
Chapter 5612: Long Zaiye's Thoughts

 As soon as the four words "Nine Stars Successor"

 came out, they resounded throughout the venue like thunder. The originally noisy world suddenly became so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

 "He is the Nine Stars Successor?"

 Even Jiang Yue'e was shocked. She couldn't help but look at Feng Fei, because Feng Fei had not revealed this to the Jiang family.

 Feng Fei shook her head and said, "Didn't I say it before? Long Chen has practiced the Galaxy Sky Art, and he is even better than his predecessor, possessing powerful star power.

 Under his leadership, the Galaxy Sect, which had completely declined, has regained its former glory, with flowers blooming everywhere and disciples spread all over the nine heavens and ten earths.

 And the disciples of the Galaxy lineage worship Long Chen as a god-like existence, because he led the Galaxy Sect onto the right path and continued the inheritance.

 Long Chen possesses the power of stars, the power of dragon blood, the seven-color supreme blood and the power of purple blood, you know."

 Jiang Yue'e and others listened to Feng Fei's words and nodded secretly. She understood what Jiang Yue'e meant.

 At this time, all the strong men present were shocked by the name of the Nine Stars Heir. The Nine Stars lineage was known as the strongest warrior in the nine heavens and ten earths. These four words were the symbol of invincibility.

 "Why do you doubt it?" Long Chen narrowed his eyes and looked at Long Zai Ye. He did not answer directly.

 A hint of sarcasm appeared on Long Zai Ye's mouth: "I was born in the Chaos Era, swept through the same level, and killed seventeen Nine Stars Heirs..."


 The strong men present, except for a few people from the four major clans, were stunned for a moment after hearing this.

 The Nine Stars Heir was known as an invincible existence, and this Long Zai Ye had actually killed seventeen Nine Stars Heirs. Is this guy a monster?


 Long Zai Ye pulled open the leather armor in front of him, revealing his hairy chest, and on his chest, there was a wound that looked like a galaxy.

 "I didn't get hurt at all when I killed the first sixteen Nine Stars, but the seventeenth guy was very strong. This sword almost cut me in two.

 But in the end, I was still better and cut off his head. The so-called strongest warrior in the nine heavens and ten earths is just like this." Long Zai Ye sneered.

 When he saw the wound, Long Chen clenched his fist quietly. The star power on the wound had disappeared, but a strong will remained, and the will was full of unwillingness and anger.

 Long Chen sneered: "Don't talk about yourself as invincible. If you didn't kill the Nine Stars who left you the wound with a dirty trick, I would chop off his head and give it to you."

 When Long Chen said this, everyone was shocked at the same time. Long Chen said it so toughly, leaving no room for maneuver. Didn't he defeat the last Nine Stars with his real ability?

 Hearing Long Chen's words, Long Zai Ye's face darkened, his eyes were full of coldness, he said coldly:

 "The Nine Stars descendant is aloof and arrogant, always alone, never travels with others, but I heard that you have formed a dragon blood army, which is inconsistent with the legend.

 Moreover, the Nine Stars descendant is very frugal with words, never verbose, but you are talking nonsense, drooling constantly.

 The most important thing is that the Nine Stars descendant has starlight around him, which cannot be hidden, but you don't have it, so I suspect that you are just using the name of the Nine Stars descendant to cheat everywhere."

 Long Chen narrowed his eyes. This Long Zai Ye had fought with seventeen Nine Stars descendants, but he could not determine whether he was a Nine Stars descendant.

 If it was someone else, Long Chen would still suspect whether the other party was using some conspiracy to explore Long Chen's bottom.

 However, Long Zai Ye was an arrogant person at first glance, a person with roots, and he didn't bother to use conspiracy and tricks. Of course, his IQ was not good enough to use any clever means.

 "Don't doubt it, you have gone astray. No one can tell you apart from the true Nine Stars descendant.

 Even the silver-haired Cankong was confused and couldn't figure out whether you were the true Nine Stars descendant." Qiankun Ding said.

 Long Chen started to deviate from his original cultivation path from the Five Stars Battle Body. Now he has reached the Eighth Star. His aura is completely different from that of the orthodox Nine Stars descendant.

 More importantly, he possesses multiple powers, which influence and blend with each other. You know, the Nine Stars descendant are all specialized in the power of stars and will never use other powers. This is common sense.

 Everyone knows this common sense, so when Feng Fei told Jiang Yue'e that Long Chen possessed multiple powers, there was no need to explain anything.

 "Pa pa pa..."

 After listening to Long Zai Ye's words, Long Chen stretched out his hands and clapped: "Good analysis, but I want to tell you that I am the true Nine Stars descendant."

 "It's really funny. At this time, you are still stubborn?" Long Zai Ye sneered, looking at Long Chen's stubborn appearance, which further confirmed his guess.

 "What do you mean by being stubborn? I can harness the power of the stars in the world. If I am not a descendant of the Nine Stars, what am I?" Long Chen sneered.

 Long Zai Ye snorted, "You are really ignorant. Before the Lord of the Nine Stars appeared, there were many races among the myriad races that could harness the power of the stars.

 Which of the Celestial Phenomena, Star Snakes, Pegasus, and Greedy Wolf races is not proficient in the power of the stars? There are countless people in the human race who can use the power of the stars.

 However, with the decline of the Nine Stars, those races and forces that used the power of the stars were all affected and were destroyed along with the Nine Stars.

 Although they were destroyed, the inheritance they left behind was not cut off. There are still many people practicing secretly, and you are one of them!"

 Long Chen smiled. This Long Zai Ye is interesting. Is he deliberately helping him cover up his identity? This posture is to insist that he is not a descendant of the Nine Stars.

 "Don't look at your big head, but it's full of shit. What do you mean by insisting that I'm not a Nine Star descendant?

 Are you afraid of losing to me and can't justify yourself? Or are you just bragging about defeating seventeen Nine Star descendants?" Long Chen said disdainfully.

 Now he no longer cares about the identity of the Nine Star descendant. After all, he has killed Silver Hair Cankong. The eight great gods will definitely alarm Brahma.

 Although Brahma may not take action personally, as long as he sends out other gods, Long Chen's identity will be exposed immediately.

 Moreover, even if Brahma is fine, there is still Nether Dragon Tianfeng? The Nether Emperor has already possessed him. Even if the Nether Emperor was defeated by the Lord of Nine Stars and almost died, would he not recognize Long Chen's identity? Therefore, there is no

 point in hiding his identity. You can hide it on the first day, but you can't hide it on the fifteenth day. Long Chen is too lazy to worry about such things.

 Facing Long Chen's ridicule, Long Zai Ye said coldly: "In my eyes, you are nothing but an ant.

 You can die in my hands, but I will not allow you to be labeled as a Nine Star Heir. Otherwise, others will think that the Nine Star Heirs I killed are all as useless as you. Wouldn't that make me a laughing stock?"

 After hearing Long Zai Ye's words, everyone suddenly realized what Long Zai Ye meant. It turned out that Long Zai Ye had never taken Long Chen seriously. Damn

 , I've seen arrogant people, but I've never seen such an arrogant person.

 "Tap, tap, tap..."

 Long Chen took a step forward and walked towards Long Zai Ye step by step in the spotlight.