
Ninja System Within A New World

Hunters! 'Oh Shit! I'm in a new world' Cesaire shouted. On his birthday, he received a weird Anime Box as a present from his best friend. On his way home, he tried to escape from bad luck only for it to meet him face to face in his house. Cesaire met Kasha, the God Of Luck who reincarnated him to another world as a punishment for trying to escape his luck influence but not without sending the Anime Box to gift Cesaire a Ninja System. Cesaire now in the body of Jeremy Jr. Styles in a new world were people with superpowers exists. These people were called Hunters. They had the power to destroy mountains with a punch, call forth flames from the skies, transform into mythical creatures and move the world with their will. It was a whole new experience for Jae and he had decided. With the Ninja System(that doesnt seem like a Ninja System), he strived to be the best Hunter in existence. =====•=====

MahSammy · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Ch~Thirty>Nine: Shinobi And The Beasts.

Shocked, she tried to say something but Jae suddenly made a hand seal and said [Genjutsu Release] and she felt the view around her getting blurred. Everywhere kept blurring until her sight was fully recovered.

She realized she was still in the hole but something felt different within her. Jae was still squatting beside her but he was smiling.

"Although you fought very well, this is still an easy victory for me" Jae said.

Seeing that smile, her head suddenly started to hurt. She felt weak, not physically but mentally.

″Surprise! You were the first target of my new technique. [Genjutsu - Mind Tweaking Jutsu]″ Jae said as he started to walk away.

All the fight that had just happened, all the attacks and everything, were real but she didn't realize that Jae had casted a technique on her. It was an illusion technique. She didn't even know when he casted it.

Suddenly it dawned on her. Her Mana had been rapidly depleting and she didn't know about it. She just realized it after checking her Mana Pool. She discovered the battle between them did not take more than 10 minutes.

She didn't say anything else, she just clutched her head and accepted her defeat while feeling down. She had been in an illusion this whole time.

Mina was still Mina though. She quickly recovered her optimistic cheerfulness and disregarded her defeat. She quickly skipped towards Jae and started walking side by side with him.

"Jae, what kind of technique was that? When did you execute it?" Mina asked curiously.

"The technique I used was an illusion technique. It doesn't do any other thing except for causing your Mana to deplete faster" Jae replied while looking ahead.

"So that's it. No wonder I was lost quickly. But how come I didn't notice until the last moment?"

"That's because the illusion must operate without the knowledge of its target. I casted the technique before we started fighting. Although you didn't see, I was hiding it from you. If you had seen me in the process of executing that technique, you would have risen your guard and your mind would be more vigilant which would in turn render my technique useless against you"

"Ah! That's really impressive. It's true that I was not on my guard before we started the battle. But still, you only won by trickery methods! Admit it!" Mina said impressed but then refused to admit defeat after learning of the method Jae used to win against her.

"Fine! Fine! You win! I lose!" Jae just rolled his eyes at her and walked forward. He didn't care about who won or not. But he had to admit, Mina was quite strong.

"Yes! I won! Now let's go home. I'm exhausted" She said as she then silently walked beside him.

She didn't say a single thing throughout and Jae quietly appreciated that. The whole situation seems so peaceful.

However, this peace soon came to an end from a very loud roar.





″Oh Shit″ Jae exclaimed and quickly looked around. Seeing where he was, he was shocked. He didn't realize that he had almost entered the inner part of the forest when he went there to train. The inner part of the forest was where he met Mina.

The terrifying thing about the inner part of the forest was that it was home to many Bronze Rank Beasts. It seems like some of them had entered the sensing range of the gray orb inside Jae's body causing them to instantly feel the urge to rush over.

To the Beasts, Jae was like an extremely delicious food they can only eat once in their lifetime.

Jae was like an aphrodisiacal drug to make them disregard their consciousness and do unlawful things. Without any further ado, several more roars sounded and soon after, many types of Beasts from the First Level of Iron Rank to the Bronze Rank started rushing towards Jae's position.

″Run!!!!!″ Jae and Mina shouted simultaneously and started running. However, something strange happened. They have only ran a few steps before a huge shadow arrived in front of them.

Mina didn't even know what happened, she only felt like her body was grabbed and tossed out of the forest. A energy like burble then hit her body and swallowed her. Falling to the ground, the burble protecting her body bounced a few times before it stopped. It made a pop sound and then disappeared, leaving Mina unconscious.

Meanwhile, Jae stared at the massive creature in front of him. It had grabbed and tossed Mina away with none of them reacting to its speed. To make it worse, Jae is currently so weak and spent as a result of the battle with Mina.

He doesn't have the strength to do anything. He could only stared at the huge and long creature in front of his path. It had a black scaly skin with a length of ten meters and a diameter of one meter. It had yellow eyes with a black slit pupil and it's long slit tongue flared out of its mouth followed by an irritating hiss.

Jae noticed all the noise around him seemed to have died down in an instant. It must have been caused by the huge serpentine beast. Seeing as the beast hasn't taken action against it, Jae just decided to stay still. He kept his gaze firm on the black serpent to react to any possible attack. Even though it could be futile for any of his attempt to escape.

Jae's guess was that it was a high level bronze beast or probably a silver beast. Now the question is, why is a silver beast here and why isn't it attacking him yet. But that was good enough for Jae, maybe he could recover his chakra by some bits and try to escape.

Suddenly, Jae felt like something wasn't right. He could point out what it is exactly but he could feel himself getting more exhausted. His sight had been on the beast since it arrived in front of him and it hadn't done anything to attack, then why was he feeling so weak right now?

Taking a step back to catch himself from falling, Jae thought if it was an illusion attack from the beast but his mind still felt fine. He only feels physical exhaustion. As for why, he doesn't know.

His eyelids were getting heavier and heavier until…. *Bam!*

If a person had come to the scene, they would meet a huge serpentine creature crawling towards a sleeping young man on the floor. The next scene was horrifying to look at. Opening its mouth, it suddenly expanded in double of its original size and started swallowing Jae.

Making disgusting sounds, it completely swallowed Jae and soon slithered away from the area at an incredible flashing speed. As for Mina's condition, it was unknown but for the moment, Jae was gone!!!


Who missed me? 🤓

Aish, that was a stupid question. I don't even know if you're still reading this fic and most of you must be angry or don't care but I'm here now. I'm temporarily away from been phoneless. But this month is a breakthrough. I just want to say, I'm still writing and I'm not dropping this. Also, there's gonna be some changes soon. For that, I apologize in advance for those who are still reading or those who have yet to read it.
