
No Escape From The Shameless

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT & EXPLICIT SEX Please be advised. To admit or continue to pretend? Feifei is greatly troubled. "Would he love me, a man, just as much as he loves me as a woman?" Yuan fell in love at first sight at the most stunning beauty he had ever laid his eyes on. He firmly decided from that day on, "This beauty will be in my arms, in my life, in my bed!" Then began the pursuit of a shameless man to make Feifei HIS. Then began the plan of a cunning fox to entice Yuan in his beauty trap. Feifei : I.. I am actually a man. Yuan : ???? Feifei : Really... I am. Yuan : Let me do a thorough......check? Feifei : ?????

babyPig · LGBT+
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139 Chs




They thought Feifei is a woman. They will refer to Feifei as a "she" or "her".

When all three of them arrived at Ichtaca Village, they went straight to Peng Jian's house.

There, Peng Jian and his chickens were already waiting for them. And his basket of meat and eggs.

"Let me pour you guys water. Sit down first." Peng Jian invited.

"Thank you."

When they all had a drink of their water, Feifei talked about the specifics on how he wanted the barrel to be done. Then they talked about the price.

Peng Jian said he will let her know once the barrel is ready.

When Feifei thought it's about time to go home, Peng Jian's mother insisted for them to stay.

"Next time we would definitely try Aunt's craft. Don't think us troublesome then." Feifei said childishly.

Peng Jian's mother laughed.

"Just come here and I will give you a feast."

"Then we will thank Aunt first."


The four of them walked to the Village Head's house to borrow a horse wagon.

Its said, their Village Head struck rich when his daughter married an Imperial Officer. To maintain their now lofty status, a horse wagon is a must.

For this wagon, Feifei sacrificed one of his live chicken to the Village Head as compensation.

When they were about to alight the wagon, Feifei looked at Peng Jian in confusion.

"You are going too?"

"Yes. I will send you guys off." Peng Jian said with a red face while scratching his head.

Weird man. Feifei thought.

"But Nan Sheng is here." Feifei tilted his head towards Nan Sheng and Yanyan who were busy flirting with each other.

"Nan Sheng will send us home then bring the wagon back. Or, did you forget Nan Sheng lives in this village too?" Feifei looked at Peng Jian strangely.

Yes. A really weird man. Feifei thought.

The furthest village is where Feifei currently lives. Peng Jian and Nan Sheng's village is at the center while the village nearest the town is where Yanyan lives.

Peng Jian just kept silent but took the basket Feifei was holding. Together with the two chickens, he put the basket of meat and eggs inside the wagon.

Peng Jian asked Feifei to hop in first then he sat beside him.

"Let's leave Nan Sheng to Yanyan's house first then I will drive you to Guhya Village. Let's give them time together. I will then pick Nan Sheng from Yanyan's when I get back."

Peng Jian whispered in a low voice. Feifei looked at him then nodded.

What a very nice friend. Feifei thought. He maybe a weird man but he is a supportive friend.

With this thought, Feifei smiled warmly at Peng Jian.

It would be very nice to have a friend who supports him too. Feifei internally added.

While Feifei was lost in his thoughts, Peng Jian was sweating with nervousness beside him.

Peng Jian thought Feifei would refuse his suggestion. Surprisingly, she agreed with a smile.

A very beautiful smile.

Peng Jian stared at Feifei with a red face. When he leaves behind Nan Sheng with Yanyan, he will be alone with her.

Peng Jian's heart is beating so fast that his ears were ringing. Clenching his fist, he is determined to thicken his skin and be forward in pursuing Feifei.

Or he will loose this chance.

"I will talk to Nan Sheng." Peng Jian jumped down from the wagon and turned to go.

"Ask Yanyan to get in here too. I have something to ask her." Feifei called out to Peng Jian's back.


When they were bound to Hisoki Village, where Yanyan lives, Feifei cleared his throat.

"Yanyan, is there a vacant house in your Village that I can rent?" Feifei paused for a bit, then added. "or buy?"

Yanyan was taken aback.

"Why? Did someone bully you at your village?" Yanyan's voice rose an octave.

Feifei laughed lightly.

"No one bullied me. The villagers are nice. I'm just alone at home and its..." Feifei tilted his head groping for the word. "deafening?"


"You don't have neighbors?" Yanyan said incomprehensibly. "Who doesn't have neighbors? Everyone has! You live in a village, don't you?" Yanyan raised an eyebrow at Feifei.

"No. I live up in the clouds!" Feifei giggled. "What are you thinking? You've been to my place before."

"I mean, don't your neighbors come visit you and talk? Is that why you want to live elsewhere? They don't talk to you?" Yanyan continued to ask relentlessly.

No. Feifei silently answered. I'm escaping from someone.

"Its quite different when you live in the mountains at night." Feifei immediately steered away from the subject.

"Well, will you help me look or not?"

Yanyan gave him a look of disgust.

"I will ask my mother. I will let you know tomorrow." Yanyan waved her fist at him.

Yanyan looked at Feifei then at Peng Jian.

She pretended to dust her skirt then asked.

"Feifei, do you have a partner already?" Yanyan asked.

Feifei stiffened.

"If he is, he is hiding from me.." Feifei unconsciously muttered.

"You already have?!" Peng Jian suddenly voiced out.

Feifei was scared to scoot away from him.

"No! I meant I'm hiding from being plotted against. My aunt has been arranging for me to meet possible partners." Feifei vehemently explained.

~oh~ Yanyan winked at her.

"Why are you winking at me?" Feifei suspiciously looked at Yanyan.

Yanyan laughed loudly.

"I just admire your courage. If I had half your courage, I wouldn't have been married and divorced at a young age." Yanyan muttered in regret.


"By the way, why are you buying so much meat? You can't possibly eat all these meat by yourself?" Peng Jian asked.

"I'm planning to make bacon and smoke some. Then send it back home. My Aunt loves my cured meat the most." Feifei explained.

My master will be back soon. Feifei added in contemplation. He loves bacon.

"Why not have these things delivered to your village then?"

Feifei choked.

"I'm.. I'm afraid to trouble others." Feifei haltingly said.

He then looked at the goods he bought with a far away look.