

I narrowed my eyes at her. "How about I just lay low and stay out of his business since he is freaking rich?" I inquired.

"I support Amber on this one." My mom supported


The next day, I was ready to go to school in Daniel's car with Bella. I was pacing in front of his car, waiting for them. I couldn't go late on the first day. I paused as I saw Bella and Daniel on the front porch.

"You are very naughty." She muttered, adjusting his tie.

"I can't believe they are both doing this in front of me." I groaned, putting my hand on my face.

"Hey lovely, you are up early." I heard Daniel's voice.

I looked up at him. "That's because I have an exam to write." I said through clenched teeth.

"Let's get going!!" Bella squealed and opened the door of the car for me. I stepped into the car, and she sat next to me.

She leaned closer to me. 

"How is Xavier?" She whispered, making me blush.

"He is fine," I muttered, with an indifferent expression.

"Are you guys still together considering the situation? I have noticed you look more beautiful lately and who is the owner of the jacket you wore yesterday." She bombarded me with questions.

"We broke up." I shrugged.

"Did I just hear, broke up?" Daniel interrupted.

"No, we didn't say such things," Bella retorted.

We all kept quiet for the remaining minutes of the drive. As Daniel

pulled up in front of my university, I got out of the car and waved them goodbye as they drove away.

I reached into my bag and brought out one of Daniels' many face caps. I stole from him and put it on. I folded my hair into the cap. I needed to use it to hide my face. Who am I kidding? I am literally the only brown-skinned girl in the school.

I brushed past the security guard and headed to class. I halted in front of the class as I saw a lot of students queuing to get into class and a teacher in front of them calling them inside.

"Amanda." She called a student inside. I stood at the extreme end of the line as my gaze met with Elsa's.

"I can see that old slut has come to school." She snarled, chewing gum loudly.

All the students burst into laughter. I adjusted my face cap, so she is the bully now.

I stood in line till I heard my name and walked into class, looking for the seat number the teacher gave me.

I finally found the seat and sat down without stealing a glance at the person behind me.

"Hey Amber, where is my damn phone?" I heard Nate's voice behind me. Isn't he in jail? I slowly turn to look at him.

"Didn't you get arrested yesterday?" I inquired.

"I was, but my parents got me out to write the examination." He replied.

"That's good," I said, and I looked away.