
Dear Mother

Dear Mother,

It has been a year since I moved out of the forest and went to the Kingdom of Alvilor. No one knows who I am or what I am, and I plan to keep it that way, so please done worry.

Your dear daughter, Moon

It the hight of the Japanese Empire, my name, Moon Yoruno. My mother was a Yokai and my father was a human. When I was born our town turned against my father and killed him, my mother afraid to lose me fled into the woods where she raised me till I was 18. People have always been afraid of Yokai, but they were exceptionally afraid of my kind, my mothers kind, Nine Tailed Foxes. We have the ability to Shape Shift into many different things, such as other animals, and we can easily blend into our environment, but there is a dark rumor about us Foxes, we shift into beautiful woman in order to lure men into the forest and take over their souls and destroy their bodies. Though it was the truth at one point the numbers of Nine Tailed Foxes have decreased in numbers so much that our abilities have suffered extreme downfall. I moved to the Kingdom of Alvilor in order to try to remake a different life for us Yokai. My plan is to try and create a pact between Yokai and man because it's getting to the point where Yokai don't have anywhere to hide anymore. So I've decided I will take you along on my journey. I will tell you the story of how I Moon Yoruno became the Empress of Japan and created an equal standing between Yokai and Man.