
Am I in love? 2

"Thank you!" I beamed. 

"Boss, why do you want the inspectors' number?" The guard inquired.

"Because I have urgent job, so mind your business." I declared as I dialed the inspectors' number.

"Hello." I muttered the inspector was waiting for me to speak.

"Hello Mason, how may I be at your service?" The inspector inquired.

"I want you to put someone behind bars for about two weeks so they can learn their lesson." I declared.

"He must have done dangerous things to you." The inspector commented.

"He has. I would like you to arrest him from the school hostel." Mason declared.

"I am on it.." the inspector announced, and hung up.

I hope I can count on Amber. Nate won't know what hit him; he won't think of messing with me anymore.

I needed to go see Amber. I couldn't wait for her to come. I took off my clothes and dashed into the bathroom. After a cold shower, I was ready to go to school.

I put on a designer leather jacket and shoved my phone into my pocket.

I strolled out of my room. My mom must have gone to sleep. That's a good thing. I smiled and ran out of the house.

I got into my car and drove off to school. When I got to school, I saw the cops hauling Nate out of the hostel with his hands in handcuffs.

"Let go of me, I haven't committed any crime!" He yelled. I smirk even though he hasn't. He will go to jail because he doesn't know who he is messing with. I stopped my car.

"What's his offense?" I saw Amber asking the inspector.

"He was messing with the wrong people." The inspector answered and got into the van. I liked that man. I waited for their car to drive past me. I hope Nate finds a gay boyfriend in prison.

I scanned Amber with my eyes, she looked worried because of that scumbag. I got out of my car and slammed the door, grabbing her attention.

I scanned her with my eyes for the phone as she ran over to me.

"Where is the phone?" I inquired, looking down at her.

"Nate has been arrested." She muttered.

"Did you get the phone?" I asked through clenched teeth. She looked at me, terrified, and took the phone from her bag, handing it to me.

"Good job." I praised as I patted her hair.

"You did well." I said with a reassuring smile.

"Were you the one that got Nate arrested?" She asked flatly.

"Yes, indeed." I replied and moved closer to her.

"I want to spend time with you tonight. It will be just the two of us." I beamed, stroking her chin.

Her brown eyes shone as she stared at me.

"Why did you do that?" She inquired, with her eyebrows lowered and pulled together.

I put my hand around her shoulder.

"He has not learned that you can't have everything you want in this life." I replied with a grin.

"You will get him out, won't you?" She asked in a soft tone.