
Nirvana Continent

"I will be always by your side. Whenever you will look back you will see me waiting for you, supporting you. " "My relationship with you was because of my motives. The motive is over and so is the relationship. " "We were never destined to be together, please leave. " "As I said, I will be their for you even before, now and will be forever. I will deal with whoever dares to make us apart! ". Ajax-a cursed teenager who can access all five elements and can make oneself immortal is eyed by evil eyes and these evil eyes make sure no one comes in their way to power of elements. Ajax is joined by his friends and his love-Amelia who help him in his journey. Wanna see Ajax's fate? How will he survive by the evil eyes? Can he walk on the path of being immortal successfully or evil will conquer his soul?

Beauty_Devil_4881 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 2

200 years later

         In heavens cloud village's head Anders has the element of fire and his beast was of mighty lion. Ajax's mother Adeline was very pure and kind hearted so her element was air and her beast was of a beautiful white dove. Now Ajax  grew of age 10 years old. Ajax was too excited for this day soo excited that he couldn't sleep nor eat he just wanted to see his element and the beast he would possess. Whole village was curious as to what will be Ajax's beast , afterall he was the only son of Anders.

        The time came and, Ajax got 'fire' as his element like his father and his beast was of a 'ferocious and strong tiger'. Whole village cheered and was very happy for him and Ajax himself was delighted as he wanted a strong beast as his partner. 

After 1 year,

In school Ajax came to be known as naughty and lazy student in class as he had no interest in studying his performance was low however, he was the most powerful among the whole school in terms of strength, agility, speed in fighting class. He and his beast tiger never lost to anyone of his age. Ajax always called his beast as his partner and also named him"zane".

He got low marks in school assignments for which he was always scolded by his father. But he was also appreciated for his strength in fighting classes and battles by both his parents. His mother loved him very much so Ajax was only scolded little for his low performance in papers but his father was little strict about him. However, Ajax was naughty and tricks were in a min under his sleeves,he would somehow escape from his father's scolding.

Sometimes he would purposely make children around his age to fight among themselves and it took not much time to turn into chaos for which anders the village chief had to go to solve it and in this way Ajax would have time to flee and enjoy himself.

                  But still his father loved and cared for him as what he would do was harmless and was just his naughtiness ,playfulness.

          This small family had the world's happiness and peace. Ajax's naughtiness, Adeline's caring and loving nature towards her husband and son and Anders' protective nature towards both, all this was enough to feel like heaven for three of them. Ajax also started studying but still had less interest but in battles and fighting he always learned new techniques and improved his body and his partner.

   Ajax always believed that one can rule the world when gets all the powers. He always helped the weak to stand on their own but no one dared to bully him. In village he gained a Nick name "Zeus" ( meaning invincble and kind hearted) .  What future holds for his small courageous boy of Heavens cloud??