
Chapter 6207 The Secrets of the Five Emperors

 As that voice sounded, the world seemed to stand still, time stopped flowing, and only that voice echoed in people's ears and souls.

 And Long Chen could no longer feel the pressure of heaven and earth. He was stunned when he heard that voice. He was sure that the voice was the voice of Emperor Yunshang, coming across the long river of history.

 "The light and clear floating up is the sky, and its nature is yang..." At this time, another voice came, and another figure suddenly appeared in Long Chen's mind.

 "Brother Qingxu"

 Long Chen couldn't believe his ears.

 "...The heavy and turbid sinking is the earth, and its nature is yin." Then another voice sounded.

 "Brother Moli"

 Hearing these voices, Long Chen's nose was sour and he almost cried. He didn't expect that he could still hear their voices here.

 "The one who mixes the clear and turbid is a human, and its nature is the fusion of yin and yang." At this time, a woman's voice came, gentle and majestic, with a murderous aura in her holiness.

 "Sister Hanwei"

 Long Chen's voice was a little choked, and her voice also appeared. Her figure instantly appeared in front of Long Chen's eyes, with purple clothes and long hair, and she was extremely beautiful.

 "People are born with the universe and formed by the interaction, and are formed by the nurturing of yin and yang."

 Another voice came, his voice was like the rising sun, warming all the ways, and like the evening drum and morning bell, which was thought-provoking.

 "Brother Ziyang..."

 Long Chen's tears could no longer be held back. The people that Long Chen admired most in his life appeared.

 Long Chen regretted countless times that he was not born in the same era as them. Now listening to their voices, it was as if their figures had crossed the long river of history and came to him.

 The voices of the five people sounded at the same time, like the whispers of gods, resounding through the heavens:

 "With the transformation of the five elements, the five internal organs, five virtues, and five spirits are complete.

 With the interaction of the six harmonies, the six internal organs, six roots, and six spirits are complete. Listed as the three talents, it is the spirit of all things..."

 When hearing this, countless people were ecstatic. Whether in the battlefield of the heavenly realm or outside the battlefield of the heavenly realm, anyone who heard this voice would concentrate and calm down, and concentrate on understanding.

 "The voices of the five emperors appeared at this time, clearly to wake me up." Long Chen had already grasped some tricks, and when he heard the voices of the five emperors, he instantly became enlightened.

 "Qian is the sky, Kun is the earth, and people live in it, creating the three talents of heaven, man, and earth.

 The sky is pure yang, the earth is pure yin, and people are the same body of yin and yang. The health of heaven and the virtue of earth can all be used by people..."

 In the Ten Realms Diagram, the sky and the earth were still. Long Chen sat cross-legged in the air and felt with his heart: "Spiritual roots, spiritual blood, and spiritual bones. The roots are innate, the blood is acquired, and the spiritual bones are born after the combination of innate and acquired.

 Based on this, spiritual bones can be talents among the three talents of heaven, man, and earth, and can control heaven and earth..."

 Long Chen listened to the voice of the Five Emperors in his ears, and countless inspirations burst out in his mind, and the path of cultivation became clearer and clearer.


 Soon the voice of the Five Emperors disappeared, and the still heaven and earth closed again, and at this time Long Chen also opened his eyes.

 At this time, he no longer had a trace of panic, opened his big hands, and turned slightly.


 At that moment, the sky and the earth were turned upside down, the world was overturned, the yin and yang were unbalanced, and the whole world began to twist and collapse.

 "Brother Yunshang, Brother Qingxu, Brother Moli, Sister Hanwei, Brother Ziyang, it turns out that you have been here before. Today, I have also come to the road you have walked." Long Chen looked at the collapsing world in front of him, his eyes full of excitement.

 This projection of the Ten Realms Map was just as Long Chen had expected. He only needed to find the trick to break it. After all, it was just a projection.

 The trick is to break the balance between the two. Pure yang and pure yin cannot communicate. They are ultimately solitary yin and solitary yang. Solitary yin cannot be born, solitary yang cannot grow. They cannot coexist, but can only restrain each other.

 Between heaven and earth, if there is no human, dynamic balance cannot be achieved. Just lead yang into yin, or lead yin into yang, and the barrier can be broken instantly.

 However, it is easy to say. If you do not understand the way of yin and yang, the three talents, even the powerful God Emperor will perish in it.

 The projection of the Ten Realms Map has such a fatal flaw, and the original Ten Realms Map will never have such a situation. The

 Ten Realms Map can appear in this world, it is very likely that it has witnessed the Ten Realms Map's actions and imprinted it.

 However, the Ten Realms Map is too powerful, and the laws here cannot be copied to the complete magical power, and finally left this flaw.

 After this battle, Long Chen completely understood how terrifying the Chaos Artifact is.

 Just a projection almost killed him. The real power of the Ten Realms Map is unimaginable.


 The Ten Realms Diagram exploded, the barrier disappeared, and Long Chen rushed up quickly. At this time, the scale had changed, tilted extremely seriously, and almost touched the bottom.


 When Long Chen stood on the scale, this was an independent world. Looking back, it was a chaos; looking forward, it was a darkness.

 At that moment, Long Chen seemed to stand on the top of the long river of history. He no longer belonged to this world.

 Suddenly, a man in white appeared on the scale. His long hair was flying and he was full of heroic spirit. He stood beside Long Chen and looked at the darkness ahead.

 "Brother Yun Shang..."

 Long Chen was surprised and happy when he saw the man, and shouted loudly. Unfortunately, he and Yun Shang were separated by the long river of history and could not communicate.

 Yun Shang looked at the darkness in front of him, his eyes flashed, and his face became more and more solemn. After a long time, a smile suddenly appeared on his face:

 "So that's it, the breaker will eventually appear..."

 Suddenly, he formed a seal with his hands, and his body burst into thousands of divine lights, and then exploded, lighting up the sky.

 "Brother Yunshang..." Long Chen screamed. He didn't know why Brother Yunshang suddenly sacrificed himself for the Dao.

 Everything happened too suddenly. Looking at the dissipated divine light, Long Chen was completely dazed.

 "This guy..."

 Longgu Xieyue's voice came. When Yunshang appeared, it was suddenly awakened. Just as it was about to come out and curse, Yunshang had already transformed into Dao.

 Time and space rotated. It seemed that a moment had passed, and it seemed that tens of millions of years had passed. Another figure appeared. It was Emperor Qingxu.

 "So that's how it is. Someone has gone before me. Then I'll come too."

 The figure of Emperor Qingxu also disappeared, and then Emperor Moli, Emperor Hanwei, and Emperor Ziyang came here. Looking at the darkness in front of them, they seemed to see something and transformed into Dao one after another.

 Long Chen was furious, but there was no way to stop it. Long Chen only felt that everything in front of him was an unknown history.

 The five emperors transformed into Dao. Long Chen walked towards the darkness and looked inside. In the endless darkness, Long Chen saw a ball of light.

 The light was faint, like a firefly in the endless darkness. Long Chen concentrated all his energy and could only see clearly that there was a world condensed in the light.

 "That is... East Desert, West Desert, South Sea, North Source, Central Continent. Isn't this the Tianwu Continent?"

 Long Chen looked incredulous.