
Blackmail 2

After a series of questions, the bell rang, the teacher carried his bag and walked out of the class.

"Hooray!" The students squealed and started packing their books.

Amber packed her book into her bag. She wanted to skip the last class so she would be able to go home to see her parents.

"I will be back; don't go anywhere." Mason declared and got up from the chair, walking out of the class with Elsa.

"I wanted to..." Amber paused as Mason went out of view. She wanted to tell him about her plan.

"I will have to stay here, like his puppet." She grumbled and folded her hands as she sat at the desk.

"Here." She heard Xavier's voice and felt the coldness of the thing he was handing to her.

She turned to him and took the smoothie he was handing to her.

"Good afternoon." Xavier beamed.

Amber looked around "We can't talk. If Mason sees the both of us together, I will pay the price." Amber whimpered.

"Stop being scared of him. I am here with you. When it comes to strength, you know I am stronger than he is." Xavier said, flexing his muscles.

"That's not the case. I know you both are the most powerful people on campus, but I think Mason is richer than you. He will always have his ways." Amber said, looking down.

They both started hearing footsteps heading towards the classroom.

"You have to go." Amber said. she pushed him away by the chest when a student walked in.

"Pheew." Amber sighed, putting her hand on her chest.

"See you around." Xavier waved, walking out of the class.

Amber held tightly to her bag and strolled out of class, drinking the smoothie.

"I found myself in a room in the club, naked, and you were nowhere to be found." Mason stated.

"What!! I don't know about that. I left you there yesterday because my mom called." Elsa muttered.

"You left me alone, and you know I was drunk because of you? I don't know what I did last night or who I slept with," Mason groaned.

"Stop being paranoid. You just had sex with a stranger. That's all." Elsa stated bluntly.

"A stranger? You know, I hate having sex with whores. The majority of them have diseases." Mason grumbled.

"Just go do a check-up after school." Elsa assured looking around as if she was looking for someone.

Mason put his hand on his shoulder and gazed into her eyes.

"Was someone there with us last night? Or maybe a guy?" Mason inquired.

Elsa smiled and removed his hand from her shoulder.

"Yes, Nate was there." Elsa said bluntly. Mason's face flushed.

"It's... it's.. must have been him." Mason gulped, clenching his fists.

"Come on, I know he is gay, but he is not into you." Elsa shrugged.

"Who says I am not into him?" Nate said, from behind, playing with his phone as he walked over to them.

"What are you saying?" Elsa asked with a shaky voice.