
Love letter

Elsa opened her bag and brought out a letter, which she threw at him.

"Explain this." She snarled.

Mason grabbed the letter and opened it. It was a letter from a secret admirer.

"This is nothing baby. You know, I get letters from girls all the time." Mason stated.

"I know you do, but this one is different. Can you see what the person is writing? It’s as if you are already in a relationship and you are lying to me." Elsa snapped, glaring at him.

Nate was laughing, silently staring at Mason and Elsa as they continued having a heated argument.  

Amber noticed he was smiling and stared at him.

"Do you have something to do with this?" she asked bluntly.

He leaned closer to her and whispered in her ear.

"I am the one that did it. It’s payback time for all the things he has put you through." Nate replied.

Mason hugged Elsa from behind.

"Baby, please hear me out. Don’t you trust me? A small letter shouldn’t make you doubt me. You know I am loyal to you." Mason beamed.

"He is such a liar," Amber said, under her breath.

Elsa sighed and removed his hand from her waist.

"If I see something like this in your bag again? Mark my words, it’s over between us." Elsa muttered, and the students started taking pictures of them.

"What is causing all this commotion?" a teacher wearing a white overall asked as he made his way into the class.

All the students go back to their seats immediately and compose themselves.

Mason and Elsa were the last to get seats.

"Get up." The teacher declared, staring at Mason.

"Me." Mason inquired, putting his hand on his chest.

"You, of course." The teacher replied. Mason slowly stood up and stared at the teacher.

"Mason right?" the teacher inquired.

"Yes." He replied flatly.

"I have heard a lot about you. I believe you must be part of the thing that was just happening in the class." The teacher stated.

"I am not part of it," Mason stated, with his head held high.

"Sit down, as for today’s class we are going to talk about chemical reactions." The teacher stated writing the heading on the board.

Mason turned to look at Elsa.

"I don’t like what you just did. You totally disgraced me in front of the whole class." He groaned.

"You deserved it." She snarled, bringing out her book.

"Why did your dad have to send you to this university anyway," Mason stated, opening his bag.

"Look who begged me to come to this university." She replied, rolling her eyes.

"I don’t want to hear the voice of any student, only the sound the wind is making." The teacher declared, staring at them.

"Yes, sir." They all chorused.

After class, Amber packed her books and headed to the cafeteria with Nate. They both waited in line, and when it was their turn, Amber moved to the front and ordered the food she wanted to have. She brought out her food card and wanted to give it to the chef when Xavier came and handed the chef his own card.

"I will pay for her," he declared.