
death, life and deal

In a void lang and wider then time and space there crawled up in a ball was teen so young that some would say he had yet had his first kiss. This boy had just die from cancer to be exact brain cancer. If you asked anyone from the boy's home plant they would be able to tell you his name and his story.


POV ???

I was wondering the void of space trying to find a new plant or civilization to invade. There are many names that the moral races called me. Such as The abyss, dungeon god, the god of monsters and many other names. We gods get bored and have to if interment.


Being thrown out of my monologue of thought. I saw it a thing which had such a small chance of happening that the moral mind could not even fathom how small the possibility was. Even I the Beautiful immortal that I'am have only met three times. My three apocalyps. My first apocalyps was Power a man how spend years training in the abyss keep his sanity. Mortals will be reborn after death by the world. World recycle souls that they marked but on the smallest chance a soul will escape it woulds borders and be trapped in the void. But this would be the first I have every heard or seen about a souls not having any world marking. When a world uses energy to make a soul it is immediately marked. Deciding to scan thought the boys mind and find out what made him so unique. I found that the young boy was a genius and orphan. At the age of six he had help Advance his world by estimating by 300 years. He invented second world a virtual reality where any could live out there dreams. He made a game called legends to help promote health and exploration. Many from his would called him the Minf of the Future. Until his he was disguised with caner for 3 years he hid it devoting his live to promote the world helping cure world hunger and many diseases. On his 3 year it got worst and he had to try and find a cure for his brain cancer. His country had put in any resources to keep him alive. On his 11th birthday he die after finding the cure but before he got his cure he was killed by an enemy county.

Leaving his mind I decided to invided that world though the game legends and slowly cropt and invade thereworld. But first I will wake this boy.

first chapter around 450 words. tell if there are any ways to improve it or make it easier to understand. I’am thing about make a abyss a love interest or yandere lol

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