
No Celestial

The world was ending. At least, it was the beginning of the end. Mysterious oddities continued to make people hysteric with making no official announcements from authorities around the world to defer ominous theories. A new system from the American government implores the training of young individuals sixteen through twenty with high stakes and rewards at hand. With no answers, Felicity Clarke gets nominated to be one of the first drafted. Going in blind, she discovers how everything was not as it seemed. Through the burden of creating a safer world for her loved ones, she creates lifelong bonds, finding inner strength within her to connect with a mysterious partner that could hold the answer to it all.

Winter_Auden · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
61 Chs

Start of a Grand Battle

In the darkness, Felicity was able to make out the flash in Leo's eyes, a glowing red iris that reminded her of molten rubies, knowing that Leo could see the blue reflected in hers. She knew that she had better things to do than look at Leo, but she just gravitated toward him.

Felicity would never admit that, and she was jolted back by the sharp waves that the creature was making. It was so surreal the image before her. The dark waves in contrast with the purple sky lit up by the streaks of lightning along with a hanging form that was looming nearby. 

Their sword continued to pulse, and Felicity didn't know if cool or if it hurt. All her senses were getting meshed together, but she couldn't let herself slack off and depend on Leo. They needed to give their all. It was the minimum demand if they wanted to get out of there alive.

Her hand was going numb, and she stretched her fingers over the hit to make sure that she had the best grip possible. Leo's large hands held no worry, holding onto their symbol of strength. They had waited for their moment to come. 

The deafening screech that came from the creature was sharp in Felicity's ear. With no words exchanged, the moment the large raure exposed its ribcage for all of them to see, she and Leo lurched forward. It was go time. 

They did their best to maneuver in the water, but the moment that they were able to get on hard ground, where their feet met the gel-like flesh, they sprinted up the creature. The raure had no idea that it had given them the opening to get a clear and open attack. 

Their steps were quick, trying not to slip on the somewhat slick skin of the creature. The curve of the leg met the back, and they sprinted up the flat plane. They needed to get to the ribcage as fast as possible, but it was on the underside of the creature. 

Still, they roared out a loud cry as they swung their blade after scaling up the ginormous raure into the wide back. The contact hurt. They shoved their blade into the skin, dragging it up to the core of the creature.

The force of the resistance sent a shock down her arm, and Felicity cried out in pain from the exertion. The simple, jello consistency didn't apply to the colossal raure. It felt like flesh, and the sword was sending a sensation of burning to her hands.

She didn't let go despite how much her brain was screaming to abort the mission. Leo was taking the brunt of the force and met it head-on. Gritting her teeth, Leo carried her through the motions.

Piercing through, Felicity shoved her full weight on the attack. The sharp blade slid up the back of the creature. The raure was shaking and shrieking, trying to move back into the water. 

The bullets of the soldiers were getting through the raure clean, and Medina made her way to the bottom of the raure despite Beau's stern protests. The woman was out of arrows, but she was stabbing the bottom half of the raure with her bow since the edge of the bow was somewhat sharp.

"Climb to the side, and get the ribcage!" Medina yelled.

Felicity turned back to look at her, an instinctual movement about to yell to get away when Leo yanked Felicity's arm. "Don't get distracted." 

Felicity blinked and frowned. "She needs to get away!" 

Leo grimaced in agreement and yelled without casting his eyes away from the raure. "Medina! Pull back now!"

Medina didn't seem as though she would comply with Leo's order since she was clearly the higher authority, but then she made an effort to swim away after a long clipped nod. Tatum was the next closest, and they helped each other get out of the roaring path the raure was taking. 

The message that Medina left wasn't hard to figure out. Finish the raure off now. Felicity breathed out a long breath since she knew that taking care of the raure wasn't going to be an easy feat despite having such a powerful weapon. 

The raure suddenly twitched, but with them hanging on with was more like a jerk to the side. Felicity wasn't prepared and dramatically swayed with the creature leading Leo to swing his arm around her waist.

Felicity wrapped her arm around his neck and breathed out, "Let's pull out the sword. We need to get a clear shot in the chest." 

They jumped back into the water, and their blade followed. The black, blue liquid poured as they pulled back. In the grand scheme of things, their slice didn't even make a dent in the raure's body due to how massive it was. But it was the start of a grand battle.