
Ningen no hifu no akuma (demon in human skin)

BiazarKaiser · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Oscar Orcus: His Last Wish

"Hey Yue! Come here, I got something for you guys!"

Shortly after calling for the young vampire, who's still older than Hajime, Yue came scurrying from the room they shacked up in, probably was fucking the murderous teen as she was a bit bow legged, and stopped before me. She took a moment to look me over and gave an approving nod with a thumbs up. Earning a chuckle from Hōhei and Relic as Medusa perched on Relic's Akuma's shoulder with a padded section hidden in it, watching Yue.

Putting a hand into one of his new coat pockets, making it seem like he was pulling out two devices, when really he was being given them by Bemo. Taking out the two devices that fit snugly into a person's ear and handing them to Yue. Earning a confused look from her as she poked them, wondering what they were exactly, Hōhei explained what they were after watching for a bit with a chuckle.

"Those are communication devices. Just put one in your ear and press on it, then speak. It'll use the telepathy skill I inscribed into it to transmit your voice to me. Give the other one to Hajime, or one of his newer wives in the future, and call me when you're about to enter any of the great dungeons. Or just need my help searching for something as well, I can do a lot with my monsters, okay?"

"N, what's your plans?"

"Well, I think it's best I lead a fight from the front against Ehit. As that false god honestly can't be trusted, so I'm going to be an obvious pain in the ass. So that you can both travel safely plus, if I'll fight an open war I need allies, so I have to hurry to save one. After all, time and fate have changed, so time to cause another ripple. See you soon, Yue, and have fun! Ya cougar."

With a grin, Hōhei left the dungeon with everything of his, leaving behind a confused Yue on what he meant on the last bit. After heading to the exit point, Oscar left Akuma and his monsters were outside the Great Dungeon once more. Once outside, Akuma got onto Relic's back as Medusa took to the nighttime skies. "QUICKLY TO THE CASTLE! WE NEED TO SECURE MELD BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!" Is all that echoed into the night. As a youth, a wolf, a parasite, and a bird rushed off back towards Heiligh Kingdom to secure an ally.

『Two Hours later』

Having sprinted for a good while, Relic was slightly winded, but they had entered the kingdom. Not without some alerting of monsters or bandits, but those didn't matter right now. So, with a loving stroke along her neck, Hōhei let the old girl take a break in the Taming Library as he proceeded to head towards the castle. Medusa circled above in the sky as she shared her findings with Hōhei through a sub skill of the tamer skill.

He calmly and confidently walked towards the castle as he buried any living knight up to their head, and destroyed any knight reeking of death. Every knight who did silent disappeared as the ground transmuted and swallowed them whole with razor sharp spikes spinning. Hōhei as he approached the castle, looked at it with a lifeless look as he focused on what must be done. When he finally entered it after creating a hole through transmutation, he pulled his revolver from its holster as he carried his umbrella on his shoulder.

Once inside, Medusa decided to land beside him and quietly returned to his book. As Moonlight came out and melded into the darkness, becoming his assassin. They quietly made their way through the castle, which housed so many people, yet it was so lifeless. Moonlight occasionally ending an undead as Hōhei hid them forever between the walls, inside the ceiling, or beneath the floor. Eventually, the two had found their target. He was fighting with a group of undead knights and the former Vice-Captian, Jose, who had become an undead, strange as no one came to investigate the noise.

As a woman, posing as a nun, stood behind all the knights and stared at Meld and spoke as if answering something.

"Your death is what God wants, so die for Ehit-sama."

As she prepared to cut him down with a forming gray sword of light, a bullet of compressed water hit the woman in the side of the head, suddenly causing a section of flesh and blood to erupt. Hōhei held the umbrella up as he advanced, firing randomized elemental bullets from his revolver at the fake nun. Moonlight killed the undead knights around Meld with slight difficulties before pulling him off towards Hōhei.

"Filthy angel Noint I see you're still kicking, huh? After Oscar Orcus, Miledi Reisen, and Naiz Gruen Caliente were kicking your ass and Ehit had you retreat. So, here to help the necromancer girl, eh? Puppet?"

After Meld had been dragged behind him, unwillingly but tiredly, he slowly got ready to transmute his way out. As Noint removed her ruined nun headdress, glaring at Hōhei with a sneer. Scoffing at him as if he were but an insect, she summoned her weapons, pointing one towards him.

"One of the unruly pieces on Ehit's board has appeared once more. You even have taken on Oscar Orcus's appearance, but that eye is a literal monster. Disgusting human, you and that knight captain shall be killed for Ehit!"

With a swing of her sword, a gray flame surged towards Hōhei. Opening the umbrella quickly, he blocked it while transmuting an escape route. Turning towards Meld as the flames disappeared, he shouted while Moonlight threw the Human knight onto his back and began running.

"Sorry, but no time to talk, we must escape now! So do your best to hold on and don't let that fire touch you!"

Meld looked at Hōhei , showing a shocked expression, seeing one of the students who should be dead, very much alive and saving his life. But his surprise didn't last long, as a second round of the gray flames came once more as Noint rushed forward. He reluctantly got onto the back of the panther monster as they started making a destructive exit with transmutation.

As they escaped, Meld would block the swords of Noint with his own sword, while Hōhei weakened the blows using the surroundings through transmutation. Their destructive path continued on until the castle wall, where Hōhei gave Meld a rebreather like mask. Without waiting they suddenly dove into the shadows of the night, gray flames disintegrating their last position. They had escaped, leaving behind a bemused Noint with a scowl, and troublesome work, as she was one who would have to put up an act to explain the destruction and dead knights.

Elsewhere, outside the kingdom, the three reemerged from the shadows. Meld flew out with his battered armor clanging with his body hitting the ground. While Hōhei tumbled out followed by Moonlight that had one less leg after their escape. Seeing this Hōhei got up and walked towards Moonlight before hoisting the tired monster onto his right shoulder. Meld got up off ground looking at him as he took out the rebreather from his mouth. After it was shoved in while traveling through the shadow plains.

Seeing the current situation he grimaced a bit as he saw the situation. A young man trying to distract a monster from a feeling all soldiers will experience during their service, if not they're lucky. Even though now isn't the right time to ask, Meld did so anyway. Because the knight had experienced a lot in a quick time frame tonight. He needed answers.

"Thank you Hōhei-san for your help in getting me out of that situation. But, I must know how are you alive? Why did you suddenly appear now? What happened to my men? How did you know I was in trouble? How did you know that woman?"

His voice carried his frustration, rage, and helplessness as he spoke. He wanted answers so badly about everything. His was body trembling as he stared at the only one who may know what is going on currently. Met with his gaze Éternelle slowly slithered from the teens eye socket and curled around his head staring at Meld. Hōhei looked at Meld with an apologetic smile before speaking.

"Well me and Hajime cleared the dungeon... While he was out of commission for a bit I learnt many things. So I knew who that was because the man who fought her and her god died hoping for a successor. Your men were already dead, brought back to life by a traitor in the class. How did I know you were in danger? You wouldn't believe me so I'll just say intuition. Now… allow me to formally reintroduce myself.... I am Hōhei Akuma, the new leader of the Liberators, who once fought against the mad god Ehit, and I'm asking you to join me Meld Loggins."

Meld sucked in the cold night air before gritting his teeth as he looked at Hōhei. His fist clenched tightly as he trembled, one fist slowly raising up and stretching out towards Hōhei as it unfurled. Meld offered his hand as he spoke once more in a tired but vengeful tone.

"Tell me everything you know, please I want to know if I shall decide my course of action, and then we shall see Hōhei-san."

With a small chuckle Hōhei gripped Meld's hand and shook it as he spoke.

"Sure thing Meld, hope you're ready though because, all who know the truth must die is how Ehit works. So are you sure?"

"They've already tried once, let them try again."

"Very well, Meld. Let's get moving shall we? We need a place to hide after all."

Saying so he took his hand back and started carrying Moonlight off. Asking seemingly the air to most if the Taming Library could heal the monster's missing leg. Meld followed behind silently as he contemplated the current events. The two had a long walk through the night and dawn as Éternelle comforted Moonlight. In order to distract him from the loss of his back right leg.

The group had completely left the castle in an uproar upon their escape, the two becoming wanted by the kingdom. While it would upset Meld he'd resolve himself to bring the truth to light. Hōhei however just couldn't care about that. It was a good thing Hōhei doesn't know what Kouki said though. Otherwise, everyone would watch him be slapped to death.

『Later that same day inside the Reisen Gorge』

Hōhei and Meld were sitting around a smooth table made of stone, while sitting in some stone chairs with cushioning. They talked about their next move after Hōhei explained everything he could to Meld. Meld was understandably angered and upset, but didn't let that make him reckless. He joined Hōhei as a Liberator since he recognized this plot was bigger than he had thought.

Hōhei checked his status when he felt it change. Only to shrug at the very minor change on it, he's a year older so what? Wait a year? Last he checked his stuff had only recently been updated to eighteen.


『Status Plate

Name: Akuma Hōhei

Age: 19 Years Old

Gender: Male

Level: 90

Class: Transmutation Artist (Synergist), Tamer, Summoner

Strength: 4600

Vitality: 20000

Resistance: ????

Agility: 4000

Magic: ??????

Magic Resistance: 280000

Skills: transmutation, Taming, Summoning, Language Comprehension, Iron Stomach, Mana Manipulation, Colony, Silence, Thick Skin, Blend In, Necromancy, Hardened Bones, Blood Control, Demonic Poison, Herculean Strength, Mind Release, Limit Break, Decreased Magic Consumption, Mana Discharge, Mana Compression, Remote Manipulation, Lightning Field, Lightning Resistance, Increased Output, Air Dance/Air Walk, Aerodynamic/Aerodynamics, Supersonic Step/Flash Step/Quick Step, Steel Legs, Riftwalk, Gale Claw, Spirit Claw, Triple Gale Claws, Flying Gale Claws, Night Vision, Presence Perception, Hide Presence, Petrification Resistance, Poison Resistance, Paralysis Resistance, Varja, Magic Penetration, Coercion, Telepathic Communication, White Magic, Hell Flame, Sylphs Wrath, Void, Multi-Casting, Parallel Personalities, Hydra Regeneration, Hydra Mutation, Magic Gates, Magic Recovery extreme, Undying Regeneration』

The sudden update hadn't shocked him much but that would explain something else. His magic felt more refined suddenly as if it had matured as well. That was a probability as some fictions had magic maturity or magic growth at certain ages. So what says this world didn't have that as well? Shrugging he continued on with his talk with Meld while Éternelle slept inside of his eye socket like usual.