
Chapter 5712: Crown of God

 "Give me back my son's life!"

 The old man of the Heavenly Demon Golden Monkey clan roared. His son was killed, and he was already furious. His target was the purple-eyed nine-tailed demon fox.

 However, Hou Tianwu was killed, and Long Chen had not yet appeared. He was blinded by anger and did not realize how terrible Long Chen was. Seeing Long Chen coming, he punched Long Chen with a whistling fist.

 "It's still not possible, but I can send you over so that you and your son can be reunited." Long Chen sneered.

 "You fart!"

 Hou Tianwu's father roared, and his fist was full of golden light. All the power of the god was condensed on his fist in an instant.

 Seeing Hou Tianwu's father punching him, he also punched back.


 The golden fist collided with the purple fist, and the two-color divine light infected the sky. One was the God Emperor sealed in the Chaos Age, and the other was the top Tianjiao in modern times.

 The collision of flesh and blood power did not have any fancy moves. It was obvious that both Long Chen and Hou Tianwu's father were very confident in their flesh.

 In the entanglement of purple and golden divine light, countless strong men of the Heavenly Demon Golden Monkey clan were blown away by the air wave.


 However, before everyone could see the situation in the air wave clearly, a loud bang was heard, and Hou Tianwu's father flew backwards, with a large purple handprint on his face. Against the backdrop of gold, this handprint was so conspicuous.

 "The Heavenly Demon Golden Monkey clan, all of you go to hell!"

 Just when people were still shocked by how the handprint on Hou Tianwu's father's face came from, a shrill roar was heard, and a sharp claw tore through the sky and fell directly into the Heavenly Demon Golden Monkey clan.

 "Puff puff puff..."

 This attack was extremely terrifying, but silent. This was the killing move after Bai Xiaole and Xiao Jiu merged. The terrifying power was covered with the power of space. When the attack was launched, this attack became a death warrant. Hundreds of strong men of the Heavenly Demon Golden Monkey clan were directly slapped and exploded by a claw, and blood and flesh flew everywhere.


 Seeing the endless blood, the purple-eyed nine-tailed demon fox became even more crazy, and its huge body raged wildly.

 At this time, the strong men of the Heavenly Demon Golden Monkey Clan revealed their true bodies and turned into giants to kill Xiao Jiu.

 However, at this time, Xiao Jiu was already blood-curdling, with sharp claws like knives, biting wildly, and even did not use his magical powers, because the feeling of touching flesh and blood during the biting would make him feel more comfortable.


 Hou Tianwu's father, who was slapped by Long Chen, roared loudly, and suddenly a divine light appeared behind his head.

 When the divine light appeared, the whole world suddenly sank, and his aura suddenly soared more than ten times.

 "The crown of the divine crown?"

 When Long Chen saw the divine light behind his head, his heart trembled slightly. He finally saw that only the strong men of the Chaos Era could condense the crown of the divine crown.

 Because it is now the Dharma Ending Age, the human emperor or the divine emperor of this era cannot condense the crown of the emperor.

 However, Long Chen's generation has caught up with the flow of luck. As long as he condenses his natal dragon vein, he can condense the crown of the emperor.

 The Imperial Crown also has grades. The more dragon veins one has, the more perfect one's performance will be when overcoming tribulations, and the higher the grade of the Imperial Crown.

 The grades of the Imperial Crown can be distinguished by color, which are red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, blue, and purple. There are seven grades, with red being the lowest and purple being the highest.

 The difference in strength between those with and without the Imperial Crown is huge, like an insurmountable gap.

 Hou Tianwu's father is a ninth-rank God Emperor, but if he were an ordinary God Emperor, he would not be able to take the punch from Long Chen, and would be seriously injured if not dead.

 However, he is a strong man from the Chaos Era, and his body is nourished by the Chaos Qi, making it extremely powerful, which is simply incomparable to the strong men of this era.

 Therefore, although Long Chen's aura is strong, he thought he could easily blow up Long Chen with one punch, but he didn't get the upper hand after the blow, and was slapped by Long Chen.

 In his rage, he no longer wanted to hold back, and the divine light appeared behind his head. With the blessing of the divine light, his head seemed to be covered with the Emperor's Crown, which is also the origin of the name of the Imperial Crown. When the

 Imperial Crown appeared, Hou Tianwu's father's aura soared more than ten times, and the power of heaven and earth kept gathering towards him, and his aura kept rising, and the powerful aura made the surrounding space buzz.

 "Puff, puff, puff..."

 Just as Hou Tianwu's father summoned the crown of the God's Crown, the bloody battle had already begun, and the Dragon Blood Legion had already fought with the strong men of the demon clan.

 However, what the demon clan did not expect was that these powerful God Emperors, who were in high positions, were simply leeks in front of the Dragon Blood Legion.

 The duel between the new and old strong men was simply an unequal massacre. Even the weakest strong men of the North and South Alliance fought bravely at this time, and the old generation of God Emperors were killed and cried for their parents.

 It was not that the God Emperors of this generation did not work hard enough, but that they were eliminated by the times. The blessing of the luck in the Tianmai Xuan Realm caused a cliff-like gap.

 Seeing the strong men of the Tian Yao Golden Monkey clan being killed, Hou Tianwu's father was very anxious. In order to avenge his son, he ordered the teleportation array to be opened and summoned all the strong men above the God Emperor of the Tian Yao Alliance.

 Revenge for his son was one aspect, and it was also to show the dominant position of the demon clan and establish prestige to all races.

 Now that these God Emperors have been slaughtered and the major forces have suffered heavy losses, who will be the commander of the Tian Yao Golden Monkey in the future?


 Hou Tianwu's father roared, and the golden long stick in his hand emerged. The divine light of the imperial crown flowed, and he smashed it down at Long Chen.

 "Tsk, wearing a green hat, are you afraid that others don't know that your wife is beautiful?" Long Chen sneered, waved his hand, and the Dragon Bone Evil Moon was in his hand.

 When Long Chen said this, Feng Xinyue, who was watching the battle from a distance, couldn't help but smile. This Long Chen was too mean.

 The imperial crown of Hou Tianwu's father was the fourth level of the rainbow level,

 green among red, orange, yellow and green. This color of the imperial crown mainly contains life force and will strengthen the strength of the flesh.

 In fact, Hou Tianwu's father's imperial crown was purple, which was the top existence, but in the long seal, the power of his crown degenerated and eventually degenerated to green.

 When Hou Tianwu's father heard Long Chen's words, his face was green with anger, and his face was as ferocious as a ghost. Endless runes on the golden long stick lit up, and the whole body's strength was added. He wished that he could smash Long Chen into a pulp with a stick. "


 In the purple divine light, thirteen dragon veins emerged, and the picture of a group of dragons holding a pearl reappeared. The moment it appeared, Long Chen's dragon blood power instantly burned up, and the violent power erupted like a volcano.


 The dragon pattern on the dragon bone evil moon lit up, and a knife slashed on the golden long stick, and the two forces of destruction collided with each other.