
Chapter 5671: Betting on Heaven's Way - Hu Feng


 Yue Changfeng roared, and the spear in his hand pierced into the void like a flash of lightning, where there was a faint figure.

 Although the boy avoided his lock, his killing spear sensed his position.


 With a shocking explosion, a small domino hit the tip of the spear, and a big hole was shaken out of the void.

 When the big hole healed, the boy had disappeared, and even the killing spear could not sense his direction. Obviously, he had left.

 "I told you divination with good intentions, but you want to kill me. You are really a group of ungrateful people.

 Originally, after the divination, although it was a very bad sign, if you avoid danger, there is still a chance to remedy it. However, now, you just wait to die!" The voice of the boy came from afar.

 "Damn little beast, dare you leave your name?" Yue Changfeng was furious. This guy deliberately humiliated them before running away.

 "Betting on the way of heaven - Hu Feng"

 The voice of the boy rang again, and the spear in Yue Changfeng's hand kept shaking. He wanted to use the boy's echo to capture his position and see if he could perform a strike from a distance.

 This is a special magical power of the Spear of Slaughter. As long as you can lock his general position and launch a strike from a distance, you will have a chance to kill him.

 Unfortunately, the boy seemed to see through his intention. When the voice came, he was no longer in the same direction as the voice. The Spear of Slaughter had this magical power, but it was useless.

 Yue Changfeng was so angry that his teeth itched. He had traveled all over the world and had never met an opponent. Now he had obtained the Canghuang Battle Armor and the Spear of Slaughter, and his strength had reached an unprecedented peak.

 However, he had suffered a loss in front of Long Chen before, and he had not had time to get back at him. Now he was played by a little boy again. This was simply a great shame for him.

 Lu Qingshuang was horrified. She had planned to help the boy and was ready to offend Yue Changfeng.

 The reason why she did not take action directly was because she was full of curiosity about the boy. She could not sense any fluctuations in his heavenly veins, but she could give people great pressure.

 She wanted to know how strong the boy was. If he was in danger, she would take action again. Even if it caused Yue Changfeng's displeasure, she could not do anything to herself.

 However, everything happened too fast, and it felt like it was over before it even started. What shocked her the most was that the strong man killed by Hu Feng was a very strong man who had condensed six life veins, and was Tu Meng's strongest subordinate.

 You know, in the entire Golden Armor Knights, only Yue Changfeng had condensed nine life veins, and he was the one with the highest realm and the strongest strength in the entire Golden Armor Knights. Even without the two magic weapons, no one could be his opponent.

 There were four eight-veined Heavenly Saints, including Lu Qingshuang and Tu Meng, as well as the other two Knights.

 And the strong man killed by Hu Feng, although he was only at the realm of the Six-veined Heavenly Saint, he was gifted and had amazing combat power, and could compete with the Seven-veined Heavenly Saint.

 However, such a strong man was killed in a moment of confusion, and everyone had no time to rescue him.

 The most terrifying thing was that everyone saw clearly that the man was killed by the dominoes in Hu Feng's hand.

 The dominoes were three inches long and one inch wide, as bright as jade, and looked extremely fragile, and would break at the slightest bump.

 However, the domino easily pierced the man's head, along with the golden helmet protecting his head.

 The part of the golden helmet that was pierced was as smooth as a mirror, just like a sharp blade cutting through a carrot. The powerful golden helmet did not provide any protection. The

 one that blocked Yue Changfeng's attack was also that small domino. Although Yue Changfeng did not use his full strength at that time, he had the spear of killing in his hand. The

 fierce soldier with the power of destruction and killing was actually blocked by that small domino. This boy was only fifteen or sixteen years old, and there was no breath of erosion from the years on him. In other words, he was a strong man of the time, not a person who was sealed in ancient times.

 Thinking of this, Lu Qingshuang couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. At the age of fifteen or sixteen, his cultivation had reached this level. This was simply a monster.

 At the same time, he couldn't help but feel powerless. Yue Changfeng was really good at picking. In such a short time, he challenged two extremely terrifying people.

 Long Chen was so powerful that people couldn't figure out his bottom. This boy didn't even use the dragon energy of the sky veins. He easily escaped from the thousands of troops and killed a six-veined heavenly saint.

 Looking at Yue Changfeng at this time, he did not have a trace of regret, but gnashed his teeth, murderous, and looked like he would not stop until he tore the other party into pieces, without reflecting on whether his behavior was correct.

 "Let's go,"

 Yue Changfeng said with a gloomy face, waved his hand, and led the Mech Knights to fly forward rapidly.

 Lu Qingshuang looked numb and silent. At this time, she seemed to have bowed to fate, and Tu Meng couldn't help but smile proudly when he saw Lu Qingshuang's appearance.



 The Ten Thousand Dragon Nest continued to move forward, and the sound of breaking through the air resounded through the world. Long Chen stood in the hall, looking at the scene outside, and recalled Yue Changfeng's arrogant appearance in his mind, and he couldn't help but get annoyed:

 "Chase, catch up, I have a reason to beat your head into a dog's head."

 Before, there were acquaintances, and Long Chen was embarrassed to turn his face directly, but he could see that Yue Changfeng was the kind of person who didn't care about face, and he should not be able to help chasing him.

 If he caught up, Long Chen would have a reason to attack. However, this time, Long Chen miscalculated. He waited for a long time but didn't see the Golden Knights catch up.

 "If they don't catch up, there will be no chance." Long Chen couldn't help but sigh.

 Because the space in front began to gradually distort, he went straight ahead, but in the distorted space, the route would keep changing. He came in from the same direction, but because he was at different times, the route would change.


 Although Long Chen deliberately slowed down, the Ten Thousand Dragon Nest eventually entered the distorted space.

 "Buzz buzz buzz..."

 When entering the distorted space, countless divine patterns lit up on the Ten Thousand Dragon Nest. The huge Ten Thousand Dragon Nest was like a sun, blooming with unprecedented brilliance.

 At the same time, pure energy rushed in. This energy contained endless power of destiny, sacred power, law power, and dragon blood power.

 Entering the distorted space means that he is very close to the Imperial Way Reverse Scale and is about to see the true face of the Imperial Way Reverse Scale. At that moment, Long Chen's heart gradually became excited.

 "I understand now. It turns out that the reason you don't practice magical powers and comprehend the Nine Li Divine Talisman is because of this!"

 Suddenly, the Chaos Dragon Emperor's exclamation came from Long Chen's mind.