
Am I in love? 4

She started coughing continuously. 

"Waiter, get some water for my lady," I ordered, waving my hand.

The waiter came in a jiffy and handed a bottle of water to Amber. She took it and started drinking it.

So my prediction was correct. It happened recently, and it enraged me. I got up from my chair, glaring at her. She was still drinking the water, so I snatched the bottle from her and poured it on her beautiful face.

"Ahh!!" She groaned as the cold water dripped down her face.

"You have become a slut. I was waiting for you. You were busy having an affair with Xavier." I stated in a rumbling tone as I tossed the empty bottle to the floor.

"I...I can explain." She stuttered, with a lot of fear in her eyes.

"You think I am going to listen to you? So you can cook up excuses to give to me? I am better than that." I shrugged, glaring at her when the waiter ran to me.

"What do you want?" I asked, raising my brow.

"Are you going to order something? Or just put your enormous leg on our table?" The waiter inquired rudely. I realized my leg was on the table.

I removed my leg from the table.

"Xavier forced himself on me." Amber protested as she ran and stood in front of me. I smirked.

"That's not what I saw. You were clearly enjoying the whole thing. You literally gave in to the kiss." I snapped.

Amber's expression changed.

 "Who do you think you are? Because I am acting like a fool, don't take me for a weak girl!" She snapped, pointing at me with her index finger. Everyone in the cafeteria turned to look at us.

"What has gotten into you?" I asked, clenching my fists.

"I am not an object you guys can play with. I have my heart and my own mind. I can make my fucking decisions on my own." She said to my face and grabbed her bag from the table.

"If you walk out on me, you will end up like Nate." I threatened gnashing my teeth. She chuckled.

"I want to go see my parents. You can do whatever you want." She snapped. I moved closer to her and held her neck.

"You can't talk back to me. I am your boyfriend and also your boss." I whispered in her ear. She held my hand, battling to get it off her neck. I couldn't increase my hold on her neck. I don't want to hurt her, but she is begging for it. I released my grip on her neck as I saw a big guy in the cafeteria walking closer to me. Amber ran out of the cafeteria.

The big guy stood in front of me. "Why were you treating that lady that way?" He asked in a deep tone.

"That's my business. I answer to no one." I stated confidently and pushed him out of the way by the chest, walking out of the cafeteria in haste. Amber dished me.