
Chapter 5669: The Young Man in Blue

 "Boom boom..."

 The huge Ten Thousand Dragons Nest, like a world, smashed towards the Golden Armor Knights fiercely, and the violent pressure made the world change color.

 "Golden Armor Sky-supporting Formation"

 Lu Qingshuang was the first to react and shouted loudly. With her reminder, all the golden armor knights formed seals with their hands, and the people and horses became one. The golden armor divine light gathered and formed a huge magic circle above their heads.


 However, the magic circle was crushed by the divine light of the Ten Thousand Dragons Nest as soon as it was formed. Countless people ran out with blood and flew backwards, and the formation was instantly disrupted.

 If the Ten Thousand Dragons Nest pressed down at this time, countless people would be crushed into meat in an instant.

 Yue Changfeng was used to being arrogant. According to his understanding, after his provocation, the other side should send someone to mediate, and both sides should introduce themselves and show their respective strengths to see how big the gap is between them.

 He didn't expect that the Ten Thousand Dragons Nest didn't take them seriously at all, and suddenly attacked and killed them by surprise.

 "Looking for death!"

 Yue Changfeng was furious. Nine heavenly veins radiated from his back, and the yellow armor on his body roared and exploded. What people didn't expect was that his yellow armor actually blessed his natal dragon veins. The power of destiny and luck blended, and the pressure was rising rapidly.

 Yue Changfeng was ready to meet the impact of the Ten Thousand Dragons Nest, but the Ten Thousand Dragons Nest did not kill them, but continued to slowly leave in the original direction. Then a lazy voice came:

 "I don't hate arrogant people, but I hate people who are more arrogant than me, and I hate those who have no ability but are particularly arrogant."

 When he heard that voice, Lu Qingshuang was struck by lightning and could hardly believe his ears. The team led by Lu Qingshuang also looked incredulous.

 "Is it him?"

 At this time, the Ten Thousand Dragons Nest was already far away.

 "Who is he?" Yue Changfeng was shocked and angry.

 "He is the one who helped us get the yellow armor." Lu Qingshuang sighed.

 Yue Changfeng was furious and wanted to chase him. Long Chen's words almost pissed him off to death, because that word was not only extremely hurtful, but also more humiliating.

 But when he heard Lu Qingshuang's words, Yue Changfeng was stunned, holding his spear tightly, hesitating whether to have a bloody battle with this arrogant guy.

 "Oh, it turns out to be the scoundrel who made Fairy Qingshuang call him brother!" Tu Meng rolled her eyes and said with ill intentions.

 Obviously Tu Meng was very scheming. She had planted her own spies in Lu Qingshuang's team. She knew Long Chen.

 "Our Fairy Qingshuang, known as a cold beauty, was teased, but she was not angry at all. Wow, so strange, could it be..." Tu Meng covered her lips with her hands, showing an exaggerated expression of surprise.

 "Looking for death, I'll kill him now!"

 Yue Changfeng was immediately furious. Men hate this kind of thing the most, not to mention that Long Chen had humiliated him so much before, how could he tolerate it?

 Lu Qingshuang was so angry that her face was frost-covered. She wanted to tear Tumeng's mouth apart. This woman was too vicious.

 "Yue Changfeng, are you crazy? It was you who took the initiative to provoke them, and they passively counterattacked and didn't kill you. Is there a problem with this?

 We were provoked three times along the way, and you killed them all without leaving a single one alive. They were already showing mercy, right?

 If he hadn't helped, could you wear this pale yellow armor? Even if you don't appreciate others, you shouldn't repay kindness with enmity, right?" Lu Qingshuang roared hysterically. She was going crazy and didn't care about anything at this moment.

 Lu Qingshuang was furious, and her crazy look shocked Yue Changfeng, and his anger disappeared without a trace. He had been with Lu Qingshuang for so many years, but this was the first time he saw her angry.

 Tu Meng immediately seized the opportunity and said sarcastically: "Hey, you are protecting that man so much..."


 Suddenly, Lu Qingshuang pointed a dagger at Tu Meng. When everyone saw the dagger, they were horrified.

 "Damn bitch, you are the one who is making trouble here. Since you hate me so much, come on, take the cursed sword and fight to the death." Lu Qingshuang said with a gloomy face. The cursed

 sword, also known as the sword of judgment, inputs the life runes of two people into it.

 The judgment rune begins to count down. If the two people do not decide life and death within a certain period of time, the sword of judgment will explode, and then both people will die.

 This is a death judgment with no retreat. Some sects will use the sword of judgment because of irreconcilable conflicts between disciples.

 As a leader at the head of a group, when there is a fierce conflict between subordinates, he will use the sword of judgment in desperation.

 Now, this sword of judgment was used on Lu Qingshuang and Tumeng. Everyone was shocked, and Yue Changfeng's face changed drastically. Tumeng's eyes flashed with fear, because she saw a strong murderous intent in Lu Qingshuang's eyes. She and Lu Qingshuang had

 fought several times. The two were equally strong, and neither could say that they could win the other. Once the war started, both of them would die in the end. Obviously, Lu Qingshuang wanted to drag her to death together.

 "Qingshuang, what are you doing? Put away the cursed dagger quickly." Yue Changfeng's face changed drastically and shouted sternly.

 However, at this time, Lu Qingshuang's eyes were full of murderous intent. She looked at Tumeng coldly, holding the dagger, and said nothing.

 Lu Qingshuang always respected Yue Changfeng and never disobeyed his ideas, but this time, she was completely angry. If this continued, the Golden Armor Knights would be destroyed by them. She must make Yue Changfeng wake up.

 If Yue Changfeng wants to wake up, he must shut up Tu Meng, the bitch. Otherwise, with her fanning the flames, Yue Changfeng will only go further and further astray.

 Lu Qingshuang refused to give in, and even Yue Changfeng had no choice. For a moment, the entire Golden Armor Knights were in a dead silence.

 The members of the Knights of Lu Qingshuang and Tu Meng's own knights clenched their weapons. If a war broke out between the two, they would only choose to protect their admirers.

 "Tap, tap, tap..."

 Just when everyone was nervous, a sound of footsteps sounded, and everyone was startled. Someone actually walked up to them.

 They turned their heads and saw a young man in blue clothes walking slowly not far away. The young man looked fifteen or sixteen years old, with delicate eyebrows and eyes, like a weak scholar, and his aura was not obvious, but a huge dice appeared in the void behind him.

 The dice was three feet high, square, and slowly turned, with thousands of runes rising and falling, which looked very strange.

 When he appeared, everyone, including Yue Changfeng, was shocked. The young man in green was almost in front of them, and they realized that their perception had no effect on the young man.

 The young man lowered his head, and several dominoes were swinging back and forth in his hands. His brows were furrowed, as if he was calculating something, and he didn't care about Yue Changfeng and others.

 The young man in green slowly walked past everyone at a distance of several feet. At that moment, Lu Qingshuang was also full of shock. Looking at the young man, he even forgot to teach Tu Meng a lesson.


 Suddenly, Yue Changfeng stretched out the spear in his hand, and the strong wind whistled, blocking the young man's way.