
Ninja World: Chronicles Of Sky

Reincarnated in the world of naruto, Asahi will discover great secrets, fight in bloody wars and make a name for himself, all while trying to strengthen himself and without losing his caution. English is not my mother tongue, so if you find mistakes, sorry.

Belium · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs


Upon hearing the name of the Uchiha boy, it goes without saying that Asahi was surprised.

'This is Fugaku the future Uchiha patriarch and father of Itachi and Sasuke, he is also the man who revealed himself against the village' seeing Fugaku, Asahi was lost in thought and tried to remember everything he could about Fugaku.

If he remembered correctly, Fugaku at some point awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan, though he never openly revealed it, it's hard to say how strong Fugaku was, since he let Itachi kill him.

"Well done Fugaku, you may as well continue" hearing Yuro's voice, Asahi snapped out of his thoughts of him, it seemed that Fugaku had already completed the three basic jutsus.

Under the gaze of Asahi and Yuro, Fugaku performed several hand seals and shouted.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball."

As he finished the seals, a fireball shot out of Fugaku's mouth, though it disappeared as quickly as it appeared. It was the iconic Uchiha jutsu and a true C-rank jutsu.

"Impressive Fugaku, you passed this test too" after coming out of his stupor Asahi complained, this is the difference between a civilian ninja and one that belongs to a clan, Fugaku has access to training and jutsus, from a very young age, although it may seem unfair, the ninja world is like that.

"Listen" looking at principal Yuro, they both became serious "the last test consists of a taijustsu fight, usually the test was performed against a chunin sensei, but since there are two of you, you will fight one against the other, and I will decide whether you pass or not "

Listening, they both looked at each other and nodded to each other.

"I'm ready" said Asahi.

"Same" Fugaku replied.

"Alright walk to the center field, you will fight there" following the direction Yuro pointed they both walked they stood facing each other. They both performed the confrontation seal "are you ready?" seeing them nodding.


The first to move was Fugaku, he ran towards Asahi and launched a combo of kicks and punches, Asahi quickly recognized that Fugaku's technique was better than his.

So I have adopted a defensive pose, while defending, I have tried to find find find an opening in Fugaku's guard, but as time passed he found none.

'I can't hit him, but he can't hit me either, if so, let's exchange blow for blow, let's see who falls first.'

Changing his stance, Asahi let Fugaku hit him on the shoulder, but at the same time connected his fist with Fugaku's stomach.

Sensing the change in Asahi's stance, Fugaku wanted to retreat, but it was too late, jumping back I create space between the two, feeling the pain in his stomach he was a little surprised, seeing Asahi's totally offensive stance he seemed to guess his thoughts .

'If you want to fight to the end, I Fugaku Uchiha am not afraid.'

Thinking up to that point, Fugaku also adopted a purely offensive stance.

It must be said that when Fugaku stepped back, Asahi was also surprised to feel the slight pain in his shoulder from him.

'I thought it would hurt more, but in a fight like this, having more strength works in my favor.'

Seeing Fugaku's new stance of him. a slight smile formed Asahi's face of him.

In the next instant the two were engaged in a fierce fierce fight.

Unknown to them there were some figures watching their fight from the rooftop of the Academy.

"The white haired boy lacks technique, he will lose" said coldly a man with scars on his face, he was wearing a standard Konoha vest under a purple kimono

"Don't be so sure my friend, the headmaster has said good things about him, he just lacks a good guide" the one who spoke was a middle-aged man, he wore white robes with red and on his head was a hat with the kanji 'fire'

Indeed the Third Hokage and the group of elders were watching the graduation of the two, why? Well, when a student graduates early, it's usually a very good seedling.

"Wanna bet Sarutobi?" Danzo with his ever present horrible character de el, he spoke up.

"Oh, and what shall we bet?"

"Whoever wins gets to pick one of the two for himself, how about it Sarutobi?" Hiruzen was lost in thought for a moment, but then shook his head.

"Impossible, Fugaku is the son of the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, his father will never agree to us taking him under our wings."

Deep down Danzo knew it too, so he changed the terms. "Fine, the bet will be the same, but the winner will take the white-haired boy, that should be acceptable."

Root had been established not long ago, so Danzo needed manpower with potential urgently.

Hiruzen pondered for a moment, but in the end he agreed "okay, he accepted the bet."

'As Sarutobi said, with training the boy shouldn't be bad' observing Asahi Danzo started to plan a training for him, as if he had already won the bet

Meanwhile in the training ground, Fugaku began to regret his decision, Asahi's punches hurt a lot and over time he only became more aggressive.

Asahi, on the other hand, was focused on the battle, every chance he got, he exchanged a hit for a hit, suddenly Fugaku became more reserved, if he couldn't land a safe hit, then he wouldn't throw it.

'Do you want to change the rhythm? too late Fugaku '

In an earlier exchange, Asahi allowed Fugaku to hit him in the chest, in return he kicked him hard on the right knee, and now that action was paying off.

Every time Fugaku backed away or dodged to the right, his leg tended to show a slight limp.

Striking, I have forced Fugaku back to the right again.

'Now' taking advantage of Fugaku's brief slowness, he swung his leg across the ground, causing Fugaku to lose his balance as he fell to the ground.

Without wasting a moment, Fugaku jumped on top of him in surprise and pointed his fist at his face.


"I lost" Fugaku admitted with a bit of disbelief.

"It was a good fight, the best I've ever had" Stepping out of Fugaku, Asahi held out his hand.

"Thank you" Fugaku stood up and extended his hand to make the seal of reconciliation, Asahi could feel the change in Fugaku's attitude towards him.

'It seems that the Uchiha have to be defeated, respected, well, Sasuke is the best example.' While Asahi was having absurd thoughts, The Third Hokage laughed good-naturedly.

"Hahaha it seems that my friend i win" Danzo's face was a little darker than usual. "It seems the Uchiha are just that after all."

"I wouldn't say that Asahi-kun came up with a strategy that suited him, and it took young Fugaku a long time to realize that he was physically weaker than his opponent."

Giving Asahi one last look, Danzo turned and left.

Another person who had a smile on his face was Yuro the director. "Congratulations to both of you, I am very satisfied with his performance" listening to the director they both stood up. "So he announced that as of today, they are both true konoha shinobi."

Pulling out a pair of ninja ribbons, he handed one to each, holding the ribbon in his hand. Asahi smiled, after all that he had accomplished his first goal in this world, he graduated from the Academy and formally became a shinobi.