
Chapter 5766: Uncontrollable

The purple chain was so fast that it bound Long Chen instantly as soon as it appeared.

 "What are you doing?"

 Long Chen was furious. He struggled frantically, but found that in this world, he could not exert any strength at all.

 "It's useless to struggle. Since you have the blood of my purple blood clan, you are destined to be here. You are a lamb to be slaughtered!" A man said with a gloomy face.

 "Say that again, what's wrong with you killing him?" One of the women said unhappily.

 As a result, as soon as the woman spoke, the man who frightened Long Chen was speechless: "This kid is too rude, can't I scare him?"

 "This kid has such a strong murderous aura on him, can you scare him with this expression? Don't waste time, hurry up and work.

 The juniors must have sent this kid in for a reason." The woman said unhappily.


 Suddenly, purple flames rose around Long Chen. At that moment, the scorching heat burned his soul, and Long Chen suddenly felt a sharp pain in his soul.

 "What are you doing, you old lights?" Long Chen cursed.

 "Old Deng?"

 Everyone was stunned, not knowing what this meant, but looking at Long Chen's expression, they knew it was not a good thing.


 Long Chen suddenly roared, and black runes spread all over his body. The black runes were ghostly and creepy.

 "Sure enough, it's the mark of the Ghost Emperor!" Everyone exclaimed.

 "How did you get the mark of the Ghost Emperor, you bastard?" One of them shouted.

 "Don't worry about it, stop it." Long Chen shouted.

 "This kid is crazy, the mark of the Ghost Emperor is on you, and you will become its slave sooner or later. Don't be afraid, we will help you get rid of it." The leading man comforted Long Chen at this time.

 "Don't be afraid of your sister, I'll keep this thing for a great use." Long Chen roared.

 "What crazy nonsense are you talking about? This thing will kill you. Besides, how can a disciple of my Purple Blood lineage have the mark of the Ghost Emperor? This is a shame for our Purple Blood lineage." The leading man said angrily.

 "Hey, hey, hey, stop messing around, this is really useful!" Seeing that person was about to make a move, Long Chen screamed.

 Long Chen was infected with this Ghost Emperor Mark on the Ghost Ship. At that time, Long Chen was weak and had no feeling at all, so he was planted.

 Later, when Long Chen was advancing, part of his blood and soul power was secretly taken away. It was all because of this Ghost Emperor Mark. The Chaos Dragon Emperor told Long Chen not to pay attention to it, and said that if you plant a seed in spring, you will harvest ten thousand dan of grain in autumn.

 At that time, Long Chen didn't understand what it meant, but as Long Chen's cultivation gradually improved, Long Chen gradually understood the intention of the Chaos Dragon Emperor. The

 Ghost Emperor Mark on his body is a bond. If the Ghost Emperor Mark is removed, the blood and soul he lost can never be found again.

 Seeing that everyone was kind enough to help him remove the Ghost Emperor's Mark, Long Chen was so scared that his face turned green, and he shouted:

 "Don't be kind-hearted, this Ghost Emperor's Mark is really useful to me, it is related to a huge investment of mine!"

 However, it was useless for Long Chen to shout at the top of his lungs. These people didn't believe Long Chen's nonsense at all, and thought that he was corrupted by the Ghost Emperor's will and had gone stupid.

 "Don't talk nonsense to him, it will be too late if we don't save him now." Seeing that Long Chen's face was ferocious and he seemed to be going crazy, they thought that it was not Long Chen who was struggling at this time, but the will of the Ghost Emperor's Mark.

 Long Chen was shocked and angry, but this space was very strange. Long Chen couldn't use his great ability, even the perception of Qiankun Ding and Longgu Xieyue was stripped away.


 Just as everyone was working together to strip the Ghost Emperor's Mark, a noble and sacred will suddenly emerged.


 Suddenly, the chains that bound Long Chen burst into pieces. At that moment, everyone looked at Long Chen in a daze.

 "This is..."

 "Plop, plop..."

 These ancestors of the Purple Blood Clan actually knelt down slowly in front of Long Chen. Long Chen was originally furious, but the sudden change at this time made Long Chen dumbfounded.


 At this time, the sacred will slowly dissipated,

 and the whole world gradually returned to its original appearance. "That... Although you are wrong first, you are the ancestors of the Purple Blood Clan after all. If you do this, I will be very embarrassed." Long Chen looked at everyone and said awkwardly.

 Just now, he was busy with anger and didn't know what happened. He only knew that when he struggled desperately, an invisible force burst out and shattered the chains. He thought that the Chaos Pearl sensed his danger and helped him.

 Everyone slowly stood up, and when they looked at Long Chen again, there was endless awe in their eyes.

 "Since you insist on keeping the Ghost Emperor's Mark, then it's up to you. But I have to remind you that the Ghost Emperor's Mark will erode your will and nourish your inner demons as your strength increases. You must be careful." The middle-aged man in the lead said.

 Long Chen nodded and said, "Junior understands and will be careful."

 At this time, Long Chen also put away his previous arrogance. On the one hand, it was because they were really kind to him. On the other hand, they put away their condescending attitude, so Long Chen naturally couldn't be arrogant anymore.


 Suddenly, the world in front of Long Chen changed, and his mind withdrew from the totem pole, while Luo Yanfeng and others were still sleeping.

 Long Chen looked at the totem pole and couldn't speak for a long time. Why did the ancestor of the Purple Blood lineage suddenly pay such a big tribute to him, and the object of the tribute didn't seem to be him.

 Seeing that Luo Yanfeng and others were still sleeping in the divine light of the totem pole, their bloodline power seemed to have entered a dormant state. Seeing that there was nothing for him to do, Long Chen left the totem hall first.

 As soon as Long Chen left, the figure of the old patriarch appeared in the hall. He came to the front of the totem pillar and bowed respectfully to it, and then he appeared in the totem space.

 "Meet the ancestors"

 After entering the space, the old patriarch knelt down respectfully. These are the heroes worshipped by the Purple Blood Clan. They have paid too much for the Purple Blood Clan. This respect comes from the depths of the soul.

 "Get up!" The middle-aged man in the lead personally helped the old patriarch up and said:

 "What is your purpose in sending him in?"

 "Now our lineage is facing a critical moment of choice and sacrifice, and Long Chen is the key among the keys.

 I feel a strong murderous intent and evil aura in him, but there is some power in him that blocks my detection. I can't decide whether I can trust him.

 After all, this matter is related to the rise and fall of our lineage, honor and disgrace, I can only trouble the ancestors." The old patriarch said.

 "He is trustworthy, there is no doubt about that, but I want to remind you that he cannot be controlled." After the middle-aged man finished speaking, his figure disappeared.

 The old patriarch was also ejected from the totem space. Looking at the totem pillar, a look of confusion emerged in his eyes, and he muttered to himself:

 "Uncontrollable? What kind of instruction is this?"
