
Chapter 5944: Murderous Intentions Revealed


 Lanling City actually wanted to expel Master Chunyang. You should know that Master Chunyang represents the Qin Sect. Isn't this a slap in the face of the Qin Sect?

 The Qin Sect is one of the four ancient divine sects. It originated in the Chaos Age and flourished in the ancient times. Its inheritance has never been cut off, and its foundation is so deep that it is unimaginable.

 The Qin Sect is the representative of the righteous way in the world. It is committed to saving all living beings and benefiting all spirits. Not only the human race, but other races also respect the Qin Sect. With the transcendent status of the Qin Sect, it is actually going to be expelled?

 The most surprising thing is that Lanling City expelled the disciples

 of the Qin Sect, but was so respectful to Long Chen, who was suspected to be the descendant of Jiuxing. There is a world of difference in their attitudes. What is going on? "Are you going to declare war on the Qin Sect?" The female disciple named Yue'er couldn't help but shouted loudly.


 Seeing Yue'er actually yelling at the Lord of Yingxiang City, Li Chunyang's face suddenly sank and he scolded him harshly.

 Facing Yue'er's rudeness, the Lord of Yingxiang City was not angry, but just said lightly:

 "Your words and deeds have displeased the God Emperor. This is the territory of Lanling City. It seems that there is nothing wrong with asking you to leave?

 But asking you to leave is like declaring war on Qin Sect? What, are you going to enforce justice on behalf of heaven?"

 When he said the four words "enforce justice on behalf of heaven", Li Chunyang's face changed slightly. He couldn't imagine what happened. Why did the Lord of the City, who praised him yesterday, suddenly change his face today?

 And those four words were clearly said to help Long Chen. Even a fool could hear that the Lord of the City stood on Long Chen's side.

 "Lord City Lord, please calm down. Yue'er is young and ignorant, and she has no respect for her elders. When she returns, Qin Sect will definitely punish her severely.

 However, I have always been full of respect for Lord God Emperor, and I have never been rude. Why did I displease Lord God Emperor? Please enlighten me, Lord City Lord. Chunyang will be grateful." Li Chunyang clasped his fists and said respectfully.

 Lord Yingxiang shook his head: "As for why such a change happened, I don't know, but Lord God Emperor's will is indeed displeased because of you.

 This matter ends here. It's a pity that it ends in this way. You can leave!"

 Lord Yingxiang has been very polite, but Li Chunyang and a group of Qin Sect disciples are not looking good.

 No matter where Qin Sect disciples go, they are the best guests and will be received with the highest standards. It seems that being driven out is the first time since the establishment of Qin Sect.

 Even with Li Chunyang's cultivation, he couldn't help but secretly angry. He looked at Long Chen and seemed to understand something. Although his face was ugly, he still bowed slightly to the Lord of Yingxiang City, and then left with a group of Qin Sect disciples.

 Originally, Li Chunyang would teach here for three days, but now it ended just after it started, which immediately disappointed countless people.

 Just listening to two songs just now was equivalent to their half-life enlightenment. If they could listen to his teachings again, they didn't know how much they would gain.

 For a while, countless people were angry. Of course, they didn't dare to show it in front of the city lord, but they were extremely disgusted with Lanling City in their hearts, and they hated Long Chen even more. They felt that it was this guy Long Chen who caused them to lose a great opportunity.

 "Lord City Lord, what are you doing..."

 When Young Master Chunyang and others left, Long Chen was still confused.

 "The will of the God Emperor is revealed, and we know that the distinguished guest has arrived. You don't have to worry, distinguished guest. No matter what kind of enemy you face, the Lanling lineage will be your most solid backing." The Lord of Yingxiang City looked at Long Chen and said sincerely.

 Long Chen was shocked. She knew that he was the descendant of Nine Stars, but she still said this. Isn't it the same as declaring war on Great Brahma?

 "This is not the place to talk. How about going to the City Lord's Mansion to have a chat?" said the City Lord of Yingxiang.

 Long Chen shook his head and said, "Lord City Lord, I appreciate your kindness, but I have something urgent to do and cannot stay. Please forgive me, Lord City Lord."

 The Lord of Yingxiang City was stunned, but he did not force Long Chen. He bowed slightly: "In this case, next time you come to Lanling City, Yingxiang will be waiting for you!"

 After saying a few polite words, Long Chen stood up and said goodbye, heading straight for the teleportation array outside the city.

 "Lord City Lord, is this Long Chen really the descendant of the Nine Stars? He doesn't look like one from the aura!" An old man couldn't help but say as he watched Long Chen leave.

 "The aura is not the same, but the temper is very similar. He knew that we could give him the best protection, and the dangers outside were endless, but he refused to stay for a moment." Another old man said.

 "Whether it is true or not, it doesn't matter. We must pay more attention

 to those who can alarm the will of the God Emperor. No one knows the secrets of the Chaos Age, and even the Lord God Emperor has never left any information about that battle.

 This young man can cause the Lord God Emperor's will to fluctuate, and he is definitely not an ordinary person." The Lord of Yingxiang City said.

 "Are we expelling the people of Qin Sect a bit too much this time?" An old man hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke.

 Before, countless people in the square showed anger and dissatisfaction. Lanling City offended countless people at once, which had a very bad impact.

 "It was not me who expelled them, but the will of the God Emperor. As for why, I don't know. I just acted according to the will of the God Emperor.

 Well, let's not talk about this. Give orders to keep an eye on this person named Long Chen. If he gets into trouble, we must provide him with help to the best of our ability." Lord Yingxiang looked at the direction where Long Chen left and said.


 the old men responded, and their figures disappeared in an instant, while Yingxiang stood in front of the statue of the God Emperor for a long time before slowly disappearing.


 "This is simply too much. We will go back and report to the Lord Sect immediately, announce it to the world, and completely isolate Lanling City!"

 When Li Chunyang and others came to the outside of Lanling City, Yue'er couldn't help cursing. In fact, everyone was holding back a fire in their hearts. When had the disciples of Qin Sect ever suffered such a cowardice?

 "Liao Yuhuang, why are you silent? This is all your fault. You are the one who brought this unlucky star to our house. You have made us lose face. Shouldn't you explain it?" At this moment, a Qin Sect woman yelled at the silent Liao Yuhuang. Liao Yuhuang

 bit her lip tightly. She didn't expect the situation to develop to this point. Now, she not only harmed Long Chen, but also made the Qin Sect lose face. Tears could not help but flow out.

 "Oh, you are crying. You feel wronged, right? You mean that we deliberately made things difficult for you, and you have nothing to do with everything, right?" The Qin family woman saw Liao Yuhuang crying and immediately became more aggressive. "

 Yuhuang is responsible for his own actions. I will not shirk my responsibility. I will apologize to the Sect Master for this matter. Even if I have to pay with my life, I will have no regrets." Liao Yuhuang wiped her tears and said coldly.

 "You..." The Qin family woman was furious.

 "Enough, if you have anything to say, let's go back to the sect and talk about it!" Li Chunyang shouted coldly. He was also in a bad mood. Hearing them quarreling, he was even more upset.

 Li Chunyang's cold shout scared everyone to shut up. Li Chunyang said coldly:

 "The honor and disgrace of us disciples is small, and the face of the sect is big. The sect originally sent us out to travel the world, meet heroes from

 all directions, and prepare to command the Nine Heavens. As a result, we fell into a big setback the first time we appeared, and all plans were disrupted. We must return to the sect and make long-term plans.

 As for that Long Chen, he first slaughtered my Qin Sect disciples, and then ruined our big plan. Humph! No matter whether he is the descendant of the Nine Stars, I will kill him."

 At the end of his words, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and he was completely different from the one on the stage before. At that moment, Liao Yuhuang was stunned. Is this really the Master Chunyang whom she admired so much?