
Hot cake 2

They all became silent and continued eating while Xavier stared at them with his hand folded when Mason joined them at the table.

Nate looked beside him and saw Mason. He gulped and started blushing uncontrollably. He tried to hide his emotions and moved away from Mason because their shoulders were touching.

"Wow, Amber, I must say you're a hot cake; even the famous bully is interested in you," Mason said, staring at Amber, who closed her plate and cleaned her mouth.

"What are you doing here?" Amber and Xavier chorused.

"I hate to admit it, but I came to see Amber," Mason stated.

"Why...why?" Nate stuttered. He wasn't able to speak properly around Mason.

"About the thing we talked about, Amber, you need to do it," Mason stated.

"I am not going to do it. Like I said before, I am not a model." Amber declared and got up from the chair.

"Let's go, Nate." She stated.

Mason smirked and crossed his legs. He was surprised at Amber's new behaviour.

"I must say you have grown wings, but I am going to chop them off," Mason remarked.

"Good luck with that." Amber snarled and walked away with Nate, who was still staring at Mason.

"What do you want from my girlfriend? I want you to stay away from her." Xavier declared.

Mason got up from the chair and put his hand in his pocket.

"Not until I get what I want,"  Mason replied, and he stomped away.

"What is wrong with you? Why are you flickering so much?" Amber inquired and recalled that Nate liked Mason.

"I don't see what you like in that nitwit." Amber snarled.

"I know his character is disgusting, but I can't stop myself from liking him. I have liked him for a long time. He is one of the reasons I came to this university and this faculty. I don't know anything about science, but I will learn because of him," Nate said.

"Are you for real? Is that how much you love him that you are ready to put your career aside?" Amber inquired.

"Yes, I can do anything for him. How I wish he was gay or even bisexual. It would have been nice," Nate mumbled, looking down.

Amber put her hand on his shoulder.

"I feel your pain. We can't choose who we love. It's part of life." She muttered, looking at him with pitiful eyes.

"I have given him a lot of signs that I like him; I put flowers in his locker every day; I write love letters to him; and everything, but he doesn't seem to care about me or his secret admirer," Nate muttered.

"Have you tried to confront him and tell him about your feelings?" Amber inquired.

"How can I do that? He might shame me in front of the whole school that I am gay and I am interested in him," Nate muttered. 

"It's not a bad thing to be gay. You didn't wish for things to turn out this way. Just try and see," Amber said