
Nisea: Disappearing

A towering tall black wolf with specks of red through his charcoal black fur, fire red orange eyes fixated on the most puzzling thing he ever saw, letting out a soft growl as it vibrated through the floor, his claws digging into the ground making himself stand more firmer while pushing his nose slightly on the glass pod that was filled with water. He was enticed by it's content fully well knowing who it was but not knowing what happened to her. Because even with her superb overgrown silky blueish oceanic tinted hair he would always recognize his May by the scar on her forehead, the very scar he gave her when they had that unfortunate accident because of her own clumsiness.

Shiki_Wish · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

the door


Gabriella's p.o.v


Before the twins could even answer there was a nock on the bathroom door. The twins looked at May that is frozen in fear in the jacuzzi before the door opened she stuttered and made the person come in, the door slowly opened as a soft voice came in "Miss dacu it is time for your check up. please allow me to make sure that you are fine" staring at the twins that are possessive growling. Making the woman step back into the door opening making a pleading face to hide her worries, her green eyes wide as the light of the room made them shine even brighter creating a illusionary depth of tiger print darker green stripes. her fair smooth caramel colored skin turned slightly pale because of the fear. She heard Mayhems trembling voice "wait you were one of us, how come you fit for work already" Gabriella shook her head and spoke with a caring voice "no princess that was my twin, she was mated into the hearts pack. as for me i have yet to find my mate" gently getting closer to the princess waving for the twins to leave the room, holding mayhem's wrist counting her heartbeats.

Taking out her tools and starting to register on her pad looking up to the princess eyes. " Princess you are still weak I suggest you lay down and have a rest" seeing how Mayhem nodded and the twins entered the bathroom. Without Mayhem knowing Gabriella mindlinked the twins "guys put her in bed please and meet me with the alpha's downstairs". Bowing to mayhem before exiting the room and making her way downstairs where the alpha's were awaiting her arrival, bowing her head in submission waiting to be allowed to speak. "Speak child" the older alpha said to her.

Rising her head and looking at her chart " sir, your daughters vitals are weak, it is a miracle alone she is still alive. I will need to take her to the hospital for extra examination, I do firmly believe we need to do so. If we do not we may not succeed in keeping her alive" bowing her head back down " as mayhem is now she will not be able to attend the court sir, I have tested her nerves but it seem she cannot feel getting injured which is a big issue altho she healed instantly but she couldn't feel it"


Doms p.o.v


Holding back the twins that were getting extremely angry hearing what the nurse had spoken out, he finally able to mutter a question " can it be restored?" But before the poor woman could answer mayhem stood in the doorway " I'll go and I'll be there, I will give them the first hand knowledge of what happened" taken aback by her bold behavior Dom couldn't help but grin " that's my princess" only too see his father grim expression filled with disgust his eyes met Dom's but he just walked away without uttering a word. Earning him a growl from Mayhem as she ordered him to stop in a tone that even alpha's had to obey "Father .. I need you to listen to me just this once. I know you never even wanted me but that doesn't make me less of your daughter.. I never asked for this to happen to me. I never asked too become a monster… I never knew mom neither did Lea … you father are all we have and I do hope you will treat her better than you have me … I will leave after the court speaks it's judgement.. "

Seeing how hurt and sad and determined his sister is he couldn't bring himself to let their father walk away. Dom grabbed his arm forcing the man to face his daughter. Not letting his sister's words go to waste. " Father I will have you know " she growled as furious as she felt. And Dom could only imagine how much fury she has been feeling " and I swear I will stay true to my words" feeling the house shame and rumble at her warning Dom couldn't help but feel amazingly proud more than a brother ever could be. He nodded at the twins to take mayhem away and mumbles to his father " what's her middle name again?" His father's face which was normally caramel tanned turned pale white as he muttered" destruction". Dom grinned and asked his next question " and what is her full name" he looked and waited to hear a response " Mayhem Destruction Avalanche moon" he got a hesitate response from his father " well as current alpha I will savor my sister's wish for you to be better with Lea and if you fail I will dispose of you father" he said with his alpha/brotherly tone, before continuing " if you do not leave May alone I will dispose of you on sight, like she mentioned she did not ask to be experimented on" looking at his shocked father while only receiving a nod.

Letting go of his father as he made his way too mayhem's room without knocking on the door he barged in shaking his head as the twins curled with May in their middle, absorbing the adorable smile on his sister's face he mind link the twins " I know you're awake, don't move she looks peaceful"

" She was very brave standing up against a former alpha even making him stop and forcing him to listen" Ry replied as Pierce jumped in" well he had it coming" hearing that reply made Dom chuckle but it wasn't loud enough to wake Mayhem. But before he could silently leave he saw that Mayhem was starting to struggle in her sleep, stirring in bed silently whimpering as if she was in pain.


Mayhem's p.o.v


-in mayhems nightmare-

"no no … no more … no more shots.. please.. i'm dying" but her voice wouldn't come out, seeing the man with needles coming closer to her pod realizing her struggles might be useless but Mayhem had too try. She already had felt changes in her body but unable to fight it feeling the water drain, aware it was her turn again but she can't let her fear overrun her primal instincts too fight. Afterall she was the daughter of the alpha from the shadow blood moon clan, she can't possibly be that weak. Still feeling the effects of wolfsbane in her system but trying to get up and look at the doctor with pure raw anger in her beautiful oceanic blueish eyes . The pod had opened as she charged at the doctor in front of her finally realizing who it has been, who has been torturing her the last couple of months, who has been killing her slowly. but before she could actually hit the person in front of her while growling and whimpering the same time looking into the man's evil dark lustful eyes "why do this Jörg ?" but before she could hear him answer she felt herself slip, black spots cover her sight and she felt her conscious leaving.-

Feeling two warm bodies against her own surprisingly it was really calming without having too open her eyes May knew it was the twins, knowing that made her fall back asleep even more quicker but this time without the rushing feeling she got from the nightmare. Several hours passed and she starting to wake up slowly, rubbing her eyes in the most adorable way like a little kitten would, carefully turning her head looking at Pierce on her left side then turning her head to the right to meet Ryzen. They both try to pull her closer to them she let out a surprised yelp, for the first time she got back she actually felt a dull pain from their pulling her too each side as a ragdoll. Ryzen and Pierce shot up from their sleep looking at her confused ,scared but most of all worried it was all over their eyes. She gets a little worried as she see slight tears run down the twins cheeks, gently reaching out to dry their cheeks while smiling gently "its ok i just got startled by a tugging feeling" trying to sound as reassuring she can be.