
Chapter 5746 Repeat Again

 "Long Chen, put down your weapon quickly..."

 At this time, the elder of the Luo family who was originally on duty at the gate of the Purple Fairy Pavilion was also shocked when he saw this. He was afraid that Long Chen was young and hot-tempered, and would kill the elder in anger, which would be troublesome.

 At this time, his scalp was numb. Luo Zichuan asked him to protect Long Chen. He thought it was just a small fight between disciples. Wouldn't it be easy to deal with?

 Who would have thought that Long Chen actually held the life of an elder in his hands? Although the elder was not a combat-type strongman, his strength was still not to be underestimated. Long Chen actually subdued him.

 "You Luo family kid, you are committing a crime..." Seeing that more people came, the man seemed to be bolder and roared.


 As a result, before he finished speaking, Long Chen raised his hand and slapped him in the face. With a slap, his face was immediately torn and blood flowed.

 The man was restrained by Long Chen and dared not move, and there was no way to open the protective divine light. At this time, his body was not much stronger than that of an ordinary Tiansheng strongman.

 "Come on, Lao Deng, repeat the curse words you said before. Now that so many people have come, do you think they can save you?" Long Chen said with a gloomy face.

 "Long Chen, let go, otherwise more and more people will be alarmed." The Luo family strongman hurriedly said.

 The reason why they appeared here was because someone triggered the alarm in the Purple Fairy Pavilion, and they arrived at the first time.

 If Long Chen does not stop, more and more elder-level strongmen will come, and it will be difficult to clean up the stall at that time.

 No matter what the elder did wrong, Long Chen was not qualified to take action. Taking action would be a violation of the superiors. Although this rule is very painful, it has always existed.

 "Pa pa pa pa..."

 "You still don't accept it? Look at me sideways again?"

 Long Chen grabbed the elder and slapped him hard. Long Chen's action directly angered the elders around him. Long Chen simply did not take them seriously.

 "Boy, stop it, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless." An elder finally couldn't bear it anymore.

 Long Chen slowly turned his head and looked at the old man, sneering: "You can try it."


 The old man was shocked and angry, and wanted to threaten Long Chen, but Long Chen didn't buy it at all.

 "Chen'er, let him go!"

 Suddenly, a figure appeared, it was Luo Zichuan.

 It turned out that after Luo Zichuan returned to his residence, he was just about to practice, and before he could sit down, the nameplate on his waist flashed rapidly.

 He immediately knew that something was wrong. It was a signal from the elders of the Luo family, asking him to come to the Purple Fairy Pavilion as soon as possible.

 As a result, as soon as he arrived at the Purple Fairy Pavilion, he saw Long Chen piercing the chest of an elder with a sword, and his big mouth was slapping up like it was free.

 Luo Zichuan didn't have much contact with Long Chen. Although he knew that he had an arrogant personality and acted domineeringly, he had been the dean of Lingxiao Academy after all.

 Luo Zichuan thought that Long Chen should have a certain degree of sophistication, know how to judge the situation, and be careful about what he did. As a result, he found that he had misjudged this little grandson. This guy was not a worry-free master at all.

 Seeing that his grandfather was coming, Long Chen had to reluctantly let go of the elder who had a bad mouth. However, before letting go, he patted his bloody face and said,

 "Remember next time, don't be so bad-mouthed. If you do it again, no one can protect you."


 Long Chen drew out his long sword and pushed the elder out. At this time, the elder was so angry that his hair stood on end. He looked at Long Chen with his eyes, almost spitting fire, but even though he gritted his teeth, he didn't dare to swear.

 Because he was afraid, the murderous intent that was almost condensed into substance in Long Chen shocked his soul and his will almost collapsed.

 "Luo Zichuan, your Luo family kid is so arrogant, disrespectful to his elders, and committing crimes. I wonder how you can protect him this time?" An elder in the crowd sneered. This elder was from the Bi family, and he had a gloating look on his face.

 The elder who was dealt with by Long Chen was not from their family, and he was very happy to see this scene.

 "The children of the Luo family can protect themselves, and I don't need to worry about them. Instead, you should protect your children first, and then... protect yourself." Luo Zichuan said lightly.

 Before, Luo Zichuan sent Long Chen here mainly because he was worried that he would have conflicts with those disciples, so he asked the clan members to take care of him.

 But he didn't expect that Long Chen could actually subdue the existence of the Purple Crown Divine Emperor. Only then did he understand that this kid, like his father, had hidden his strength. With his strength, he didn't even see the bottom of this guy.

 At first, he only thought that Long Chen's bloodline was powerful, but facing the Purple Crown Divine Emperor, he would definitely restrain himself and would not make too much trouble. Now he realized that he underestimated this grandson too much.

 Long Chen's current strength is so amazing. When he advances to the Human Emperor, even the God Emperor will have to retreat.

 "Elder Zhixin, let's go to the clan leader to seek justice. If we don't take care of the Luo family, they will probably go to heaven." The elder of the Bi family said to the elder who was beaten by Long Chen.

 The elder named Zhixin's face changed. He looked at Long Chen, then at the elder of the Bi family, and snorted coldly:

 "Today's matter ends here."

 After saying that, he turned around and left. At that moment, the elders of the Bi family and everyone else were stunned. This guy suffered such a great humiliation, but he just endured it?

 Luo Zichuan looked at the elder's back and couldn't help showing a bit of surprise in his eyes. He had underestimated this person before.

 This person actually saw that if he went to complain, he would inevitably get involved in the vortex of the fight between the two families, and would also drag his family into it, which would eventually be equivalent to being used by the Bi family.

 And this guy Long Chen had completely frightened him. He might as well let the Bi family deal with this kind of devil. He only needed to endure his anger for a while and be a spectator. If the Bi family won, Long Chen would die tragically and his revenge would be avenged.

 If the Luo family won, he would not have any grudges with the Luo family and his status would remain unchanged.

 Luo Zichuan could not have thought that this man could make such a choice in such a rage, and he actually looked up to him.

 "Long Chen, you killed someone with malicious intent..." Seeing that he failed to provoke Elder Zhixin, the old man of the Bi family immediately pointed at Long Chen and pointed at the corpse on the ground.

 "Which eye did you see me kill someone?" Long Chen asked back, "You start talking nonsense without knowing the truth. Don't let me slap you in the face."

 "So many eyes are watching, you want to deny it?" the elder said angrily.

 However, when looking at those disciples, those disciples looked at each other, and that disciple did not die at the hands of Long Chen, but at the hands of Elder Zhixin.

 "Grandpa, I'm going to continue studying." Long Chen made a move to Luo Zichuan, and then continued to look for his favorite magic as if nothing had happened.

 Seeing this, Luo Zichuan simply stopped practicing and stayed in the outer area to protect Long Chen.

 However, what they didn't know was that in the corner of the Purple Blood Clan, the old patriarch saw everything that happened in the Purple Fairy Pavilion.

 "This kid has such a strong temper. I'm afraid we can't use him. If he's not careful, he will become a disaster. You have to make plans as soon as possible."

 A cold voice sounded in the void.