
Ninja Recruitment System

After ending up being Naruto’s older brother and losing both parents at the event of Kyubi’s Rampage, Zhang Miao felt a lot of pressure. Fortunately, he has the Ninja Recruiting System! As long as you collect enough Ninja Fragments, you can recruit the corresponding ninja. Not only could you obtain the chakra reserve of the recruited ninja, but you can also get the recruited ninja’s ninjutsu or Bloodline Limit! So the question is, do you want Uchiha’s blood or the Ramen lover’s blood? Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/MiraiWorld

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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352 Chs

Visiting Fukuro

Facing Fukuro who was knocked out by Guy, Zhang Miao's reason told him that the wisest thing to do was to ignore Fukuro first and tell Guy to put on makeup so he could hide his identity from the villagers.

It had to be known that the recruited Guy has no Konoha ID. But with his ability to knock out a member of Anbu in an instant, he would be in a lot of trouble if someone ever found out.

Therefore, he had to disguise himself as an ordinary villager and hide, and then quietly leave the village after dawn so that he could avoid a lot of trouble.

When Fukuro woke up, Zhang Miao could also say that Guy came to kidnap him, but after fighting with Fukuro, he ran away in a hurry.

In this way, Zhang Miao would be able to completely remove himself from this incident. After all, very few people would doubt a child from this village.

However, Zhang Miao could not do such a thing.

Ever since Kakashi left, Fukuro had been taking care of him and Naruto for more than a month. When Zhang Miao refused to drink milk, Fukuro would use his own money to buy food such as steamed buns, rice balls, or meatballs for him.

Zhang Miao believed that he should repay Fukuro's kindness. Since he had been eating free food from Fukuro for the whole month, he couldn't do such a thing to him.

Moreover, Guy's kick was so powerful. If he injured Fukuro with that kick and did not send him to the hospital in time, Zhang Miao was afraid that he would feel guilty for the rest of his life.

Therefore, Zhang Miao decided to send Fukuro to the hospital.

Guy was recruited by Zhang Miao, so he naturally obeyed his orders completely. As soon as Zhang Miao finished his words, he immediately carried Fukuro to Konoha's hospital.

Looking at Guy's back, who was quickly disappearing from his sight, Zhang Miao suddenly let out a long sigh.

"Sigh... Looks like I have to do the chores all by myself."

After saying that, Zhang Miao shook his head and went back to his room to sleep.

As usual, when the first ray of sunlight shone into the room in the morning, Naruto started to cry.

"Waah.. waah.. waah.."

Hearing the crying sound of his brother, Zhang Miao quickly got up from the bed and walked to the kitchen while rubbing his eyes.

Fukuro had prepared the milk powder and the boiling water in advance, so Zhang Miao didn't really need to do much.

After a while, he prepared the milk, tested the temperature, and immediately fed it to Naruto. He also changed his diaper.

After doing this, Zhang Miao found a wide cloth to pick up Naruto, tied it to his neck, and carried him out.

When Zhang Miao opened the door, he found a person lying in front of the door. He was shocked, but when he saw the person clearly, he could not help but roll his eyes.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

The person lying there was none other than the Guy that he recruited last night!

Hearing Zhang Miao's words, he immediately sat up cross-legged and then yawned.

"Yawn.. Ah, Master. Are you already awake? I completed your order yesterday and sent that person to the hospital safely. But when I came back, since I didn't want to disturb your sleep, I ended up lying around here to take a rest.

Hearing Guy's words, Zhang Miao realized all the ninjas that he recruited would end up homeless since they had no place to live. If they didn't follow him, they had nowhere to go.

Thinking of this, Zhang Miao suddenly frowned and thought for a while before opening his mouth again.

"Well, let's go to the hospital to see how Fukuro is doing. We will talk about your matter later!"

"Yes, Master!"

Hearing the name "Master" again, Zhang Miao immediately frowned again.

"Don't call me Master anymore."

"Since I recruited you, you are my subordinate. In the future, call me "Boss"!"

For Guy, Zhang Miao's order was absolute, so as soon as Zhang Miao finished speaking, he immediately nodded.

"I understand, boss!"

Seeing that Guy was so sensible, Zhang Miao nodded with satisfaction.

"It's good that you understand. Let's go to the hospital first!"

After that, Zhang Miao put on his shoes and walked forward with Naruto in his arms. Seeing him leave, Guy quickly followed him.

Soon, the two arrived at Konoha Hospital. Just as Zhang Miao walked in with Naruto in his arms, a medical ninja greeted them.

"Is the baby sick?"

"No!" Hearing this, Zhang Miao quickly shook his head, "My brother is fine. I came to ask, how is the Anbu that was sent here last night? Is he up yet?"

Hearing Zhang Miao's words, the medical ninja also knew that he had misunderstood. He immediately laughed.

"Haha, so you came to see Mr. Fukuro. You are his brother, right? He has already woken up and is now preparing to leave. He is in the second ward on the left side of the second floor. Go up and greet him!"

"Yes, I understand. Thank you!"

After thanking the medical ninja, Zhang Miao carried Naruto up to the second floor. As soon as he went up, he heard a commotion coming from the room next to him.

"Get out of the way. I still have a very important task to carry out!"

"No, Mr. Fukuro. Your head has not recovered yet. You need to stay in the hospital for treatment. You can't go now!"

"Hurry up and get out of the way. I have to go!"


Hearing the commotion, Zhang Miao shook his head helplessly. Then, he walked directly to the door and knocked.

"Excuse me!"

After saying that, Zhang Miao opened the door and walked in. Then, he grinned at Fukuro.

"Fukuro, are you feeling better?"


Seeing the two individuals that he was assigned to protect, Fukuro was dumbfounded. But when he saw Guy standing behind Zhang Miao, he immediately opened his mouth again.

"You... you are..."

Looking at Fukuro's shocked and vigilant look, Zhang Miao sighed helplessly.

"This is actually a misunderstanding!"

At this point, Zhang Miao immediately winked at Guy behind him. Guy also knew that he had been reckless last night, so he immediately stepped forward and bowed 90 degrees to Fukuro.

"I'm sorry. Last night, I misunderstood you as an enemy. This is all my fault. I'm really sorry. Please forgive me!"

Fukuro, "..."

Looking at Guy, who was dressed like a Konoha Ninja, Fukuro couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

How big of a misunderstanding could cause a friendly fire between Konoha's ninjas and Anbu?

Although Fukuro was wearing a mask at this time, seeing that he did not speak, Zhang Miao could probably guess what he was thinking, so he began to explain to him again.

"This ist... Fukuro, in fact, he is not a Konoha ninja. He is... the guardian ninja of our Uzumaki Clan. He just found me yesterday, but you can rest assured that he has no malice against Konoha."


Looking at Fukuro, who continued to remain silent, Zhang Miao also found that his explanation was not credible at all, and it was full of loopholes.

Thinking of this, Zhang Miao suddenly let out a long sigh.

"Well, it seems that I have to tell him his true identity. In fact, he is Might Wuy, the half-brother of Konoha's eternal genin, Might Duy!"


Hearing Zhang Miao's explanation, everyone present was shocked.

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