
Chapter 5471 Black Dragon Lying in the Sea

Mo Yang, although some people do not accept him, but everyone has to admit that Mo Yang is definitely the strongest among all people.

 Among the strongest, in addition to Chi Wufeng, there are more than a dozen terrifying monsters, and they also have the strength to challenge Mo Yang.

 However, although they have the strength to challenge Mo Yang, no one dares to say that they can definitely beat Mo Yang.

 After all, Mo Yang's reputation is too big. Even if someone can beat Mo Yang, at most they can only win by one or two moves.

 Therefore, Mo Yang also made it clear before that whoever of them takes action will basically have the same result, because they are all dragons, they know the strength of their own people better than others.

 The most important thing is that Mo Yang is not like other dragon strongmen, so sharp and domineering.

 Mo Yang has a talent of a general and a king. He is very powerful, but not jealous.

 Especially the initiative to give up the position, this move has convinced countless dragon strongmen. After all, this humble attitude is very rare for the dragon.

 In the Ten Thousand Dragons Nest, everyone gathered in a circle. Long Chen and Mo Yang stood in the center. The two looked at each other, and the invisible energy was rising, making the atmosphere extremely tense.

 "What a pity." Long Chen sighed.

 "What a pity?" Mo Yang asked.

 "If my opponent was Chi Wufeng, I would save a lot of effort." Long Chen spread his hands and said.


 Long Chen's words immediately made Chi Wufeng, who had retreated, very angry, and he stood up directly.

 "Long Chen, there is no need to do this!" Hearing what Long Chen said, Mo Yang couldn't help but frowned. He thought Long Chen was deliberately angering Chi Wufeng.

 "Forget it, you won't believe it even if I tell you, I'm too lazy to complain. Since you are fighting on behalf of the Dragon Clan, let's get started!" Long Chen said.

 "I can see that you are a person of character, and I can also feel your feelings towards the Dragon Clan.

 However, the human race is too scheming and too dangerous. We cannot trust you, so no matter how you get the support of the clan leaders, I will not let you lead the Dragon Clan.

 I will go all out in this battle, and you must be mentally prepared. Swords are ruthless, fists and feet are blind, and life and death are left to fate." Mo Yang looked at Long Chen and said seriously.

 It must be said that Mo Yang is not only powerful, but also a wise strong man. Although he did not deliberately understand, he had already guessed a rough idea from the attitudes of several clan leaders.

 He did not deny several clan leaders, and at the same time, he said that he had no ill will towards Long Chen, but everyone had different positions, so he had to go all out, and once he took action, he would never show mercy.

 These words impressed all the strong men present. Compared with him, the other dragon clan strong men were like a group of immature children, and they looked very naive.

 "No problem. I came to Dragon Territory to complete a mission. If you can defeat me and complete this mission for me, that would be the best. I am too lazy to waste my energy." Long Chen said lazily.

 "What mission?" Mo Yang couldn't help but ask.

 "If you want to know the secret, then defeat me. However, I will also go all out and show no mercy." Long Chen said.

 After that, Long Chen began to shrug and shake his hands, and began to stretch his muscles and bones. The joints of his body crackled. At the same time, a vast dragon power rose from Long Chen's body.

 This dragon power was not deliberately released by Long Chen, but slowly overflowed as Long Chen's blood flowed.

 When people felt Long Chen's dragon power, their hearts and heads beat wildly. Even Mo Ying and others, it was the first time that they truly felt Long Chen's dragon power.

 The dragon's might was ancient, magnificent, sacred and solemn. Even as the clan leader, she felt a shudder. It was a kind of awe from the depths of her soul.

 "This guy is so well hidden!" Mo Ying and the others were shocked. She realized that Long Chen's dragon blood was more noble and mysterious than the dragon blood of the Dragon Blood Corps.

 The other dragon clan prodigies were also shocked. As dragon clan prodigies, they knew that the more noble the dragon blood was, the more difficult it was to control. How could such a terrifying dragon blood appear on a human?

 "You really have a great background, but no matter what, I will still defeat you." Mo Yang looked at Long Chen, his eyes shining, and his fighting spirit rising.

 Obviously, such a powerful opponent like Long Chen made him excited. Back then, he swept through the same level and never met an opponent. Now, he seems to be able to fight with all his strength. The feeling of excitement cannot be expressed in words.



 Mo Yang and Long Chen made a gesture at the same time, and suddenly the breath of the two people rose rapidly, violent blood burst out, and the loud dragon roar resounded throughout the Ten Thousand Dragon Nest. "


 Mo Ying and others formed seals at the same time, and the Ten Thousand Dragon Nest trembled. Endless runes rose up, forming an arena, covering everyone.

 The arena appeared, and someone exclaimed: "Is this the legendary Dragon Emperor Blood Rune Platform?"

 "Yes, these runes are condensed with the lifeblood runes of the Dragon Emperor strongman. Its strength is difficult to shake even for the Dragon Emperor-level strongman of this department." Xie Qianzhong said.

 His words were meant for that person to hear, but in fact they were also meant for Long Chen to hear. This was a disguised way of telling Long Chen that he could fight with all his might and not worry about destroying the Ten Thousand Dragon Nest.

 If there was anyone who trusted Long Chen the most among all the people present, it would be him. The name of the evil dragon clan has the word "evil", which means that they also do evil things.

 For example, he didn't know why, but he liked Long Chen, and then he trusted him without hesitation. That trust was even a little blind.

 "Buzz buzz buzz..."

 The ring was blessed by the law of space, and the area was ten thousand miles square. Long Chen and Mo Yang stood in the center of the ring, a hundred feet apart. The blood of the two kept flowing, releasing, and rising. The vast dragon might kept washing in all directions, forming ripples.

 When the ripples surged in front of the crowd, people felt the terrifying tearing force. These geniuses were so excited that they wanted to rush up and fight.

 "Boom boom boom..."

 As the two people's breath kept releasing, the pressure became stronger and stronger, the ground began to tremble, the space around the two people began to distort, and the dragon blood runes began to appear on their skin. The dragon blood runes

 of the two people, one black and one red, were like two volcanoes erupting at the same time, running side by side, soaring straight up, and neither could overwhelm the other.

 At this time, the dragon clan's geniuses could not help but be moved. Long Chen's dragon power was as vast as the sea, endless. Is this guy really a human?


 Suddenly, the two of them moved at the same time. Mo Yang made a strange gesture, and Long Chen formed seals with both hands.


 The Wheel of Destiny appeared behind Mo Yang, and the eight-colored divine ring appeared behind Long Chen.

 "Black Dragon Lying in the Sea"

 "Red Dragon Fighting Body - Open!"

 The two shouted at the same time, and the violent blood power detonated the universe.