

He was wasted. He didn’t know what to do with himself. He had been rejected by Amber, and now she wanted him to run errands for her. She was just making things hard for him. He staggered out of his office, trying his best to maintain his balance. He opened the door and fell out of the office, almost crashing into a couple who were kissing close to a wall. 

The guy pushed him away. 

"Eww, he stinks," the girl said, covering her nose with her hand. 

"Oh my god! He is the manager, Lucas. Let’s help him so we won’t get into trouble." The girl added, covering her mouth with her hand. Lucas was resting on the wall close to them.

"Go back. I will take care of this." The guy assured the girl blushed and kissed him on the cheek before running away, swaying her thighs, like a lady that knew a guy was staring at her backside. He sauntered over to Lucas, helping him off the wall. Lucas glared at him and pushed him away with great force. He fell to the ground, moving away from Lucas, who looked scared.

"Who are you? Go away!" Lucas yelled, the man stood up and fell to the floor before running away in fear.


Lily got into her car and drove to her family’s house. She wanted to know if her parents were still standing by their decision. She wanted to be sure she wasn’t alone. 

Minutes later,

She had arrived at her parents' mansion as she walked towards the door. She heard the voices of different people talking. She recognized the voices to be those of her parents and Mrs. Kings, but there was also another male voice amongst them she couldn’t recognize. She was curious to know who was behind the door. 

"Looking at her pictures, I can tell she will be very beautiful in person, but why did she quit acting? If she was my wife, I wouldn’t let her quit her job." the guy in the room said.

"She wanted to stop and focus on her husband. I respect her decision," her mother said. She pushed the door open with great force. They all turned their gazes towards her. Her gaze landed on the young guy sitting next to her mother. He was wearing huge glasses and had a lot of pimples on his face. They nearly looked like chicken pox. She lifted her upper lip in disgust.

"Speak of the devil, come in, honey, we were just talking about you." Mrs. Kings said, smiling widely at her, acting like she was a good person. Lily walked over to Mrs. Kings in an attempt to seat next to her, when the guy stood up from the chair he was sitting in. His shirt was tattered; it looked like it hadn’t been ironed; and the trousers he was wearing were bigger than his waist; the way he put his belt around it, made the trousers look disgusting.

"Oh my god, who the hell is this guy? He looked like he was picked from the street." She thought, She didn’t know she had said it out loud. They all opened their eyes wide in surprise. Her mother spat out the water she was drinking.

"How could you say such a thing? Apologize to Eric now!" Her father yelled in his deep voice, making everything go silent. 

"I am not going to apologize. It was an honest opinion. I didn’t expect you guys to hear it." She said with a little confidence in her with her lips trembling, she wasn’t used to talking back at her parents. Mrs. Kings stood up and grabbed her ear.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" she groaned in pain as Mrs. Kings hauled her to the front of Eric and let go of her ear.

"Apologize to him; this guy here is your future husband!" she yelled, Mrs. Kings couldn’t help but crinkle her nose; the guy was smelly; he looked unkempt. Lily was somewhat right, but she didn’t know she was that outspoken.

"I…I am sorry," she apologized.

"It's all right, my lady; you don't have to apologize; I know you didn't mean it." He said, flashing a smile. That made his face look disgusting. She almost scrunched her face in disgust. He grabbed her hand, with the hair in his hand brushing against her skin, and lifted her hand, kissing it, pouring saliva on her hand in the process. 

"Eww!" she cried silently, closing her eyes as he let go of her hand. She quickly used her handkerchief to wipe her hand and tossed the handkerchief to the floor, pretending she didn’t see it when it was falling. She sat next to Mrs. Kings, who adjusted a little.

"What brings you here, darling?" her mother asked.

"I came to talk to you guys in private," she said, twisting her lips.

"I am glad you are here. Meet Eric, your new fiancé. He would like to take you on a date. Since you are free and your ex-husband is out of town, you can go out with him." Her mother advised. Mrs. Kings leaned in.

"You can even have sex with him a few times just to be sure he can get you pregnant," she whispered. Lily felt insulted, she killed her parents, including the groom they had brought for her, with her eyes. She grasped her dress tightly and imagined herself in bed with Eric.

"Disgusting!" she exclaimed.

"What’s disgusting, darling?" her mother asked. 

"Nothing, can I see you in private?" she inquired. 

"Sure hun, let’s go." her mother said, walking in the direction of her room, and Lily quickly ran after her. Mrs. Kings sat there awkwardly staring at Lily’s father, who was operating his phone. She dropped her bag on the couch and stood up, smiling at them.

"I will be right back," she said, walking in the direction they went. She wanted to know what they were talking about.

Lucas carried a bunch of coffees into Amber’s office without knocking and dropped all of them on her desk on top of the piles of files without caring.

"I have brought your coffee. Where are you?" he asked, looking around the room. Amber was in the restroom. 

"Amber! Come get your coffee, it’s getting cold!" He yelled and started hearing the sound of water coming from the bathroom. He started walking in the direction of the restroom; the door was slightly open. He jerked his head to spy on Amber. He saw her trying to take off the shirt of her suit and stood close to the door.

"If I can’t have her, I might as well stare at her body," he thought, peeping through the door. She was backing him. She pulled the shirt off her head and placed it on the stall. She saw Lucas’s reflection in the mirror. Her eyes widened. She acted fast and grasped the shirt. Her blue bra was the only thing on her chest. She turned as quickly as she could and tossed the shirt in his direction.

It landed on his face. She ran over to the door and shut it, panting with her heart breathing rapidly. What was wrong with Lucas? Why did he have to snoop on her? Was his obsession that much? She thought. 

Lucas removed the shirt from his face. He knew at that moment that he had fucked up, and it would be hard for her to forgive him. Women hate men who act like creeps and spy on them. He knocked on the door.

"Amber, I am sorry. I didn’t mean to spy on you. I wanted to see who was in the toilet." he said. 

"Give me back my shirt and go away." She said softly and opened the door a little, stretching her hand. 

"I…I am sorry," he stuttered, placing the shirt on her hand. She took it and shut the door, resting against it.

"Just go away for now," she muttered.

"Remember to drink the coffee I brought for you." He said with his eyebrows lowered and pulled together, and made his way out of her office. Amber put on the shirt and called for a dress delivery; she wasn’t planning on going home to Xavier. Her phone started ringing; it was a call from Mason.

"It’s almost time for our appointment. I hope you didn’t forget about me," he muttered.

"Of course not, I am on my way. Just give me a few more minutes," she muttered, trying to hide how she was feeling.

"Okay love, I will be waiting for you." He said and blew kisses into the phone. She replied with a small kiss and hung up. She switched on the tap and took water in her hand, using it to wash her face. She wanted to take a shower, but what happened made her rethink her decision. A knock came from the front door of her office. She ran out of the bathroom to answer the person at the door. She opened the door and saw one of her employees who was carrying a white box, with Gucci at the top.

"This came for you. Ma'am," she said. Amber quickly took it from her and looked into the box. The dress was blue and beautiful with sparkles.