
Nisekoi to To-Love Ru

Have you thought if there was no Yuuki Rito and Lala happen to enter into Ichijou who had gained the memory of Rito from the future and his luck with girl, so lets go and see how the life of them unfold from here on out. ***************************** Images belong to their original creator i am just using it. ****************************** I will publish chapter every day and the world limit will be around 1200 to 1600. No of chapter per day is unknown since i am working on it a new but i hope you all will like it and support this fan-fiction of mine. thank you for reading.

Rich_ael_mano · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Chapter 74. Fiance and Asia.

"I-I-I have a... Fiancee? and what do you mean she's coming tomorrow?"

'Well, the thing is... I'd forgotten all about it myself, but I carelessly promised an old pal of mine over the drink you, see.'

'so this young lady has grown up thinking that she has a fiance. Now that she's old enough to get married, she's dead set on coming to see you.'

'It looks like she'll be here tomorrow, so you would mind keeping her busy?'

Raku glared at his old man as he helplessly smiled and asked: "Hey wait for a second, can't you do something about it."

"Then just talk with your old pal and deal with it somehow. This is your fault in the first place."

Issei sighed as he said 'It's not that easy as it sounds. Thing's could turn into a real mess if we upset her dad.'

"Doesn't matter! why would I marry a girl I've never met?"

'Oh? But you have met her, it's your childhood sweetheart girl whom you made some promise and all, along with that key and all.'

'I am really sorry, but I'm counting on you!'

"The girl with the key." Raku looked surprised as he clutches the pendant on his chest as he took out and looked at it.

Is she the one I had been searching for all this time, the Incident from ten years ago while my present self is standing in front of me, but I can't abandon any of it, so will she accept my selfishness but anyway, I would really love to meet her.

Lala and the other girl saw the pendent and they all had similar thoughts while they looked at Raku, who had several emotions rushing in his mind when several new memories came rushing.

"Nene! Raku what happened and what is that pendant all about." Lala tugged as she asked.

Raku turned and smiled as he spoke 'Well it's a silly love story you see, Ten years ago I met with a girl, and played together with her, it was my first puppy love you see.' As he smiled self deprived while continuing 'At last the day was near when she was going away I guess and for that reason, she shared a promise with him

If we meet again, then the key will open the pendant locket and they will fulfill their promise they had made that time.

So I had cherished this beautiful piece of memory of her along with this pendant for the last 10 years, while I never had the Idea what was the promise I made and who is she.'

Raku looked at his father 'But now my dad is saying she is coming to meet me as my fiancee, Is a little bit of a surprise I imagined it to be for my heart.'

"Heh! that's a cute love story there Raku- San." Momo spoke.

"Yeah! it's kind of a bitter and sweet response type for me, but I don't hate it though." Nana turned her head and responded.

"It's kinda sad, yet nice to hear," Yami spoke as she sat beside Mikan.

"True I would like to experience something similar to it too since it felt so pure and bliss." Mikan nodded.

"Yeah, it's true I would love to have a similar experience too, Raku it's very sweet of you to still cherish that, It felt kinda a refreshing since it's love after all, but still why did you guy's got separated at that time," Lala asked as she looked at Raku.

"I don't remember that part too, and I truly wished she would remember it since I want the complete memory of time at that encounter we had."

walking back Raku could only helpless smile while he opens the refrigerator and took out a bitter cola and drank a mouthful of it to refresh his mind and shook his worry since he told he will handle when the time is right and all while looking around since Momo dragged him back with a smiled "Raku- San, let's go."

Hugging his right hand while smiling Momo made Raku sigh and nod while they sat at the room and chatted since Adlet san and Issei san left to hide away from his question Raku only shook his head and was ready to embrace this explosion his fiance will bring plus his old man said she was fine with having another girl's as the concubine as long as she marries him which took even him by surprise while he smiled at the result.

Soon the food was ready and they all sat down for eating and Raku also sat, to devour their food, finally, they were able to chat with Ryouko Onee- chan and her daughter who was dragged by him here.

Kaori looked at him as she thought, he had face several problems like this every day, and still, he kept on smiling even now while he looks at everyone with the same gaze.

Raku nodded and asked, "Onee- chan what were you doing in that hospital anyway since I heard Kaori- San had been treated and there was no other reason for you to go the hospital." Ryouko san nodded as she pulls her head down with shame as she looked back and said: "It was a man who called me, whom I am debited to."

Looking at Ryouko guilty expression it was clear she had no choice but to go and while she had a heavy expression for her cause, Raku smiled as he looked around and scratched his face while asking "So Kaori- San right, you won't mind me calling you by your first name right."

"No not at all, actually I am used to it since the time we met you had been calling me by my first name, and it doesn't feel awkward rather I hope everyone here to call me the same way too," Kaori spoke while all the girls also joined them in the chat.

Raku nodded as he got up and walked out while he felt something tugging on his hand and saw Momo clinging to him like old days and spoke: "Raku- San let me help you become a harem king, since there are several of women who wish to be your women, and don't worry I'll help you on it."

I was waiting for that Momo... Raku thought as he scratched his face and ask "Can I even do that."

While Momo nodded as she pushed his hand in her ample chest and her smell waft in his nose as he smiled at the familiar feeling which has been wrapping around him and nodded.

"I had something to buy, will you come with me." Raku smiled as he looked at Momo, who asked for being a tagging partner since she wanted to be with him. Looking around Raku felt something odd when he smelt Iron, no it was blood while Momo expression changed while a house right to them smell like hell.

Raku gripped her hand as he made a clone to stay by her side and walked in as he saw the house as a mess while on the floor crimson red color dyed the room, and there stood a priest who was having a gun on one hand and white sword on the other hand, while he was slapping a girl with blond hair and green emerald-like eyes which were dripping with tears as she was holding her tear back.

"Asia, are you okay." Raku was pissed while he glared at the priest.

"Ichijo- San please run, don't come here he will kill you." Asia was afraid as she looked at Ichijo while she remembers the kind person and didn't want to drag him in this.

Suddenly the room temperature dropped to the lowest degree while blood started to freeze which caused the priest to jump back in fright and Asai to be stunned as she found herself in his embrace as he wore the same smile as the other day and his eyes were burning with anger.

"You are just a stray exorcist who gave you the guys to mess in my area while don't worry I'll make it quick and will send your master to hell alongside you soo," Raku spoke while he blurred while a slash flashed which made the exorcist's head roll the ground while Ichijo hid Asia eyes to make sure she didn't see anything.