
Chapter One: Reunited

Y/n's pov

I was warping across rooftops to the deal location apparently the mechanic was staging a deal where realistically he was actually just going to ambush my employer so I was hired as the 'added muscle' to reinforce them.

*Time skip*

Things were going smoothly but then I heard a bunch of commotion so I get prepared to intervene.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked with little care the my employer walks up to me and barks some orders.

"The deal was fine but the god damn ninja are here so cover us while we load the truck and you'll get paid" he said.

Of course the o' so fabled ninja who are the ninjago poster face for goodness, I've only had one run-in with them in the past and it didn't end well... for them.

"Hey Its that dude In the tiger mask again?!" The red ninja shouted. Something was different though last I checked there was four but out of no-where I got jumped by a green one.

"Wasn't there four of you or did I mess you up so bad you need a fifth?" I taunted to try and throw them of focus which appeared to work because the black and blue guys spent most the fight arguing.

After I knocked the green one of me I unsheathed my daggers and twirled and spun at them separating them from eachother. 'Just like last time' I thought to myself.

The red guy came at me and I slid around him and slashed at the back of his knee incapacitating him. As I got up the black one charged me like a pissed off bull, i jumped over him and darted towards the white one. He threw his shurikens at me but I caught them and threw them at the blue and green ninja and slammed the white ninja into a wall. Which wasn't the best strategy because when I ran into him it felt like smacking into a truck.

He used that to his advantage and caught me of guard and hit me to the ground. However I teleported behind him and kicked him forward knocking him into the red one.

I looked over my shoulder to see the truck had already left which meant it was time to get the hell out of here. I shot a blast at the green ninja and climbed up a fire escape to the rooftop. But the green, black and white ninja followed. I tried to lose them by warping and jumping across the building but it was no use.

"You wanna fight so bad then bring it you pricks!" I bellowed as I drew my sword and they obliged, they attacked as a group and I was overwhelmed and smacked my head of a metal railing. I was dizzy and barely standing until I locked blades with the green one. "This fight is over!" A familiar voice said and then the realisation came to me.

"Lloyd?" I asked and he appeared to remember my voice too by the way he staggered and stiffened his body but the pain in my head was getting to me and I loosened my grip on my blade and collapsed. I waited a few seconds to feel the impact of the ground but instead felt warmth wrap around me I opened my eyes to see I was in the green ninjas embrace and the last thing I remember was him asking.
