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Young_Master_Jay · Fantasy
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12 Chs


NLG 0007



Name: Rainer Stormcast

Job: None

Gift: Lightning God

Title: None

Health: 100%

Mana: 40/40

Strength: 16

Intelligence: Max (Your soul is at its strongest. You only need to refine your body!)

Innate skill: Energy Body, Energy Control

Rainier was stunned when he opened his stats.

"When did my mana increase?"

Before Rainier entered the forest, Rainier's mana is only twenty units while his strength is fifteen units.

There is a significant increase in his mana.

"Kid, tell me about your innate skills," Zeus enquired.

"Which one?"

"The energy control."

"That one, I am not sure. However, I can control all forms of energy."

Zeus almost smacked Rainier. However, on second thought, this is only normal since no one guides him.

"I think, that automatically rejuvenates your mana."

"Come to think of it, during the fight, I did not feel drained."

Rainier stroked his chin.

"Hahaha, you've got good skill."

"I think it is about time for me to teach you a new spell," Zeus said which made Rainier excited.


"Hmph? What do you think of me?"

"By the way, where are you getting all those spells?"

"That's a secret, hahaha!"


Rainier really wants to hit this earthworm. However, he can't.

"Although your mana is still lacking, you can now cast this spell."

Skill panel unlocked!

Name: Rainer Stormcast

Job: None

Gift: Lightning God

Title: None

Mana: 40/40

Strength: 16

Intelligence: Max (Your soul is at its strongest. You only need to refine your body!)

Innate skill: Energy Body, Energy Control

Skills: Energy Bomb (3 LVL), Lightning Strike (1 LVL), Mana Barrier (1 LVL)

Rainier's eyes widened as he saw the two new spells.

Lightning Strike: summons a bolt of lightning from the skies to hit the target. Consumes 30 mana.

Mana Barrier: creates a spherical barrier that will block damage from all sides. Consumes 10 mana.

"Zeus, what's with the '1 LVL'?"

"That indicates your level of comprehension with the spell."

"Comprehension? Do I need that, the spell just appeared there?"

Although Rainier said that, he knows that he needs comprehension.

When the skill appeared on his skill panel, he had a feeling that he knew them.

"If your comprehension is enough, your spell will naturally reach the next level."

"I see, that's good, then."

"Mana Barrier!"

Rainier then tried the spell Mana Barrier.

In that instant, his mana was reduced by ten units. However, he was enveloped with a white circular Mana Barrier.

"Hmm, this looked quite sturdy."

Rainier was contented when he looked at the Mana Barrier.

"That's just a basic spell. It did not even have an affinity."

There is a hint of disgust in Zeus' voice. However, Rainier did not mind it.

"Now, I want to try the Lightning Strike."

With that, Rainier randomly chose a direction to go.

Not too long after that, he encountered a flamingo.

The flamingo is pink and had a long neck. It was peaking at its feathers. However, it stopped when it noticed Rainier.

The flamingo looked gorgeous. However, Rainier knows that its beauty hides terrifying power for him with his current strength.

"Can you assess the strength of the flamingo?" Rainier asked Zeus.

"That's a peak first-tier beast."


Rainier heaved a deep breath.

He knew that he cannot retreat now, the flamingo had already noticed it.

If he turned his back on the beast, he would surely be dead.

"Energy Bomb!"

Rainier did not waste any second and immediately shoot Energy Bomb at the beast.

Although the Mana Barrier is not originally a strong spell, it could not be underestimated in Rainier's hand.

His Energy Bomb is level three.

Rainier is not entirely sure how did it reach that level in a short time; however, he speculated that it was when he and the little missy, Hailey, fought together.


There is a muffled explosion when the Energy Bomb hit the flamingo. However, the bird is unharmed.

Instead, it looked at Rainier with contempt as if it was looking at a worm.

In the eyes of the flamingo, Rainier is but an oversized worm.

In the next second, the only thing that Rainier knew is that the flamingo's beak is already flying toward him.

"Shit, when did the flamingo start attacking."

"Mana Barrier!"

Rainier did not hesitate to cast his defensive spell.

In that instant, a while spherical barrier surrounded him. However, when the flamingo's beak touched the Mana Barrier, it cracked.

Fortunately, the force of the flamingo's attack is only enough for the Mana Barrier to block it.


Without hesitation, Rainier leaped and distanced himself from the flamingo. He got out of the flamingo's attack range, but he is still unsafe.

"Energy Bomb!"

At this moment, Rainier started the barrage of Energy Bombs.

He took advantage to attack while he was out of the flamingo's range.

However, despite all that, Rainier still did not look good.

"This cannot go on; I need to use the Lightning Strike!" Rainier thought.

Then in the next second, the thunderclap was heard.

"Lightning Strike!"


Then, a smell of roasted meat drifted in the air.

Without a doubt, the flamingo was dead.

"Kid, you could have used that from the start," Zeus said which made Rainier slightly embarrassed.

"That's all part of my tactic… my tactic."

However, Zeus did not buy it.

"Tactic my ass. You underestimated the Lightning Strike. You need more experience."

That's indeed true.

However, at this moment, little Rainier is already tired.

"Forget it, I'll go home first."

An hour later, Rainier reached their home.

"I'm home!" Rainier announced his arrival.

However, no one seemed to be home.

"Aunt Vivian? Where are you?"

"Aunt Vivian?"

Still, there is no response.

"Hmm, I wonder where is she? Never mind, I will first cleanse myself."

With that, he went into the bathroom.

Unbeknownst to Rainier, Vivian is currently looking for him.

She was on the outskirts of the forest. If one looked closely at her location, she was where Rainier had come from.

"That bastard, where did he go?"

"With my identity as the water mage, use my power to look for the someone I am looking for."

"Water Eye!"


In the next second, an orb appeared on his hand and showed rainier who was taking a bath at home.

"That bastard, how did he get home, fast?"

Although she sounded angry, she was relieved that Rainier is safe.

"Now that he is safe at home. I won't have a problem."

Knowing that Rainier is safe, Vivian dispelled the water orb and started the incantation for another spell.

"The formless water will ripple with my magic power. On my command, form a wing and let me soar."

"Water Wings!"

In the next second, just like what she said in her incantation, she could feel the moisture in the air rippling. Then, from nothingness, wings made of water formed on his back.

They looked gorgeous; however, beauty is not all that it has.


With a flap of her water wings, Vivian disappeared from where she was. She was already flying at a great speed.

Every flap of her wings would propel her to a great distance.

However, that's not all that it has.

In a few minutes, her destination is already within sight.

"That's indeed a seventh-grade beast!"

Although she had already expected that it was a seventh-grade beast, she was still amazed to see one.

"That chimera is a very terrifying beast. I wonder how Jack will take it down."

However, when she looked around, she could not see Jack or Dominic.

"With my identity as a water mage, use my power and let me be the person I seek."

"Jack, how long are you going to watch the chimera?"

It's not that Dominic was impatient, but because he knew that with every second that the chimera was alive, there will be lives that would be in constant danger.

"I feel like the beast is not simple as it seems. At the same time, I am not confident that I could defeat it."

That is the truth.

One must know that the knights have great intuition.

And as a seventh-grade knight, his intuition had saved him many times.

"Indeed, I could also feel that the beast is not simple as it seems." A female voice drifted in the air which made Jack and Dominic unsheathe their swords.

"Vivian, what are you doing here? Where is Rainier?"

Fortunately, they recognized Vivian. Otherwise, she would have already been dead.

"That bastard grandson of yours did not immediately come home and still wandered in the forest."

Vivian expressed her dissatisfaction.

"What? Is he safe? Where is he now?"

Dominic asked in panic and had forgotten that he is still in a middle of a mission.

"Don't worry, he is fine. He came home without injuries and even washed himself."

"Phew, that's good. Let me scold him when we get back."


At this moment, Dominic could no longer take it and cleared his throat to get their attention.

"The chimera! Vivian, what are you saying about it?"

The brother duo, Jack and Dominic looked at Vivian.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Young_Master_Jaycreators' thoughts