
Ninja Recruitment System

After ending up being Naruto’s older brother and losing both parents at the event of Kyubi’s Rampage, Zhang Miao felt a lot of pressure. Fortunately, he has the Ninja Recruiting System! As long as you collect enough Ninja Fragments, you can recruit the corresponding ninja. Not only could you obtain the chakra reserve of the recruited ninja, but you can also get the recruited ninja’s ninjutsu or Bloodline Limit! So the question is, do you want Uchiha’s blood or the Ramen lover’s blood? Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/MiraiWorld

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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352 Chs

Poor Guy

In fact, no matter what industry he was in, as long as he could stand at the top of the industry, whether he could be famous or not, it was very simple to earn some money.

Zhang Miao's wood sculpting could be said to be at the top, at least at the top of Konoha, so he decided to take the best route!

The so-called best route was not only to sell the cheap ones, but also to sell the expensive ones!

But even if it were expensive, he had to target the appropriate customer, and Zhang Miao was planning to target the noble families in Konoha!

The so-called noble families were naturally the families that stood at the top of Konoha. Be it because of how much power they had, how much resources and land they had under their names, or just the large amount ninjas in their families.

Since they were ninjas, they could naturally earn money by carrying out missions. According to Konoha's standards, the reward for a D-rank mission was five hundred to five thousand, C-rank was five thousand to fifty thousand, B-rank was fifty thousand to five hundred thousand, A-rank was five hundred thousand to one million, and S-rank missions were generally more than one million ryos.

Zhang Miao calculated it according to the average reward earned by Jonins, so after thinking for a few minutes, he made a decision.

"The Sculpture of the Hokage will be 300.000 ryos, the Legendary Sannin and the advisors will be 200.000 ryos, and the rest will be 100.000 ryos!"

This price seemed to be really expensive for many people, but it was nothing for the members of the noble families.

Zhang Miao still remembered that before, in order to redeem his embarrassed photo, Fugaku had taken out 200.000 ryos, which showed that this amount money was nothing to Fugaku.

From this, Zhang Miao concluded that the other famous families in Konoha were naturally not far off.

Most importantly, Zhang Miao had confidence in his sculptures!

And the truth was just as Zhang Miao had expected, as soon as he showcased his Sculptures, it immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Wow, who is this? It seems to be the First Hokage!"

"Of course it is, did you not see the words below? Senju Hashirama - Deep Forest Emergence!"

"Oh, it is indeed. Boy, how much is the First Hokage Sculpture?"

Hearing someone asking for the price, Zhang Miao immediately grinned.

"Hehe, Uncle has a good eyesight. With one glance, he took a fancy to the most valuable wood carving in this stall. I originally planned to sell this for 500.000, but today, to celebrate the opening of my business, it's only 300.000!"

"Wow... 300.000 ryos?"

Hearing this price, many people present revealed shocked expressions. The big man who asked for the price couldn't help but curse.

"Little brat, are you crazy? A mere wooden Sculpture is 300,000 ryos? Do you know how 300,000 ryos look like? At most, I'll give you 1,000!"

"Huh? You want to buy a handmade Hokage Sculpture for 1,000? It seems that it is not me who is crazy, but you who are crazy!"

At this point, Zhang Miao could not help but laugh and waved at the other party.

"I don't want to talk to you anymore. Hurry up and leave. Don't hinder me from doing business. You poor bastard!"

"Damn... You dare to scold me?" Hearing Zhang Miao scolding him, the big man suddenly widened his eyes, and then grabbed Zhang Miao's clothes. "Brat, do you want to die?"

"Hmm?" After being grabbed by the collar, Zhang Miao immediately frowned, "I'll give you three seconds to let me go now, otherwise don't blame me!"

"Hahahaha!" Hearing Zhang Miao's words, the big man immediately laughed wildly. "Brat, you want to threaten me? I'm telling you, I'm not..."

Before he could say the word "afraid", Zhang Miao stepped on his toes. Then, when he could not help but bend over in pain, he turned around and kicked him across the street.


When the big man landed, he smashed the signboard of the shop opposite the door.

Such a big commotion naturally attracted the Police Force, who was in charge of public security.

After the polices arrived, the team leader frowned when he saw Zhang Miao's stall.

"Who told you to set up a stall here? Come with us to the Police HQ!"

Hearing this ninja's words, Zhang Miao suddenly grinned, and then calmly took out a photo from his bosom and handed it over.

"This is my business permit, it is specially approved by the Third Hokage and your leader!"

"Huh? Business permit?"

Hearing Zhang Miao's words, the ninja in the lead suddenly frowned, and then he took Zhang Miao's photo from his hand and looked at it, his face suddenly revealed a surprised expression.

"It really is the chief!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the other guards who were looking over nodded.

"That's right, it's the chief and the Hokage!"

"This is the chief's home, and I know vase behind him!"

"That's right, that's right, this photo is real!"

After they confirmed it, the police team leader immediately returned the photo to Zhang Miao, and his expression softened a lot.

"Since it was approved by Hokage-sama and the chief, then there is no problem with setting up a stall. So, what happened here just now?"

"It's like this, I was selling wood carvings here just now, but..."

At this point, Zhang Miao immediately pointed at the big man who he had just beaten down. Then he sneered, "That poor guy can't afford my wood carving, and he even made trouble for me, affecting my business. I felt that a person like this should be educated, so I beat him up."

"So that's how it is!" Hearing Zhang Miao's words, the leader immediately nodded, "You are right, such a poor guy should be taught a lesson!"

Hearing the officer's words, the surrounding villagers immediately looked at each other.

"This red-haired boy is probably not simple. This time, that guy is going to be unlucky!"

Thinking of this, everyone immediately looked at the big man who had just been knocked down by Zhang Miao.

And the result was just as they expected. The next moment, the police standing next to Zhang Miao waved his hand.

"Bring the that poor guy to the HQ!"

When it came to the word "poor", he even emphasized his tone. Hearing his words, several members of force laughed and went to grab the big man.

In the face of the "Fierce" Konoha Military Police Force, the big man naturally did not dare to resist. After being grabbed by the collar, he obediently lowered his head.

At this time, the leader nodded with satisfaction and then looked at Zhang Miao.

"Then I will take this person away. By the way, your name is Ryunosuke, right? My name is Uchiha Ryuichi, and I am the captain of the team in charge of this area. In the future, just look for me if you need anything!"

Ryuichi's sudden change in attitude was not just because of Zhang Miao's photo, but because he remembered that Fugaku had once told him that if he met a child with red hair named Uzumaki Ryunosuke in the future, he had to take care of him as much as possible.

He had forgotten about it before, but now that he saw a red-haired Zhang Miao and the photo he took out, he suddenly remembered, which was why there was an extra scene.

Zhang Miao was not stupid. After hearing Ryuichi's words, he knew that it should be Fugaku's doing. He immediately nodded.

"No problem, right, Captain Ryuichi, look at my stall, there is also some Uchiha Sculptures. Do you want to take care of my business?"

"Do you have the carving of an Uchiha?"

Hearing Zhang Miao's words, several members of Force suddenly looked over curiously.

The Uchiha had been rejected by the villagers for a long time. They just didn't say anything in front of them, and they didn't know how they had been gossiping them behind their backs. They knew this, so they naturally didn't have much hope for people other than the Uchiha clan members.

But now they heard that the Zhang Miao sold some Uchiha Sculptures, they were suddenly interested.

"Let me see one... Oh, there it is!"

A member of the force quickly found his target and immediately picked it up excitedly. He read out the small words at the bottom of the wooden sculpture, "Uchiha - Death Mirage Jutsu"

At this point, he happily placed the wooden sculpture on his face and then asked the members of the garrison forces around him.

"Then does this look like me?"

Hearing his words, the members of the force around Itachi immediately laughed.

"Haha, you brat, you haven't even opened your Sharingan, how can you be like that? If you asked me, it should look like Captain Ryuichi, right?"

"That's right!"


Seeing everyone laughing heartily, Ryuichi nodded with a smile.

"Haha, it does look like me. Ryunosuke, how much is this wooden carving? I'll buy it!"

Time for business!

Hearing his words, Zhang Miao immediately laughed.

"Hehe, I initially sell it for 150,000, but today is the first day of my business. You get 60% off! Take it for 100,000!"


Hearing Zhang Miao's price, Ryuichi was stunned at first, but he quickly remembered what happened just now, so he nodded decisively.

"Oh, very cheap! We Uchihas are not some poor people who can't afford it and make trouble, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, several members of Force began to discuss among themselves.

"That's right, a hundred thousand is just a small amount of money!"

"This price is very fair. Only the poor can not afford it. I will also buy one!"

"That's right, I will also buy one. Take my money!"

"Me three!"

Under Ryuichi's lead, the five members of his team who bought a Uchiha wooden Sculpture, and then left with the big man who was beaten by Zhang Miao.

As they walked, they were scolding the big man for being poor. Zhang Miao knew that their shopping experience was very pleasant.

As for Zhang Miao himself, he was even happier. He sold 6 Sculptures just now, earning him 600.000 ryos, which was enough for a month's worth of barbecue!

At this time, a calm voice suddenly reached his ears.

"Kid, how much is this 'Hyuga - Eight Trigrams 64 Palms'?"

Hearing this voice, Zhang Miao looked up, and when he saw the other person's eyes, he immediately grinned.

"Hehe, usually, I sell them for 150,000, but today, to commemorate the opening of my business. The price is 60% off, you can take it for 100,000!"


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