
Chapter 6146: Dark Blood Evil Orchid

 That blood arrow directly knocked over the Tianye furnace, causing the emperor to spurt blood.

 The blood he spurted out was accompanied by a little black air. At that moment, his face changed completely:

 "The power of the curse can actually penetrate my sacred defense? What kind of beast is this?"

 The strong men of the Brahma lineage are blessed with the sacred power of faith. The stronger the cultivation, the stronger the power of faith.

 Facing this kind of faith power, the general power of the curse is basically a joke and can't do anything to them.

 However, this cursed blood crow is not an ordinary existence. It is a relic of chaos and a terrifying monster with a great reputation. The power of the curse directly penetrates his soul through his life weapon.

 Fortunately, this old man has the sacred power. Seeing the bad situation, he directly spits out the power of the curse.

 "Damn flat-haired beast, since you want to die so much, I don't want this credit, but I will kill you."

 The old man shouted angrily and suddenly crushed a jade card.

 As the jade token was crushed, a beam of light shot up into the sky, and he actually began to gather his companions.

 It turned out that this old man had planned to capture Long Chen and others alone, and he would have made great contributions at that time.

 However, the attack of the Cursed Blood Raven made him realize instantly that this was an extremely terrifying monster in front of him.

 Moreover, this monster was already violent, and after the attack just now, it had marked his body, which meant that this monster was determined to fight him to the death.

 In this state, if he did not gather his companions, let alone make contributions, he might even lose his life.


 The Cursed Blood Raven made a strange cry, and the harsh sound waves stirred. Long Chen suddenly felt dizzy. As the sound entered his ears, Long Chen was shocked to find that there were black spots in his sea of ​​consciousness.


 Long Chen was shocked. The power of this curse was simply pervasive. He, a spectator, was also affected.


 When the black rune entered the sea of ​​consciousness, the divine gate glowed, and these black spots melted and disappeared instantly like snowflakes encountering the scorching sun.


 The old man's shrill screams came from afar. At that moment, he was under the power of the horrible curse. He covered his head and his body was filled with black air.

 The sharp claws of the Cursed Blood Raven fell.


 The old man was also strong. Even though he was cursed, he could still forcibly control the Tianye furnace to protect himself. With a loud bang, he and the furnace were shaken away by a claw.

 "The power of Brahma, protect my body, the divine light protects my body, and I am not affected by anything!"

 The old man roared, and suddenly another large mouthful of blood spurted out. The blood that spurted out was like ink and smelled extremely fishy.

 The blood fell to the ground, and black smoke instantly rose from the ground. The scene was very horrifying.

 "With the power of Brahma protecting me, you, a flat-haired beast, can't do anything to me." The old man roared.


 As a result of his roar, he was immediately hit by the wing slash of the Cursed Blood Raven. With a loud bang, he was shaken away again.

 The man and the bird were fighting further and further away. Long Chen's heart suddenly started beating wildly. He planned to go down and steal the eggs, but he shook his head again. The distance was still too close. If the Cursed Blood Crow suddenly turned around, he would not be able to escape at all. He waited a little longer.

 "Elder Mingfeng, why did you fight with this beast? Where are the people from the First Demon Clan?" At this moment, a strong man from the Brahma lineage rushed over.

 When Long Chen heard the man's tone, a hint of sarcasm appeared on the corner of his mouth.

 He did not help, but asked about the whereabouts of the First Demon Clan first. It was obvious that he only cared about the credit, not his companions.

 The old man named Mingfeng was not stupid either. He shouted loudly:

 "I have found the traces of the First Demon Clan, but this flat-haired beast is blocking the way. Help me kill it quickly and find the First Demon Clan together."

 The old man heard that he could not get any information, so he hesitated for a moment, wondering whether he should search alone.


 At this moment, the Curse Spirit Blood Crow made a strange cry. This time, Long Chen saw clearly that a blood-colored rune in the mouth of the Curse Spirit Blood Crow left its mouth and suddenly exploded.

 The rune instantly exploded into countless pieces, forming transparent ripples. As the transparent ripples rolled, they madly absorbed the negative energy between heaven and earth, rapidly spreading, forming an indiscriminate attack.

 "The world is so big that there are all kinds of strange things. This kind of attack is simply beyond my understanding." Long Chen sighed in his heart.

 He was conceited and knowledgeable, but this kind of attack was his first time to come into contact with it, and he couldn't figure out the principle at all.


 The old man obviously didn't know the Curse Spirit Blood Crow, and was instantly hit. Elder Mingfeng didn't remind him, deliberately letting him suffer a big loss.

 At the same time, he quickly retreated, deliberately leaving an opportunity for the Curse Spirit Blood Crow to attack the man first.

 Sure enough, the Curse Spirit Blood Crow would not seek far away and rushed to the old man at the first time.

 Elder Mingfeng even pretended to be surprised and shouted:

 "Be careful!"


 A divine picture shot out, blocking the attack of the Curse Spirit Blood Crow at the critical moment and saving the old man.

 "The legendary vicious bird, the Curse Spirit Blood Crow..."

 The old man who took action was the only one in the group who was a strong man in the sixth level of the Emperor. After he saved the old man, he saw the situation clearly and his face changed drastically.

 "No, its breath is different, it is not in its prime. Let's go together and kill it first!"

 The old man in the sixth level of the Emperor shouted and took action immediately. At this time, others also rushed over. Six strong men in the middle stage of the Emperor attacked the Curse Spirit Blood Crow at the same time.

 "Don't worry about consumption. Turn on your divine power to the maximum. Otherwise, once it launches its own curse, it will be impossible to resist. Everyone, go all out. Don't hold back. Try to kill it in the shortest possible time. Quick."

 The old man of the sixth level of the Emperor shouted, with the Brahma God Picture on his head, divine power burning all over his body. He held a long sword and chopped it down with one sword. With a bang, feathers flew, and the Curse Spirit Blood Crow was chopped down by him.


 Seeing this, the other strong men knew that if they didn't fight hard, they would probably die. They all used their strongest moves and fought with all their strength.

 "Boom boom boom..."

 Everyone frantically besieged the Curse Spirit Blood Crow, and the intensive attack did not give the Curse Spirit Blood Crow a chance to cast a curse.

 "Hehe, that's right, many hands make light work, and more people make things easier."

 Long Chen smiled wretchedly, and with the cover of the terrain, he quietly rushed to the bottom of the valley and soon reached the old nest.

 However, Long Chen did not touch the bird egg, but looked around. Sure enough, there was a big hole on the rock wall of the valley.

 In the big cave, black air was constantly coming out, and the dark power was surging, like the mouth of a demon, blowing cold wind.

 "I knew that this place was so abrupt. If there was no treasure, this cursed blood crow would not settle here."

 Long Chen scanned it with his consciousness and found nothing unusual, so he entered the cave.

 A dark air rushed towards him, and Long Chen suddenly felt uncomfortable, and even the circulation of his blood power became slow.

 However, Long Chen saw a cluster of black orchids growing in a pit in the cave, and the black air was overflowing from the blooming orchids.

 "Good guy, it turned out to be... the dark blood evil orchid."

 When he saw the orchid, Long Chen was surprised and happy.