
Ninja Recruitment System

After ending up being Naruto’s older brother and losing both parents at the event of Kyubi’s Rampage, Zhang Miao felt a lot of pressure. Fortunately, he has the Ninja Recruiting System! As long as you collect enough Ninja Fragments, you can recruit the corresponding ninja. Not only could you obtain the chakra reserve of the recruited ninja, but you can also get the recruited ninja’s ninjutsu or Bloodline Limit! So the question is, do you want Uchiha’s blood or the Ramen lover’s blood? Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/MiraiWorld

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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354 Chs

Do You Want to Dance?

Zhang Miao found that this Summoning Beast was really a magical creature. Not to mention anything else, just its brain was so magical that no one could compare to it!

"You actually recognized Madara as your father. Why aren't you choosing the Sage instead? "

Thinking of this, Zhang Miao showed an amused expression

"No... Kougi, how did you know that Madara is your... Cough cough... your father? And when did you know that you have the Uchiha bloodline?"

Hearing Zhang Miao's question, Kougi immediately raised his head slowly, and a trace of memories flashed through his black, round eyes.

"When my mother died, there was only a red moon in the sky. She pointed to the moon in the sky and said," child, your father... your father... "

"And then?"

"No more!"

Zhang Miao: "..."

"Damn it, is that all?"

Just as Zhang Miao wanted to kick him out with a powerful kick, a trace of melancholy flashed in Kougi's eyes. "Since then, I understood the fact that I am an Uchiha dog..."

"Wait!" Hearing this, Zhang Miao quickly raised his hand and interrupted it. "Tell me clearly, how did you understand this fact?"

Zhang Miao dared to swear. Before, he had never heard even a word of "Uchiha" from Kougi's mouth, so he could not understand how Kougi connected himself to the Uchiha.

Facing Zhang Miao's confusion, Kougi rolled his eyes at him unhappily.

"Didn't I just say it?" My mother pointed to the red moon in the sky and said that it was my father. Isn't the red moon equals to the Sharingan? Doesn't this mean that my father is from the Uchiha clan? This is common sense, okay? "

Zhang Miao: "... "

"F*ck, what kind of common sense is that? I have never heard of it!"

And even if your ancestors came from the moon, the ones living on it were the descendants of the Otsutsuki clan, okay? What did it have to do with the Uchiha?

However, in order to prevent Kougi from dragging his ancestry into the Otsutsuki clan, Zhang Miao could only twitch his mouth and nod against his thoughts.

"Well, your understanding is right. Now that you have awakened the Sharingan, it is the best proof. Then, how do you know that Madara is your father? Don't tell me you also saw him on the moon?"

"Master, you are so annoying. It is still early in the day!"

As soon as Zhang Miao finished speaking, Kougi rolled his eyes at him, "I accidentally heard from the elders of the Uchiha clan, and the matter is like this..."

Then, Kougi told Zhang Miao everything that he had just heard outside the shrine. After listening to his narration, Zhang Miao suddenly showed an amused face again.

"F*ck, they are talking about the mastermind who controlled the Kyubi to attack Konoha. They don't want others to know about it because they are afraid of attracting more suspicion and trouble. But as a result, this dog.... Forget it, since he has already misunderstood, let the misunderstanding continue!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Miao raised his eyebrows at Kougi.

"Well... Since you already know who your father is, what are you going to do?"

"I am going to find him. Although he has done a lot of wrong things, he is still my father. I am going to find him and persuade him to change his mind!"

As soon as Zhang Miao's voice fell, a hint of determination flashed through Kougi's eyes.

"If this world still can't accommodate him, then I will take him back to the Spirit World. I have a warm nest. Although it is a little narrow, it will fit both of us. I believe he will definitely like it!"

Zhang Miao: ".. "

"Damn, is this about the saying 'Dog squeezes itself into a narrow nest'? Do you think Madara is the same as you?"

Looking at Kougi's longing expression, Zhang Miao could not help but twitch the corners of his mouth again.

"You're a strange one.."

"You have a kind heart, but when are you going to go find... your father?"

"I will not waste any time. I'll do it now. Goodbye, Master!"

After saying that, Kougi turned around and ran away. When he went out, he even picked a small red wildflower from the yard and held it in his mouth. As he ran, he sang.

"Oh, my little cutie... Oh, the crown is for you... Oh, do you want to... Oh, there seems to be someone here... This little lower is for you... Daddy Kougi is here to find you..."

Zhang Miao: "... "

"Damn, will this guy come back alive?"

Just as Zhang Miao thought of this, Kougi, who had already run far away, suddenly ran back.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Miao was immediately stunned.

"Uh... Kougi, why are you back again? Have you changed your mind and decided not to look for your father?"

"No, I want to find my father!" Hearing Zhang Miao's words, Kougi immediately shook his head, "It's just that I don't know what my father looks like. Master, do you know what he looks like?"

Hearing Kougi's words, Zhang Miao breathed a sigh of relief, then nodded, "I know. Look carefully, transform!"

With that, Zhang Miao made a hand seal, and then with a "poof" sound, a burst of white smoke enveloped him. After the white smoke dissipated, a man with black hair in dark red Ninja armor appeared in his place.

It was Madara!

Madara was very handsome, but his eyes were very sharp. After showing his figure, he looked down at Kougi with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

"Do you want to dance too?"

Kougi: "( ⊙ ⊙)..."

Looking at Zhang Miao, who transformed into Madara, Kougi opened his eyes wide and stared at him, but as he looked, two lines of tears flowed out of his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Miao immediately released his transformation and then revealed an amused face.

"Hey, Fat Dog, are you scared to tears? I admit that Uchiha Madara is quite scary, but it is not enough to scare you to tears, right?"

"No!" Hearing Zhang Miao's words, Kougi immediately shook his furry dog head, "I am not afraid, but happy. After growing up, I finally know what my father looks like!"

At this point, Kougi took out a mirror from his vest and carefully looked at his dog face. Then he looked up at Zhang Miao.

"Master, do you think I look like my father?"

Zhang Miao: "..."

"Damn, Madara must have one hell of a dog face!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Miao immediately covered his face with his hand and nodded against his inner thoughts.

"Well, I think it's quite similar. If you want to find your father, hurry up and go. By the way, you can go to search the Land of Water first. Maybe you can get news of him. Go!"

"Okay, thank you, Master. I'm leaving. Goodbye!" Hearing Zhang Miao's words, Kougi nodded happily and turned to run.

However, he suddenly stopped halfway and turned to look at Zhang Miao, his eyes were cold.

"Master, do you want to dance too?"

Zhang Miao: "..."

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