
Chapter 5473: Crazy Battle

The dragon claw broke through the air, and the power of destroying the world made people's souls tremble.

 The red dragon claw was no longer an ordinary magical power. It gathered Long Chen's strongest dragon blood power.

 The dragon claw was different from the previous illusory appearance. Its claws split the sky, dragon scales were dense, and the blood pressure was pouring. It was a real dragon claw.

 The tip of Long Chen's claws, blood runes flowed, and the sharp aura was frightening. When seeing this move, countless people exclaimed.

 Now they finally understood why Mo Yang missed the attack just now and immediately turned to absolute defense.

 The sound of the claws breaking through the air made countless strong men's hair stand on end, and the threat of death made their bones sour.

 You know, this attack was aimed at Mo Yang. Such a long distance activated their life and death perception, which shows how terrifying this attack is.


 As soon as the dragon claw appeared, it pierced Mo Yang's shield fiercely. With a loud bang, the dragon claw pierced down, and endless dragon patterns flew. The shield with amazing defense, which was said to be able to resist the Dragon Emperor's divine weapon, was pierced by the dragon claw.

 "Boom boom..."

 The dragon claw pushed forward, and Mo Yang kept retreating against the shield. The sharp dragon claw was only a few feet away from his forehead, which was extremely dangerous.

 Every time Mo Yang took a step back, the whole arena trembled. On the solid arena, there were actually footprints of an inch deep.

 When seeing the footprints on the arena, Mo Ying and countless other dragon clan masters all took a breath of cold air.

 This arena was so solid that Mo Yang could actually leave footprints on it, which showed how terrible the pressure he was under.

 "Bang bang bang..."

 Mo Yang retreated continuously, and suddenly he shouted angrily and pushed his body forward. With a


 sound, the shield exploded, and Long Chen's dragon claws also exploded. Endless blood-colored runes and black blood flew, forming a strange vortex.

 When the vortex formed, countless dragon clan masters exclaimed, and their bodies were involuntarily pulled by the vortex and floated to the battlefield.

 Mo Ying and the others saw this and used their magical powers to pull them back. If they were sucked into the vortex, the two of them might burst out with all their strength and someone might die.

 That terrifying power was enough to put even these once brilliant geniuses in danger of death.

 People were shocked. This was a crazy duel between peerless geniuses. There was no probing. Every move was the most fierce and decisive. They used all their strength and did not hold back. The outcome could be decided in the blink of an eye.

 Even though they were both peerless geniuses and were equally hard to find an opponent, they still felt frightened and their scalps tingled in front of the two.


 The two had just separated and pounced on each other again. Their fists intersected, dragon roars shook the sky, and waves of air overlapped. This time, it was no longer a duel of magical powers, but a collision of pure physical strength.

 "Boom boom boom..."

 After a punch, Long Chen and Mo Yang groaned at the same time and retreated seven steps in a row. Every time they retreated a step, the ring under their feet made a loud noise.

 "Oh my god, how can the flesh of this human race be so terrifying?"

 In the previous duel of magical powers, everything happened too fast and too strange. Many people didn't see clearly what was going on. Although they were shocked, the shocking feeling was far less direct than this punch.

 The dragon race has always been known for its physical strength, overwhelming all other races. Except for those mysterious species from the Chaos Era, no race has ever been able to match the dragon race.

 The physical strength of the human race is notoriously weak. To increase their strength, the human race relies on the blessing of external forces, such as gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light, darkness, etc., to ensure that the flesh is not destroyed.

 However, the power of Long Chen's punch was completely physical, and he was able to fight against Mo Yang. Long Chen used the purest dragon blood power, without a trace of other energy, but he was able to fight against such a terrifying strong man as Mo Yang. For all the dragon clan strongmen, the visual impact was extremely shocking.

 "How is this possible? Could it be..."

 Someone exclaimed, but he could not say the second half of the sentence, because he did not want to say it, and did not dare to say it.

 But the strong men present knew what he wanted to say, because they also thought of what he wanted to say.

 Could it be that Long Chen has completely turned into a dragon? But how is this possible? But if he is not a dragon, how can he control such a terrifying dragon power?

 But they could not accept the fact that Long Chen turned into a dragon. Their pride would not allow a low-level species to turn into a dragon and become one of them.

 "Boom boom boom..."

 However, just as they were struggling between shock and speculation, Long Chen and Mo Yang had already killed each other, punching and kicking, and the strong wind whistled, shaking the sky.

 Every time the two collided, they were stronger than the last time. Every time they fought hard, their dragon blood power would continue to burn.

 "So strong!"

 The dragon clan's geniuses present stared at this fight between dragons and tigers, not wanting to miss any details. However, when they saw the two's moves, they were all shocked.

 Long Chen and Mo Yang, every punch and kick, every move, were refined to the extreme, without any unnecessary movements, advancing and retreating without a trace, coming and going without a trace.

 The seemingly ordinary moves contain endless changes. Each change can advance or retreat, attack or defend, attack like thunder and defend like the earth is sealed.

 The figures of the two people are getting faster and faster, and gradually begin to blur. Even the dragon clan's geniuses can no longer catch them.

 What shocked them the most was that every time the two collided, their strength would rise to a new level. The two fought faster and faster, and became stronger and stronger, just like a snowball. The entire ring was shaking wildly in the fierce battle between the two.

 "They actually used the power of each other and kept accumulating power." Someone exclaimed, they saw the way.

 After the two had exchanged more than a dozen moves, someone finally saw the way. The two of them collided with each other's strength, and while looking for each other's flaws, they also used each other's strength to stimulate their own dragon blood power, allowing the dragon blood power to burn continuously.

 "The two are too powerful, and they are using each other's strength to frantically tap their potential, squeeze their own dragon blood power to the point where they can't retreat, and thus get the strongest burst." An ancient dragon prodigy said with a serious face.

 This situation still happened frequently in ancient times, but in modern times, people's dragon blood power has gradually withered, and this situation rarely occurs.

 The explanation of the ancient dragon prodigy made the modern prodigies feel uncomfortable, especially the few dragon prodigies who were knocked down by Long Chen in one move, which was even more unacceptable.

 Long Chen, a human, has this ability, but they, the real dragons, or the prodigies among the dragons, do not have this ability. Their hearts are so uncomfortable.


 Suddenly, Long Chen and Mo Yang, who were fighting fiercely, separated at the same time. At the moment when the two separated, a suffocating pressure instantly swept the entire ring.