
Chapter 5967 Success

 Although Long Chen knew that Emperors like Liu Changtian, Yan Yang, and Lian Sanqiang were all fallen Emperors, their strength had declined seriously, and they were no longer what they used to be.

 But Long Chen thought that super Emperors like Long Can and Tong Feng were already very close to real Emperors. But

 after the battle with the Hades Emperor, Long Chen found that Long Can and Tong Feng were not at the same level in front of the Hades Emperor, and there was an essential difference between the two.

 The most important thing was that the Hades Emperor just struck casually and did not summon the complete Emperor Flame. Long Chen was slapped to death like a fly. Long Chen also saw the horror of a real Emperor. Although the mutation of the Hades Emperor

 made Long Chen a little uneasy, he could not make any waves in the Seven Treasures Space, but he could not be challenged at will.

 Of course, even if he could challenge at will, Long Chen would not let everyone challenge him. The gap was too big, and he could not get any benefits. Every time the Hades Emperor attacked, he would consume a large amount of life energy in the Chaos Space.

 Although there were still many corpses in the Chaos Space that had not been devoured, they could not withstand such horrific consumption. If it did not exceed ten times, the life force of the Chaos Space would be emptied by it.

 "Guo Ran, your Dragon Blood Cross Slash has not yet been fully formed. Didn't you say last time that it was starting to work?" Long Chen frowned.

 "It makes me angry when I mention this. Last time, they succeeded once, but they could not activate it the second time. It was purely an accident." Guo Ran said with some distress.

 Last time, they thought that they had finally found a successful path among thousands of failed paths. However, that successful experience was just an accident. After that, no matter how hard their team tried, they never succeeded again.

 Although they used the Image Jade to record the scene at that time, everyone's position, attack angle, force, and order of attack were all recorded clearly, but no matter how hard they tried, they could not activate that effect. When

 Long Chen heard this, he asked Guo Ran to take out the Image Jade. Long Chen looked at it many times, but he could not find any flaws.

 He found the team again and used the same method as before to activate the Dragon Blood Cross Slash again. The power was okay, but it didn't have the charm of that attack. It could only be regarded as an ordinary joint attack.

 "Boss, don't worry. We will study it again and figure it out." Seeing Long Chen frowning, Guo Ran hurriedly said.

 He knew that Long Chen still had a lot of things to do. This kind of thing was originally his job. It would be inappropriate to waste the boss's precious time.

 Long Chen shook his head and said, "There is not so much time. We must research a new Dragon Blood Cross Slash in the shortest time.

 If we can't research it within a month, we can't continue researching. We have to prepare to pass the tribulation."

 This time, passing the human emperor tribulation is very serious. At that time, the strong men in the nine heavens and ten earths will compete for the luck of heaven and earth. All kinds of insidious means must be prevented.

 They must enter the closed-door state one month in advance to maintain the strongest posture to pass the tribulation. Qiankun Ding said that there are at most two months left, which is the best time to pass the tribulation.

 "Qianluo, you must perform ten Dragon Blood Cross Slashes in one breath!" Long Chen said to the Dragon Blood Warrior named Qianluo. It was him who led the team that first triggered the real Dragon Blood Cross Slash.

 "Boss, my strength is not enough to perform so many strikes in one breath?" Qianluo was stunned. "Stupid, ca

 n't you just save some strength every time?" Guo Ran scolded.

 "Then the power will not be..." Qianluo scratched his head.

 "Don't worry about the power, just do it!" Long Chen said.


 Qianluo didn't understand what Long Chen was going to do, and drew his sword, and the team he belonged to also drew their swords.

 "Buzz buzz buzz..."

 Qianluo shouted, and the long sword slashed in the void, and a series of "cross"s shot out.

 As Qianluo made his move, the Dragon Blood Warriors behind him also followed his long swords and slashed, in unison, the power of dragon blood burst out, and merged instantly.

 "Bang bang bang..."

 "Boom boom boom..."

 The first few strikes of the cross slash were ordinary, but the next three moves exploded with earth-shaking noises, and huge "cross" marks were cut in the void and lasted for a long time.


 Qianluo shouted excitedly. Guo Ran and others were in disbelief. The previous ones all failed, but the last three moves, with reduced power, succeeded. What is the principle behind this?

 Long Chen smiled and said, "I understand, Qianluo. The softer your attack, the better. Don't have any guiding force. Just strike at random."

 Long Chen made it clear, but everyone was still confused. Qianluo then slashed out with a sword, casually drawing a cross in the void. With a loud


 , everyone's power instantly united and pierced the void.

 "Boss, what's going on?" Guo Ran was completely confused. This was about to overturn his cognition.

 Long Chen smiled and said, "I told you before that a group of dragons is leaderless, Ji.

 It seems that you still don't understand the essence of it, Qianluo. In your previous attacks, you always wanted to maximize the attack range and guide everyone's strength into it.

 When you have this idea, you have the idea of ​​being the leader. Once this idea arises, it will cause the dragon souls in the brothers to reject it, leading to failure.

 In our Dragon Blood Corps, everyone is an independent individual, and in their own world, everyone is the protagonist.

 Your cross is just a crosshair, don't add unnecessary details, leave the rest to the brothers, try again!"


 There was another earth-shattering explosion, and it succeeded again. Guo Ran looked like he didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Boss, I still don't understand!"

 "There is no need to understand, you just need to know that brothers are still brothers, but from now on, the warriors of our Dragon Blood Corps will mainly fight alone, supplemented by cooperative combat." Long Chen said.

 This time when returning to the Dragon Domain, Long Chen found that the dragon soul will of the Dragon Blood Warriors was getting stronger and stronger, and the combat style of the Dragon Blood Corps must also be adjusted, otherwise it will limit their development.

 Perhaps this is the unique style of the dragon race. You can guide them, but you cannot command them, force them, set standards, or even claim to be the leader. Only when they support you willingly can you gain the strongest power.

 Obviously, Guo Ran's understanding in this regard is much worse. The main reason is that the latent dragon in his body is too lazy to think about these things, which indirectly affects Guo Ran.

 The new Dragon Blood Cross Slash was born, and then it was the running-in of a large group. It is relatively easy to activate the Dragon Blood Cross Slash of more than a dozen people, but it will be much more difficult for dozens of people, and even more difficult for hundreds of people. The

 Dragon Blood Cross Slash of more than 7,000 Dragon Blood Warriors is their ultimate goal.

 According to Long Chen, if this can really be achieved, the Dragon Blood Cross Slash activated by more than 7,000 Dragon Blood Warriors will be enough to make Tong Feng suffer on the spot.

 I just don't know if this move can shake the Dark Emperor, but even if it can't shake him, when everyone advances to the Human Emperor, this attack may not be blocked even by a true Emperor!

 The new Dragon Blood Cross Slash was born, and Long Chen did not hide it. He directly announced the principle of it so that the talented disciples in the Dragon Domain could learn it. There are

 many geniuses in the Dragon Domain, and there are many smart people like Mo Yang. They also have a large number of followers and have a great chance to learn this move. The

 Dragon Blood Warriors began to practice hard day and night. They must reach the goal of more than 7,000 people working together to stimulate the Dragon Blood Cross Slash within a month, and they dare not delay for a moment.

 Long Chen put away the Seven Treasures Glazed Tree. At this time, the strong men in the Dragon Domain have basically experienced endless death trials. The Seven Treasures Space has little effect on their improvement. The rest depends on themselves.

 After settling everything, Long Chen said goodbye to the Lord of the Domain temporarily and left the Dragon Domain directly.

 After leaving the Dragon Domain, Long Chen went straight to the next target-Emperor Mountain. He wanted to see his grandfather and inquire about the news of his father and mother.

 He was about to advance to the Human Emperor. This time, he was a little unsure and needed to find a strong person to protect him. His father, Long Zhantian, was the super strong man and invincible existence in his mind.