
Behind the scenes


There were two people talking to each other, one was Ilias, while the other was a child with golden long hair and a blue ribbon on top of her head, she wore a blue pair outfit with a white apron and had red eyes, she was holding a teddy bear, her name is Black Alice.

Black Alice: Teehee… A wonderful party has started at last. Has the time for re-creation finally come, Ilias?

Ilias: Yes… I grieve as the humans faith has been shaken so. These humans who fail to revere their Goddess must be defective… If that boy was to show me his faith, I was going to reconsider… But it seems as though I'll need to perform the re-creation as I originally planned.

Black Alice: If you're remaking the world, then the current humans aren't needed, right? Can we play with them like you promised…?

Ilias: Yes, do as you please. These humans are the first failure I created, after all. But your role is…

Black Alice interrupted her.

Black Alice: I know, Ilias. To retain the necessary dark magic to keep the world in motion, you're managing us monsters. Teehee… It's difficult keeping the raw amounts of holy and dark magic in balance in the world, isn't it? Because of that, you can't exterminate those monsters you hate so much…

Ilias put an hand on her chin and stroked it, but she stood silent.

Black Alice: Oh, excuse me if I offended you. Even a Goddess like you can't change the laws of the universe… If word got out to the humans, their faith would diminish.

Ilias: I don't want to hear such impudent talk from one I rescued 500 years ago. Don't forget that you are easily replaceable.

Black Alice: Teehee… I'll be careful, Ilias.

Ilias: Then let us begin the re-creation. The next generation of "Humans" is almost complete, too.

Black Alice: We're all ready to eat up the current humans. We've collected plenty of pure monsters…. And the new generation of monsters, too.

Ilias: Now, the preparations are finished. Let's build a more peaceful world, brimming with faith…


In a tool shop, there stood Vanilla and Gob were talking to each other, with Vanilla giving food at Gob.

Vanilla: Here's your lunch… B...But I didn't make one just for you, Gob!

Gob: Aww, don't go all lovey dovey on me…

She took the lunch box and thanked Vanilla, she will be traveling far in the next week before returning back to Iliasburg.

Vanilla: We should all go play somewhere sometime… The four of us haven't been together too much recently… Teeny and Papi miss you too..

Gob: Next time… Sorry, but work has been really busy lately! See you later!

With that cheerful goodbye, Gob ran off, leaving the vampire girl alone.


A Goblin Girl passed there…

Gob: Zooom!

[Near a forest]

Gob: Zooom!

[In a forest]

Gob: Zazoom!

[Boat to Sentora]

Gob: ….

Old Man: Do you not like boat, little Miss?


Gob: Zazoom!

[Noah Region]

Gob: Zazazaooom!

[Near Yamatai Village]

The Goblin stopped for a moment and sat down in the shade of a tree and opened her lunch box.

Gob: ...I should take a little break.

Nearby, the same Nekomata that Marco saw came near her.

Nekomata: Nya.

Gob: Oh, you came! Don't worry, I've got your share too.

She took out fish from her lunch and gave it to the cat monster.

Gob: ...Here, it's some fish.

Nekomata: Nyaa.

She really liked it and started to eat it, some moments later, chills ran down their spines.

Gob: I feel kinda jittery for some reason…

Nekomata: Nyaaa…

They felt something evil that they have never felt before, Gob already saw the 4th Gate of Marco, but this was pure evil, not berserk-like evil. As the two of them look at each other, a scream rang out from Yamatai Village.

Gob: L… Let's check it out!

Nekomata: Nya!

Shoving the rest of her lunch into her mouth, Gob jump up and started running to the source of the noise.

[Meanwhile, at San Ilia]

The King of San Ilia, who looked like a pope, was telling stories to some fairies with an amused smile on his face.

San Ilia King: Thus, the Prince and Princess lived happily ever after.

Fairy 1: Yaaaay! Now this picture book over here!

Fairy 2: No! It's my turn to pick! I want "The Adventures of Heinrich the Hero"!

San Ilia King: Now now, let's not fight…. Hm?

Hurried footsteps approached the royal chamber, and without knocking, a soldier bursted open the door and staggered in.

Soldier: F...Forgive me your Majesty, it's an emergency! A large group of monsters has suddenly appeared near the castle!

San Ilia King: A monster invasion…? Dispatch the Knights right away. There will be no harm coming to my citizens. What type of monster it is?

Soldier: Unknown, except that they are insect-like. According to reports, they do not appear in the 1000 Monsters catalog…

San Ilia King: A type of monster that does not exist in the catalog…? Anyway, immediately-

Fairy 1: Ah… That thing's allies…

She interrupted the king with a mutter while trembling.

San Ilia King: Hmm? Do you know something…?

Soldier: No, I have no clue.

Since the soldier has much faith on Ilias, he can't see the fairies.

Fairy 1: There was a monster who was attacking all our friends in the forest, eating us… But Big Brother got her. The smell right now is really similar…

[Meanwhile, at Sabasa Kingdom]

The leader of the Knights started talking to his king.

Grandmaster Knight: Your Majesty, dire news! It is urgent, so I came directly in lieu of a messenger!

Sabasa King: ...What is it?

Grandmaster Knight: A large group of monsters is heading south from our northern checkpoint! Their course is direct towards Sabasa Castle!

Sabasa King: A large group of monsters? What is their number and type?

Grandmaster Knight: The messenger will fill you in on those details. He saw them with his own eyes.

The messenger stepped in and said.

Messenger: Sir! I will answer your question! The enemy size is equivalent to one battalion! More than ten gigantic monsters have been confirmed! Big as trees!

Sabasa King: What…!?

A battalion was at least 1000, so he got surprised from it.

Sabasa King: Thank you for the report… But!

The king suddenly pulled out his sword and slashed the messenger, impaling him through the chest.

Messenger: Ahg… Guhaa!

The Grandmaster Knight was surprised and asked with worry.

Grandmaster Knight: Y… Your Majesty!? What are you-

Sabasa King: ...Who the hell are you?

Messenger: .... *Female voice* Ehhh… Already found out?

Black darkness bubbled around the messenger, radiating out from where the King's sword cut, soon revealing in a cloak-clad woman.

She was wearing a nun's clothes, revealing only her boobs and her belly button, she had long pink hair and red eyes, with a pair of bat wings instead of ears and had large bat wings under her arms, while still having her hands and five fingers.

The Grandmaster Knight was shocked and pulled his sword out.

Grandmaster Knight: V...Vampire!?

However, he was unable to move, the oppressive feeling radiating off the Vampire was far more overpowering than any monster he has felt before.

Carmilla: Heeey… How did you find me out? I thought I totally disguised myself…

Sabasa King: No matter how well you disguise your appearance, that smell of blood will never fade… And there are already many of you here. This situation… Already checkmate, is it?

Then he proceeded to bark orders to the stunned Knight.

Sabasa King: Withdraw everyone from the Castle! Also draw all the gates down, locking the Vampires in! Do not let a single one out into the town! Once withdrawn and secured, mobilize the entire army north to meet the approaching battalion! I leave command of the army to you! Do not forget to request air from our allies!

Grandmaster Knight: Understood! B...But what of you, Your Majesty!? If I leave here, the Vampires will follow!

The he held his sword ready, staring at Carmilla. Even though he's an experienced veteran, he is still human. Every minute he can hold the vampires off, is a greater chance for the reinforcement to arrive.

Grandmaster Knight: We cannot withdraw and leave you here!

Sabasa King: Do not disobey a royal order! If you are a soldier of Sabasa, worry about the safety of the country over the King!

Grandmaster Knight: U...Understood, your Majesty! Please, luck be with you!

The Knight ran off as fast as he could, leaving Carmilla and the King alone.

Carmilla: ...Hahaha, humans have such spirit. I'm sure yours will taste quite delicious.

Sabasa King: Unfortunately for you, the royals of every country are baptized. So as not to pollute our bloodlines with a monster's… Is the pretext, anyway. For one like me, who already holds monster blood, it wasn't a very nice custom, but… I'm happy it will free me of being your plaything here.

Carmilla: Ehhh…? How disappointing… Elizabeth knew it… That's why she gave me the King so easily!

In the next moment, the gates closed and a powerful magic barrier flows over the gate, trapping any being inside.

Carmilla: Oh? You had something like this up your sleeve? It will take even us some time to release that barrier…

Sabasa King: Don't look down on Sabasa, monster. We've long been prepared for something like this. Let's go, Vampire! You shall not take this life quite so easily!

Carmilla: In that case, here I come!


1st. Achieve coexistence between Monsters and Humans

2nd. Kill Ilias

3rd. Return to Lucifina's grave

4th. Visit every places in Ilias Continent, Sentora and Hellgondo

5th. Make Alice happy

6th. Tell the truth to Alice


1st. Kill Ilias

2nd. Save as many people as possible [Minimum: 100]: [0/???]

3rd. Defeat or Kill Promestein

4th. Defeat or Kill Black Alice

5th. [Optional] Kill as many angels as possible: [0/???]

Hello guys, here is another chapter.

Just because this is info dumb, I will put both the chapters and not make you guys wait days for the story, thank me, you mortals.

Comment, put PS, review and bye.

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