
Chapter 6092: Is there such a good thing?

"Boom boom..."

 On a huge wine gourd, the old drunkard sat in front and Long Chen sat in the back. Without the wine, the old drunkard became listless and yawned all the time, looking like he had no desire to live, and looked very pitiful.

 At this moment, he seemed to have lost interest in everything. Long Chen had wine in his hand, but the owner of Whispering Mountain had told him not to give him wine, otherwise it would easily delay things.

 This matter was of great importance, and Long Chen dared not be careless at all. Fortunately, the old drunkard was very picky about wine. He would not drink other people's wine except his own, so he did not ask Long Chen for it, let alone buy wine.


 Suddenly the wine gourd moved slightly, and Long Chen opened the gravity rune and tried it. As a result, the wine gourd was of an unknown level of treasure, and it seemed that it was not afraid of gravity. "

 Buzz buzz buzz..."

 Long Chen directly opened the gravity rune of the four silver bars, and the wine gourd suddenly dropped dozens of feet in height, but soon stabilized again, restored its original height, and flew rapidly again.

 Seeing that the wine gourd had no effect, Long Chen was completely relieved and began to punch and kick, circulate his dark energy to practice, and stimulate his body crazily.

 If it were normal, the old drunkard would definitely ask excited questions when seeing this scene, but at this moment, he was not interested in anything.

 Even though he knew that Long Chen had installed a terrifying gravity rune on his body, he was too lazy to take a look, and stared blankly at the front.

 The wine gourd was flying very fast, and the space rune was flowing, rapidly advancing forward, and the space was distorted in a large area, but it was abnormally stable.

 An hour later, Long Chen was panting like a cow. After another rest, Long Chen suddenly opened all the gravity runes on a silver bar, and the huge wine gourd sank down suddenly, almost falling directly to the ground.

 And Long Chen's bones were also creaked by the blow. In the past, Long Chen's gravity runes were added little by little, and at most half a percent at a time. Now Long Chen added 20% at a time. The violent gravity made Long Chen almost unable to hold on.

 But in order to break through the limit quickly, Long Chen had to be a little ruthless to himself. He had to hurry up and be able to fully adapt to the weight of a whole silver bar before entering the Whale Falling Land.

 Runes began to light up around the wine gourd. Obviously, ordinary power could no longer support its normal flight, and it had to use the power of the origin.

 Even if the wine gourd used the power of the origin, the old drunkard still lay in front of it, motionless, like a dead dog, ignoring it.

 Long Chen adapted for a long time before he began to slowly swing his arms. The terrifying weight caused cracks in Long Chen's bones and signs of his flesh and blood bursting.

 However, as he continued to be injured, the energy in Long Chen's body sensed the danger of Long Chen and began to repair Long Chen's wounds frantically.

 Every repair would strengthen Long Chen's body a little bit. This was a kind of self-mutilation practice, but it was also the most effective way of practicing.

 After several hours, after being injured and repaired continuously, the power was soaring wildly, and Long Chen could barely wave his arms and kick his legs a few times.

 But after a few times, his hands felt numb and he was too weak to move. After a rest, he continued to practice. After

 a day and a night, Long Chen could punch and kick normally, and each blow caused huge ripples in the void.

 This was the effect of Long Chen's convergence. If he released it with all his strength, he would directly blow up the void, which would seriously affect the flight speed.

 The effect of converging power is that the power is emitted inward, stimulating the body more strongly and making the body grow faster.

 As the day and night passed, the old drunkard seemed to be less uncomfortable. He no longer lay there like a dead dog without any image, but sat up.

 He supported his chin with one hand, but his eyes were still dull, staring blankly at the front, not knowing what he was thinking.

 "Blood Demon Ancestor Worship, Get Out!"

 Suddenly, a roar appeared in front of him, and the terrifying demonic energy rushed to the sky. Endless demon clan strongmen were worshiping a statue.

 Long Chen hurriedly stopped his action. He was surprised to find that among this group of demon clan strongmen, there was an old man with blood and energy, and the imperial power was as vast as the sea. He was actually a terrifying emperor of the third heaven.

 A emperor of the third heaven, dozens of emperors of the second heaven, and hundreds of emperors of the first heaven, and the endless demons.

 Long Chen never thought that in this desolate place, which looked inconspicuous, there was actually such a terrifying demon clan tribe hidden.

 They were performing an extremely ancient and pious ceremony, but when he saw the blood pool on the altar, Long Chen suddenly had murderous intent.

 Blood, the blood of the human race, hundreds of miles of blood pool, filled, how many human races must be killed to fill such a blood pool?


 the man's voice just fell, the old drunkard seemed not to hear their voice, the wine gourd continued to move forward, fiercely hit their barrier, with a bang, the barrier exploded, the whole world shook.

 "Looking for death"

 the old drunkard's action immediately shocked and angered the blood demons, they had to suspend the worship ceremony, the emperor of the third heaven strong, waved his hand, a huge blood soul flag, carrying the blood, fiercely hit the wine gourd.

 It was a terrifying emperor's weapon, with the life force of the emperor of the third heaven strong, this blow could destroy the world, obviously, the emperor of the third heaven strong, wanted to fight quickly, and could not delay the worship ceremony.


 As a result, the runes on the wine gourd lit up, and the purple divine light pierced the sky and hit the blood soul banner fiercely. With a loud bang, the wine gourd was safe and sound, but the blood soul banner exploded.


 The blood soul banner exploded, and the head of the demon clan strongman of the third level of the emperor was cracked, and almost exploded on the spot.

 The blood soul banner is his life-defining magic weapon, but his life-defining magic weapon is different from others. Others keep a trace of soul in the magic weapon.

 In order to better control the blood soul banner, he attached 30% of his soul to it. If he was not afraid of being attacked by the weapon spirit, he would attach more souls to it.

 The advantage of so many souls attached to it is that the violent power accumulated in the blood soul banner can be directly detonated with just a thought.

 The disadvantage is also obvious. The moment the blood soul banner exploded, his soul was severely damaged and his head almost exploded directly.

 "Is there such a good thing?"

 Before Long Chen could react, billions of sharp dragon scales shot out and instantly covered the entire demon clan tribe.


 The blood-colored dragon bone evil moon behind Long Chen had already turned into a flying rainbow, piercing directly into the left temple of the Blood Demon Clan Emperor Third Heaven old man, and piercing out from the right temple, piercing through the head.


 The dragon bone evil moon glowed, and endless blood flew out of the Blood Demon Clan old man's body and poured into the dragon bone evil moon.