
Chapter 5738: Baptism in the Holy Pool

 The road was not wide, but it was narrow. It was very easy for two teams to pass at the same time, but the people on the opposite side almost blocked the road, leaving only a very narrow part.

 Long Chen seemed to be "immersed" in joy, and did not notice the people in front of him. He just walked forward. When he was about to pass by the people of the Bi family, suddenly the Bi family's shoulder sank and hit Long Chen.

 "Be careful"

 Luo Yanfeng did not expect that this group of people would be so arrogant to fight here. He was immediately furious and hurriedly reached out to pull Long Chen.

 "Hey hey"

 However, Long Chen lost his balance. Under Luo Yanfeng's pull, his body spun rapidly. While dancing, his big hand slapped the face of the person who hit him. The


 sound was not loud, but it was very crisp. Everyone in the audience heard it clearly. The person who hit Long Chen just wanted to make Long Chen look bad, so he didn't use too much force. Of course, he didn't dare to use too much force. If he hurt someone in the clan, he would be severely punished.

 As a result, he bumped into Long Chen. Before he could feel proud, Long Chen slapped him hard on the face. This big slap made him see stars and feel dizzy. If someone hadn't helped him, he would have fallen to the ground.

 At that moment, everyone was stunned. Long Chen's slap was a bit weird. It seemed like an unintentional mistake, but also like it was intentional.

 "You dare to hit someone?"

 The strong men of the Bi family were furious.

 "It was obviously you who deliberately bumped into him. Long Chen's body was unbalanced and he happened to bump into your people. Why are you biting back?" Luo Ying counterattacked directly.

 "Which eye did you see that we deliberately bumped into people?" The other party was also unreasonable and shouted.

 "Unreasonable, right?"

 "What's wrong with being unreasonable?"

 For a while, people on both sides were angry. The people of the Bi family came here to deliberately make trouble, and they were so arrogant and domineering. The people of the Luo family couldn't stand it.

 Long Chen hid in the crowd and "pretended to be pitiful". The scene in front of him made Long Chen feel too naive. These were just a group of children who had not experienced bloody education and were still in the rebellious period.

 Perhaps it was the countless years of stable life that nurtured their naivety and stupidity. Long Chen felt that he was from two different worlds with these children who grew up in a greenhouse.

 Long Chen was protected by the disciples of the Luo family. Obviously, in their eyes, Long Chen was too weak. He had not even condensed the dragon energy of the Heavenly Vein, and they were afraid that he would suffer.

 "You feel great just because a ninth-grade bloodline came? Your Luo family has completely fallen. Is Luo Zichuan still alive?" At this time, a disciple of the Bi family sneered.

 "Fuck you..."

 Hearing the man's words, Long Chen went berserk in an instant and rushed out directly. Long Chen's move was as fast as lightning. Before the man could react, he was grabbed by Long Chen's chin.

 "I'll let you be mean..."

 Long Chen roared, exerting force with his big hand.


 In the splash of blood, the man's mouth was crushed by Long Chen.


 Long Chen kicked the man's crotch with a lightning-like kick. With a loud bang, the man's legs suddenly became longer and split from the navel.

 Long Chen gritted his teeth at this time, like a beast. This man dared to humiliate his grandfather. Thinking of his grandfather's appearance, Long Chen almost lost control and killed all these people.

 Luo Yanfeng and others were also shocked. Who could have thought that Long Chen looked so weak, but he was so cruel.

 Although the man did not die, his miserable appearance shocked everyone, and the strong men of the Bi family were also frightened.

 "A bunch of little arms, you don't know how to live or die. If you dare to talk dirty again, do you believe that I will make you regret coming to this world?" Long Chen roared, like thunder and thunder, and the fierce killing intent scared the group of strong men pale.

 At this time, Long Chen was like a prehistoric beast. You should know that Long Chen has fought in all directions over the years and killed countless lives, accumulating boundless murderous aura.

 Usually, in order to control his breath, Long Chen tried to keep himself in a peaceful state of mind, not to let the murderous aura affect his mind and promote the power of the inner demon.

 But once he was furious, the murderous aura would burst out. This kind of murderous aura would make even the strong men who had experienced hundreds of battles feel terrified, let alone this group

 of children who grew up in a greenhouse. "You... you dare to hurt someone, just wait, we will report to the court, and you just wait to be punished!" The group of people were frightened, left a cruel word, and just carried the guy who fainted away and ran away.

 Seeing these people running away, Long Chen still gritted his teeth. Luo Ying hurriedly comforted him:

 "Don't worry, we have people in the court. Besides, they provoked first and humiliated people later. Even if you hurt people, it is understandable. At that time, the most you can do is apologize and deduct some purple crystals."

 Seeing Long Chen trembling, they thought that Long Chen was a little scared after his attack, and they all stepped forward to comfort Long Chen.

 What they didn't know was that Long Chen was trembling all over because he forcibly suppressed his killing intent. This group of ignorant idiots was too hateful.

 After entering the Purple Blood Clan for less than half a day, Long Chen felt that he was about to lose his patience, but for his grandfather and mother, he had to endure it.

 "Long Chen, your strength is a bit scary. That kick of yours almost kicked that guy to pieces." A disciple of the Luo family said.

 Everyone nodded. The power of Long Chen's kick was too amazing. The opponent was a Nine Veins Heavenly Saint. When Long Chen kicked, his purple qi body protection divine light was automatically generated, but the body protection divine light was still kicked out by Long Chen.

 Long Chen was also secretly thankful that this guy's blood power automatically protected his body, otherwise Long Chen's kick would have kicked him to death.

 "Let's go, we will take you to receive the benefits of the core disciples. Don't worry about that guy. Even if they go to sue, it will take ten days to go through the process. Don't worry about this for the time being." Luo Yanfeng said.

 Under the leadership of Luo Yanfeng and others, Long Chen received his identity badge, clothes, etc. in an unknown place, but Long Chen refused the clothes. He was still used to wearing his black robe.

 When asked what weapon he wanted, Long Chen chose to ask for a long sword like most people.

 When Long Chen got the weapon, he couldn't help but secretly sigh at the heritage of the Purple Blood Clan. This long sword was a divine weapon of the Human Emperor. The runes engraved on it were specially made for the Purple Blood Clan. Only the power of purple blood could activate it. It was extremely sharp and powerful.

 After getting the identity nameplate, Luo Yanfeng took Long Chen directly on the teleportation array and came to the front of a mountain gate. He pointed at the gate and said,

 "Brother, that is the place for baptism in the Holy Pool. Those of us who have been baptized are not allowed to approach.

 Take the nameplate and enter the Holy Pool to be baptized first. The Heavenly Vein Dragon Qi of our clan will be awakened automatically, and you don't need to do anything.

 Just try not to conflict with others after entering. After all, we can't take care of you inside."

 "Thank you very much."

 Long Chen nodded and walked towards the gate with the nameplate.