
Chapter 5837: King Agutta

 This person is over two meters tall, as burly as an iron tower. He wears a steel helmet on his head, which is covered with spikes, covering his entire head, revealing only a pair of gloomy eyes like a beast.

 His shoulders, waist, knees, and elbows are covered with special armor. He wears spiked gloves on his fists and steel boots on his feet. There are blades on the front and back of the boots.

 This is a giant armed to the teeth. Just looking at this outfit is enough to make people shudder.

 And this person is covered with black lines like a strange python, densely packed, running through the whole body, looking extremely weird.

 "What a strong blood and qi power, is this a member of the Demon Eye Water Lily Clan?" When Long Chen saw this person, he couldn't help but be stunned.

 This guy's aura is not like a tree demon, but more like a wild beast. The blood and qi in his body are like a volcano. Once it erupts, it can destroy the world.

 This is a terrifying strong man, whose strength should be above Lan Yin. However, what surprised Long Chen was not his strength, but his origin.

 "The Demon Eye Water Lily clan, the King of Strength Aguta, come and learn from me!" The giant-like man walked onto the stage and shouted loudly. When

 Aguta opened his mouth, his voice was as loud as a bell, and the void trembled, and he actually formed sound waves directly. The stage began to shake slightly because of his voice.

 When Aguta opened his mouth, the faces of the strong men of the Undead Willow clan changed slightly. How could this man's blood and qi be so terrifying?

 "It turns out that he is the descendant of the Demon Eye Water Lily and the Savage Blood Demon. Not only has he perfectly inherited the magic pattern of the Demon Eye Water Lily clan, but he has also retained the Savage Blood. The combination of the two is extremely powerful. No wonder he is so confident." The beautiful woman of the Undead Willow clan looked at Aguta and nodded. She recognized the origin of this man.

 "Mixed blood?"

 "The Magic Eye Water Lily Clan actually accepts mixed blood?"

 "Are they crazy? Once the mixed blood is activated, the blood of the tree demon clan can only be used as an auxiliary. The blood and will will be suppressed, and they will eventually have to submit to others. Don't they know?"

 For a moment, the strong men of the Undead Dark Willow Clan discussed one after another, and each of them was extremely shocked.

 You know, the word mixed blood did not exist before the birth of the Lord of Nine Stars.

 It was the Lord of Nine Stars who changed the cultivation rules. Most races need to cross the realm of the human emperor and have to cultivate into a human form. After

 cultivating into a human form, they can easily be contaminated by the seven emotions and six desires of the human race, and thus the fertility barriers between the major races are also broken.

 This result terrified countless races. In order to maintain the purity of their own blood, they strictly prohibited the strong men in the clan from marrying strong men from other clans, and even prohibited reproduction.

 However, if you don't cultivate the realm of the human emperor, you can't reach a higher level, but if you cultivate into a human form, you will definitely be contaminated by the emotions of the human race.

 The curiosity of the human race is the strongest among all races. Even though all major races are extremely afraid of this kind of hybrid, it also makes countless races curious.

 Driven by curiosity, countless hybrid races appeared. Of course, in addition to desire and curiosity, there is also something called "love" between different races.

 When the "hybrid" race appeared, the power of this double-edged sword gradually emerged. Some races became stronger because of hybrids, while some races became extinct because of hybrids.

 The Rong Beast Clan that Long Chen was familiar with was the product of that era. Later, all major races hated "hybrids", especially the advanced races with a long history and strong strength. They absolutely would not allow their blood to be tainted.

 If there is love across races, it will be ruthlessly killed, but it is useless to just ban it. The realm of the human emperor is like a poison placed in front of all races. Although you know it is poisonous, you cannot refuse it.

 When all races have human emotions, everything starts to get out of control. The word "mixed blood" is gradually accepted as endless years pass.

 However, among all races, basically only mixed blood between the same races can be barely accepted and acquiesced.

 For example, mixed blood within the undead system, or a little bigger, mixed blood between the plant system, this is already the limit they can bear.

 Mixed blood between the plant system and the monster system cannot be accepted, because this kind of mixed blood is unfair. The power of the plant system will be suppressed and tamed, and thus become a vassal, and be ruled by the blood power of the monster.

 This is unfair and unacceptable to the plant system. This is equivalent to their own blood being used by others. For them, this is harmful and has no benefit.

 Therefore, the creatures of the plant system will never intermarry and reproduce with the strong men of the monster system or other flesh and blood systems.

 When the strong men of the Undead Willow clan learned about Agutta's origin, they were surprised and angry. The Demon Eye Water Lily clan had broken the rules of the plant system, which was a shame for the plant system.

 "Times are changing, and the way of heaven is changing. If you only stick to old ideas and don't know how to adapt, you will only be ruthlessly eliminated.

 The Demon Eye Water Lily clan is not immersed in the glory of the past, but is always trying to make itself stronger.

 I, King Agutta, am just one of the billions of mixed-bloods. The mixed-blood army of the Demon Eye Water Lily clan is not what you can imagine.

 What's funny is that you still show a condescending and disdainful expression." Agutta sneered.

 Hearing about the hundreds of millions of mixed-bloods, the beautiful woman was slightly moved. This means that the mixed-bloods of the Magic Eye Water Lily Clan started a long time ago, and there is more than one mixed-blood race, otherwise there would never be such a huge number.

 Although the breeding barriers between races have been broken due to the changes in the laws of heaven and earth, cross-race breeding is tens of thousands of times more difficult than breeding within the same race.

 If the mixed-bloods of the Magic Eye Water Lily Clan are really as many as Agutta said, if we speculate upwards, the Magic Eye Water Lily Clan may have already begun to do it secretly in the Chaos Era. The

 Magic Eye Water Lily Clan is very ambitious, and at the same time, their courage is also amazing. They dare to mix blood on such a large scale. Aren't they afraid of their own race being extinct? Or have they found some special method to control these mixed-blood creatures?


 Suddenly, Agutta had a vajra in his hand. The vajra was thick at the top and thin at the bottom. It was bounded by the upper third. It suddenly became thicker, like a bucket. Agutta's vajra gently paused on the ring. With a loud bang, a big hole was directly pierced through the ring.

 Seeing this scene, countless strong men all gasped. This man's power was simply terrifying.

 "What? Are all the people of the Undead Clan afraid? No one dares to step forward to fight?"

 Aguta stood proudly, looking around, his voice full of disdain.

 "Let me..."

 Seeing Aguta so terrifying, Huai Yushan was about to stand up, but as soon as she made a move, Long Chen's voice rang in her ears:

 "Don't move, you are the third round!"