

Feifei's body twisted and squirmed with Yuan's unforgiving suction.

He felt his tongue would be severed!

Yuan hit his butt cheeks with a resounding slap. Once, twice.

Feifei stiffened but released a pitiful moan.

Then Yuan plundered Feifei's mouth with savagery and lust.

With a groan, Feifei held Yuan's shoulder as he slanted his head to the side, fitting his mouth to his. Further accommodating Yuan's pillage of his mouth.

Yielding to his dominance.