
Chapter 5933: Scales of the Evil Moon

"Bang, bang, bang..."

 Those divine weapons exploded one after another, and the runes on them were sucked away by a powerful force.

 "Xie Yue"

 Long Chen was shocked, and those runes flew to the giant cocoon where Long Gu Xie Yue was, landed on the giant cocoon, and slowly disappeared, and were actually absorbed by it.

 "Boom boom"

 followed by two loud noises, and even the two weapons with the Emperor Dao rune exploded, making two earth-shattering noises, and the Emperor Dao rune also fell on the giant cocoon.

 "Buzz buzz..."

 On the giant cocoon, divine light surged, and the Emperor Dao rune was pulled over by its strong force and disappeared in an instant.

 "Damn, I almost starved to death, but I'm finally alive!"

 At this moment, Long Gu Xie Yue's complaining voice came into Long Chen's mind.

 "Xie Yue you..." Long Chen was surprised and happy.

 "Fighting a big battle, why didn't you wait for me? At that time, I was at a critical moment.

 In order to support you with a blow, I almost lost all my previous efforts. Do you know how dangerous this is?" Long Gu Xie Yue said unhappily.

 Last time, thanks to Dragon Bone Evil Moon for supporting Long Chen once, but Dragon Bone Evil Moon himself also paid a huge price for this and fell into a coma, and even lost the power to communicate with Long Chen.

 Fortunately, Long Chen threw in this large number of evil weapons. The evil aura immediately stimulated Dragon Bone Evil Moon's instincts, and it directly absorbed their runes to restore its original power.

 As Dragon Bone Evil Moon awakened, it began to frantically devour the evil runes and original power of these weapons. When it absorbed two divine weapons with imperial runes, it finally woke up.

 "Are you going to come out of retreat?" Long Chen was surprised and happy.

 "Coming out of retreat? It's too early? In order to help you before, I almost interrupted my promotion to the second form.

 Now, I have finally stabilized my realm, and then, it is the real transformation.

 In the process of transformation, I can no longer help you. It must be completed in one breath, and you can't stop in the middle, and you can't be disturbed." Dragon Bone Evil Moon said seriously.

 "No problem, you can rest assured to transform!" Long Chen said hurriedly.

 "However, before I begin my transformation, I need to leave you something." Longgu Xieyue said.


 a palm-sized black dragon scale appeared in Long Chen's hand. That dragon scale was the scale that helped Long Chen resist the attack of the Emperor's power.

 At that time, the scale had exploded, but after the explosion, it returned to the chaotic space with invisible energy and returned to Longgu Xieyue's hand.

 When Long Chen held the scale and felt its terrifying aura, he was shocked:

 "Emperor's Qi?"

 There was actually a trace of Emperor's Qi in this dragon scale.


 Suddenly the dragon scale trembled and turned into a black sword, and then changed again, turning into a shield, and then shaking, turning into a longbow. Long Chen was stunned when he saw this scene.

 "Except that it cannot transform into my original form, it can transform into any form. Moreover, with the blessing of the Emperor Dao Rune, it can resist the Emperor's divine weapon.

 I can feel more at ease if I leave it to you, so that some guys don't look very powerful, but are useless at the critical moment." Longgu Xieyue's last sentence was obviously meant for Qiankun Ding.

 Qiankun Ding is known as one of the strongest divine weapons in the nine heavens and ten earths, but it can't even protect Long Chen, which makes Longgu Xieyue look down on it.

 Qiankun Ding didn't say a word in the face of Longgu Xieyue's ridicule, just pretending not to hear it.

 "Xie Yue, just rest assured and retreat. I am looking forward to you unlocking your second form!" Long Chen did not want to embarrass Qian Kun Ding, so he hurriedly said.

 "It will take me some time to retreat, but if you can give me more evil weapons, my retreat time will be greatly shortened."

 After Long Gu Xie Yue finished speaking, the divine light on the giant cocoon slowly dimmed and fell into a deep sleep again.

 Long Chen could not sense the state of Long Gu Xie Yue in the giant cocoon, but from the moment it fell asleep, Long Chen felt a wave that made his soul tremble.

 The transformation of Long Gu Xie Yue began. Once the transformation of Long Gu Xie Yue was completed, Long Chen could not imagine how strong Long Gu Xie Yue would be at that time.


 The dragon scale that Long Gu Xie Yue gave to Long Chen was shrunk and embedded on the back of Long Chen's hand, forming a rune in the shape of a dragon scale. In this way, when Long Chen summoned it, he only needed to move his mind and it would appear immediately.

 This dragon scale absorbed the imperial rune and possessed a trace of imperial energy. However, Long Chen could not use it easily. This trace of imperial energy could only be used once. Once it was used up, there was no place to replenish it.

 After putting away the dragon scale, Qian Duoduo took Long Chen to continue to plunder other treasure houses. With Qian Duoduo, the traitor, all the treasures of Longteng Business fell into Long Chen's hands.

 Although many treasures were of no use to Long Chen, Long Chen could dispose of them through Huayun Business.

 Now that he had Qian Duoduo, Long Chen had already made plans. If he could see the light, he would go to Huayun Business to trade. If he could not see the light, he would go to Qian Duoduo. In this way, Long Chen would have everything he wanted in the future.

 The last floor was also the most important floor. Here were corpses of various amazing origins.

 Many corpses had bone patterns attached to them. They had amazing origins. The bone patterns on their bodies could be inherited. If their descendants knew that the corpses of their ancestors were secretly traded, they would come to rob them at all costs, and even go to war with Longteng Business.

 Some corpses have extremely terrifying backgrounds, and even Longteng Business cannot afford to offend them. However, the profits are too huge. Others do not open for three years,

 but they can make a living for three years after opening. Once such corpses are traded, the profits obtained are enough for a large trading market like Wanmo Cave to operate for thousands of years.

 Therefore, for the sake of profit, they can only trade secretly, and they are also extremely cautious about the trading objects, because once there is a problem, Wanmo Cave is likely to be destroyed in an instant.

 There are countless corpses here, but most of them are residual bodies, because on many corpses, only the parts with bone patterns are valuable.

 Many of these residual bodies are from emperor-level strongmen. Some are a piece of bone, some are a head, some are half a wing, etc., all of which have emperor runes.

 However, because of the long time, the emperor runes have also entered the stage of dissipation. If they cannot be sold, they will be completely useless.

 Long Chen threw all these residual corpses, as well as those whose strength is lower than that of the emperor, into the black soil to decompose.

 These corpses are priceless treasures for their descendants, but they are of no use to Long Chen.

 When Long Chen saw the eight emperor-level corpses, his heart instantly began to beat wildly. This was his ultimate goal!

 "Lian Sanqiang, wait for me. I'm coming to find you soon!" At

 that moment, Long Chen's blood boiled. As long as he could add a few more puppets, he could take revenge directly without waiting for the advancement to the human emperor.