
Chapter 5942 Hypocrite

 "Nine Stars Descendant"

 When the strong men present heard this, they exclaimed. This is a taboo title.

 Some people say that the Nine Stars Descendant is the strongest warrior in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. Some people say that the Nine Stars Descendant is the devil who subverts the world. Some people say that the Nine Stars Descendant is the guardian of this world. Some people say that the Nine Stars Descendant is the destroyer of the rules of this world. The

 Nine Stars Descendant, the inheritor of the will of the Nine Stars Lord, the man who created the myth of the human race, fell in the Chaos War.

 However, some people say that the Chaos War was caused by the Nine Stars Lord. He almost destroyed the Nine Heavens and he is the sinner of this world.

 The Nine Stars Descendant who inherited the will of the Nine Stars Lord is the seed of sin. Once they appear in this world, the catastrophe of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths will come.

 In the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, countless strong men regard the Nine Stars Descendant as a demon, but no matter how much they hate the Nine Stars Descendant, they must admit that the Nine Stars Descendant is the most terrifying warrior in this world.

 Now, if the Long Chen in front of him is the legendary Nine Stars Descendant, this is amazing news.

 "Master Chunyang, Long Chen..." Seeing Li Chunyang asking such a sharp question, Liao Yuhuang was very anxious.

 Long Chen stretched out his hand to stop Liao Yuhuang. He didn't need Liao Yuhuang to explain to him. He looked at Li Chunyang coldly, and his eyes gradually became sharp:

 "So what if it is, so what if it isn't?"

 Long Chen's answer made the strong men present gasp. From the tone of his voice, Long Chen seemed to be the legendary descendant of the Nine Stars, the inheritor of the will of the Lord of the Nine Stars.

 But that's not right. The descendant of the Nine Stars has been hunted down by the Brahma lineage. The Great Brahma has the Sky-peek Mirror. The inheritor of the will of the Lord of the Nine Stars cannot hide. Once discovered, he will be killed with all his strength and will have no chance to grow up.

 And Long Chen is already a Heavenly Saint-level strong man at this time. If he is really the descendant of the Nine Stars, how can he escape the detection of the Sky-peek Mirror?

 Seeing Long Chen's expression, Li Chunyang smiled and said, "Young Master Long Chen, don't be nervous. Just now, a junior brother told me the news about Brother Long.

 I heard that the Undead Demon Forest has been destroyed, and the entire Undead Dark Willow clan died in battle, all because of a nine-star descendant named Long Chen. I want to know, is this Long Chen your Excellency?"


 "The Undead Demon Forest has been destroyed?"

 "The Undead Dark Willow clan is the commander of the imperial clan in the plant system. They are actually destroyed?"

 People looked at Long Chen in disbelief. This news was too shocking. Obviously, they hadn't heard about it yet.

 Liao Yuhuang's heart was shocked. She looked at Long Chen and saw that his eyes were tired and there was an indelible pain in the depths of his eyes. She knew Long Chen, which meant that what Li Chunyang said was true.

 She didn't expect that Long Chen had just experienced a huge change. No wonder he looked so exhausted when she saw him yesterday. Thinking of this, Liao Yuhuang felt a little pain in her heart. Why was Long Chen's fate so difficult?

 "Yes, that person is me. Is there anything wrong with you?" Long Chen said coldly.

 "If you are really the descendant of Nine Stars, then I am afraid we will be enemies in the future." Li Chunyang looked at Long Chen and said with a complicated expression.

 "Mr. Chunyang"

 Li Chunyang's words made Liao Yuhuang exclaim.

 Li Chunyang sighed, looked at Liao Yuhuang and said, "Do you know the origin of the supreme secret of my Qin Sect - the Supreme Star-Reflecting Art."

 Liao Yuhuang covered her lips with her jade hand, her face full of disbelief, and the disciples of the Qin family smiled when they heard the news. Some people had already understood and surrounded Long Chen intentionally or unintentionally.

 Long Chen turned a blind eye to these people's actions and just looked at Li Chunyang indifferently.

 The first time Long Chen heard the Supreme Star-Reflecting Art was when he was in the Suzaku Empire. At that time, he felt something was wrong. Now, he seemed to understand it all at once.

 "Enemy is enemy, anyway, I have enough enemies, you are not a big deal." Long Chen said indifferently.

 But Liao Yuhuang was already crying. Long Chen was someone she admired very much. She had never seen a man as talented and charming as Long Chen.

 She didn't want to be an enemy of Long Chen, but fate seemed to like to play tricks on people. Now she understood that the star in the Tai Shang Fuxing Jue was the descendant of Jiuxing.

 "Why is it like this?" Liao Yuhuang choked up.

 Li Chunyang sighed and said, "The Lord of Jiuxing used his own power to trigger the Chaos War and almost destroyed the Nine Heavens, bringing endless harm to the Ten Thousand Races.

 The Ten Thousand Races therefore held a grudge against the human race and launched endless revenge. The attitude of the Ten Thousand Races towards the human race is enough to prove everything."


 Long Chen sneered: "Did you see it at that time?"

 Li Chunyang shook his head: "Although I didn't see it, I was born at the end of the Chaos Era, so I am closer to the historical truth than you!"

 Long Chen looked at Li Chunyang and said lightly: "You were born at the end of the Chaos Era, and the Chaos War was in the middle of the Chaos Era. There is a difference of tens of millions of years in between. How come you are closer to the historical truth?"

 Li Chunyang said: "I know that this may be difficult for you to accept, but I can tell you that the will inherited by the Nine Stars lineage is to destroy the Nine Heavens.

 And our Qin Sect lineage will definitely stop you in order to protect the Nine Heavens and for all living beings in the world. Young

 Master Long Chen, you are too murderous and have been possessed by the devil. If you are willing, you can come to my Qin Sect. I can use the Qin Sect's Three Thousand Mysterious Sound Formation to help you erase the power of the Nine Stars, and you will no longer be affected by the will of the Nine Stars.

 You don't have to worry about someone doing something bad to you. I can guarantee this with my life."

 Li Chunyang's words were very sincere, but a hint of sarcasm appeared on Long Chen's face.

 If he had not seen the past of Lanling Divine Emperor in person in that scene, he might have been moved by this guy's sincerity and thought he was a good person.

 But now, his words seemed so funny to Long Chen. However, Long Chen did have to admit that this Li Chunyang was too strong, and even the perception of the Nine Star Hegemon Body Art was ineffective.

 If it was an ordinary person, Long Chen could tell whether this person was good or evil, and whether he was good or bad to himself just by looking at him.

 I don't know if it was because the level of the Tai Shang Fu Xing Jue he cultivated was too high, so high that the instinctive perception of the Nine Star Hegemon Body Art was blinded.

 "Long Chen..."

 Seeing that Li Chunyang tried so hard to dissuade Long Chen with good intentions, Liao Yuhuang couldn't help but look at Long Chen.

 Long Chen was speechless. This Chunyang Master was not as simple as he seemed. This person was extremely scheming. Long Chen was almost deceived, not to mention someone as simple as Liao Yuhuang.

 "What if I don't want to go? What is the attitude of Qin Sect?" Long Chen asked tentatively.

 Li Chunyang sighed and said, "Observe the Way of Heaven, and follow the way of Heaven, that's all!"


 Long Chen couldn't help but laugh up to the sky, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

 "What are you laughing at?"

 "Senior Brother Chunyang tried his best to save you, but you were stubborn."

 "He is an unrepentant devil, Senior Brother Chunyang, don't waste your breath on him."

 Long Chen's smile immediately angered many disciples of Qin Sect.

 After laughing, Long Chen looked at Master Chunyang and sighed, "From your tone, are you going to enforce justice for Heaven?"

 "I have no choice, for the sake of the people of the world, I can only do it helplessly!" Li Chunyang shook his head and said,

 "Observe the Way of Heaven is to understand the way, and follow the way of Heaven is to practice the way. Who can prove that what you understand is the way of Heaven? Isn't it just empty talk? Under the banner of serving the world, holding up the sign of serving all living beings, you vent your own selfish desires, hypocrite!" Long Chen shook his head and said.

 "What did you say?"

 When Long Chen said this, the faces of everyone in Qin Sect and the entire audience changed, and cold murderous intent instantly enveloped the entire square.