
Chapter 5835: Flame of the Flame Demon

 Lan Yin made a fierce attack. Thirteen dragon veins entangled on the black spear, breaking the void with an astonishing momentum.

 Lan Yin's speed was extremely fast. From bursting momentum, summoning visions, condensing dragon veins, to displaying magical powers, it was almost done in one go.

 The black spear pierced through most of the ring in an instant and came directly in front of Liu Ruyan.


 However, just when the black spear was three feet away from Liu Ruyan, it exploded with a bang, and endless black runes flew and scattered around the ring.

 At that moment, even a powerful person like Long Chen couldn't help but be shocked:

 "Is this... the body-protecting divine light? The natal barrier? Or..."

 A three-foot transparent shield appeared in front of Liu Ruyan. In the transparent shield, there were countless willow-like runes flowing slowly. This shield, as thin as a cicada's wing, actually withstood such a violent attack.

 The most important thing is that Liu Ruyan did not move from beginning to end, let alone seal, and even her eyelids did not flutter.

 Her jade-like face was full of indifference, and her gem-like eyes were full of pride.

 At this moment, she was like a female emperor, standing proudly above the world. Although she was standing on the stage, she had a feeling of being looked up to.

 "The Magic Eye Water Lily Clan, is this all the tricks you have?" Liu Ruyan looked at Lan Yin, her cherry lips slightly parted.


 Facing Liu Ruyan's ridicule, Lan Yin laughed instead: "This is the power of the legendary Emperor Seed.

 Great, when you marry me, I can borrow your Emperor Seed Fire to enlighten me, and maybe I can also condense the Emperor Seed."

 "Stupid, I'm already engaged and won't marry anyone else. The reason I agreed to your challenge is just to see what conspiracy you have.

 You, the Magic Eye Water Lily Clan, are really hopelessly stupid to even think about my Emperor Seed." Liu Ruyan said coldly.

 "Fairy Ruyan has an engagement?"

 When hearing Liu Ruyan's words, the disciples of the Undead Dragon Sophora clan were surprised, because they didn't know who her future husband would be. When

 Long Chen heard that Liu Ruyan had an engagement, he couldn't help but feel a pang of pain in his heart, and felt uncomfortable.

 "You have an engagement, but you still dare to accept the challenge. Are you so confident that you can win?" Lan Yin said with a mocking look on his face.

 "My goal is not to win, but to take your lives. The dignity of the Undead Clan is not something that anyone can trample on." Liu Ruyan said coldly.

 "To take my life, you need to have the ability to do so. However, I am very curious, who is your future husband? The arrogant Undead Dark Willow Clan will not also need to rely on marriage to consolidate its position!" Lan Yin said.

 "Don't worry about who he is. Just take care of yourself. I'm going to attack!" Liu Ruyan raised her jade hand slowly.


 The moment Liu Ruyan raised her jade hand, the figure shook slightly. At that moment, Lan Yin's face changed drastically. Suddenly, he shouted angrily, and a white bone shield appeared in his hand. As soon as the shield appeared, the pressure of a strong man in the Queen God Stage soared into the sky.

 It was a shield made of the skull of a demon beast in the Queen God Stage. Not only was it extremely strong, it also retained its life rune.

 As soon as the white bone shield appeared, a jade hand that was as strong as frost and snow fiercely pressed on it.


 When the jade hand touched the bone shield, a shocking explosion sounded, and the entire arena trembled violently. Lan Yin was blown away by a palm, and at the same time, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

 "Good guy!"

 Seeing this scene, Long Chen couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. What kind of power is Liu Ruyan? Even the bone shield containing the power of a strong man in the Queen of Gods period couldn't stop this attack, and Lan Yin was directly injured.

 "Is this the so-called power of the Emperor's Seed? What on earth is that?" Long Chen found that the power controlled by Liu Ruyan was something he had never seen before.

 The key is that Long Chen can't see the energy fluctuations between heaven and earth, as if that power came from her own body.

 "Boom boom boom..."

 Lan Yin was blown away and landed on the arena, and then retreated several steps. Every step back left a deep pit on the arena.

 "With just these tricks, you dare to challenge the Undead Clan. If you don't show your best skills, you won't survive more than three moves in my hands." Liu Ruyan snorted coldly, and moved lightly with lotus steps. Her black long skirt floated, her long hair fluttered, and she slowly walked towards Lan Yin. The invisible killing intent instantly locked Lan Yin.

 "Ka Ka Ka..."

 Lan Yin's face changed drastically. He was shocked to find that it seemed as if an invisible big hand was covering him and wanted to crush him directly. The space around him had been squeezed and deformed.

 "Hehehe, is this the power of an Emperor Miao-level monster? Today I have experienced it. However, even if it is the Emperor Miao, what does it matter? I don't believe that the Emperor Miao is invincible." Lan Yin suddenly laughed, and his eyes were full of madness.


 There was a loud noise, and then a black flame gushed out of Lan Yin's body. The violent power shattered the space around him, and thousands of runes were burned to ashes.

 "Yanxu Flame?"

 Long Chen was shocked. He recognized the fluctuation of the flame. After all, it was not the first time that Long Chen had dealt with the Yanxu lineage. However, the power of this Yanxu Flame was different from that of the real Yanxu clan.

 Lan Yin actually used his life as fuel to ignite the Yanxu Flame. The two merged to form a unique Yanxu Flame.


 The black flame engulfed most of the arena. The terrifying power ignited the arena, and the world was filled with evil breath.

 At this moment, Lan Yin seemed like a different person. His face was distorted like a demon, and his long silver hair turned blood red. His mouth opened wide, revealing sharp teeth and scarlet eyes. He looked at Liu Ruyan:

 "Don't think that you can be invincible just because you have the power of Emperor Miao. Although I am not Emperor Miao, I have mastered the power of Yanxu Flame.

 This power, combined with my original power, forms a new flame. We call it the Flame of the Flame Demon. As the name suggests, it is the product of the fusion of the Yanxu clan and the Demon Eye clan.

 With its blessing, my strength can skyrocket more than ten times in an instant. How dare you look down on my Demon Eye Water Lily clan? Now I will let you know how powerful the Demon Eye Water Lily clan with the Flame Demon is!"


 Lan Yin slammed his feet on the ring, and with a bang, a large area of ​​the ring collapsed. In the endless flames, Lan Yin rushed straight towards Liu Ruyan like a flash of lightning.


 The moment Lan Yin rushed out, black flames filled the sky, and at the same time he let out a beast-like roar. The black flames filled the sky and instantly swallowed up Liu Ruyan.