
Make Your Choice: Part 2

"I'm so bored" Naruto groaned!

"It's only been twenty minutes" Sasuke groaned.

"Well, it feels like hours" Naruto complained.

"You never were the patient type were you Naruto" Sasuke smirked "I can't imagine how you manged to stay still long enough to learn Sage Mode."

"It mostly involved having a tiny frog hit me with a stick anytime I messed up" Naruto emotionless replied while staring up at the ceiling."

Sasuke didn't have any response to that and just laid there relaxing and trying to infuse as much chakra as he could in his injured state in case of emergencies.

"Hey, Sasuke" Naruto eventually spoke.

"What is it this time" Sasuke spoke without opening his eyes?

". . . So, are you still evil or what" Naruto asked him"

Sasuke opened his eyes and also stared up at the blank white ceiling "blunt as always I see."

"Well" Naruto looked at him expectantly.

Sasuke sighed "You managed to convinced me Naruto, I'll give the world another chance. It just might be possible for people to truly understand each other and to move past our hatred. However . . . if your methods fails and the cycle of hatred continues then I will go back to my original plan."

Naruto shrugged "I guess that's an improvement."

The cell then sank back into it's semi uncomfortable silence but, that didn't last too long as Naruto spoke up once again.

"Hey, Sasuke I forgot there's one more thing I want to tell you."

"Can you give it a rest already Naruto! I swear it's like you don't even know how to be quiet."

"This is actually really important thought" Naruto grinned.

"Fine, just hurry up all your talking isn't exactly helping me heal any faster."

"Ok" Naruto took a deep breath trying to calm his nerves, he was about to say something he had wanted to say all his life. "Sasuke I'm stronger than you."

"Bullshit, you are" Sasuke shot up giving Naruto a death glare!

"It's true though" Naruto looked at Sasuke smugly with his arms crossed."When we were fighting you absorbed absorbed all the Tailed Beasts Chakra into your Susano'o, and I was able to match your strongest attack while you were like that. I can use those giant Rasenshuriken again in the future but, can you use that lightning arrow?"

"NO, that doesn't count that's not your own strength that's the Sage of Six Paths and the Nine Tails power. If it was just you without any outside help I would wreck you."

"First" Naruto responded "I think Kurama's strength should count as my own since he has been with me since the day I was born, not to mention all the work I had to do to actually be able to control his power. And second if I can't use Kurama then you can't use your eyes either! I could sense it when we where fighting, those aren't your original eyes are they they're Itachi's!

"Tch, whatever" Sasuke scoffed unable to find a way to refute his arguments.

"It looks like you two are having fun" a voice rang out from one of the hidden speakers in the cell.

Naruto and Sasuke were startled and immediately went alert. At the far end of the metal room outside their cell they saw a door open and two people walk in.

The first person was a bald dark skinned man with a black leather jacket and an eye patch, while the second was a woman with scarlet red hair and black skin tight body suit.

"Who are you" Sasuke asked narrowing his eyes?

"I don't really think you're in a position to be asking any questions " Fury walked up and placed his hands on his hips.

"Why did you lock us up" Naruto asked? "You do know we saved the world right? Not to mention every single one of the five villages will be looking for us. I just can't see this ending well for you."

"Oh, some kind of hero's are you" Fury raised his eyebrow?

"Yep" Naruto puffed out his chest in pride "Your looking at Naruto Uzamaki the Hero of the Hidden Leaf I'm famous."

"That's quite the title you have there Mister Fishcake" Blackwidow came up from behind Fury.

"Damn it, it's maelstrom not fishcake" Naruto cursed while Sasuke stifled his laughter.

"Really, could have fooled me Naruto" Sasuke mocked him "with all the ramen you eat I'm pretty sure everyone in the village thinks it's fishcake."

"Ahh" Naruto screamed in frustration!

"For a couple of people who are locked in a cell and were inches from death when we found you, your both pretty relaxed aren't you" Fury asked them?

"This kind of situation isn't exactly new to us" Sasuke shrugged.

"Not to mention we could probably escape when ever we want" Naruto added.

"Oh" Fury smiled "I wouldn't be too sure of that."

The two were about to respond when the ground beneath them started shaking and the metal floor under the cell slowly receded revealing the blue ocean miles beneath them."

"Oh that's, not good" Naruto look down in a daze.

"For once dobe, I agree with you" Sasuke frowned.