
Chapter 5451 Gu Yang vs. Wu Long Clan Leader

 With Long Chen here, the Dragon Blood Corps no longer has any worries, and Gu Yang can fight with all his might. As the first legion commander of the Dragon Blood Corps, he has the responsibility to vent the anger of the Dragon Blood Warriors.

 Gu Yang pointed his dragon spear directly at the patriarch of the Wulong clan, and the fierce murderous intent had locked him. When Gu Yang's aura bloomed, all the strong men present were shocked.

 Before, the Dragon Blood Corps had clashed with the Dragon Clan disciples and fought a bloody battle, but the ones who took action were all ordinary Dragon Blood Warriors, not to mention Gu Yang and others, even the sergeant major level, they only held back and did not take action. It

 was the first time that people saw this bald man take action, but the moment he released his murderous aura, even the half-step Dragon Emperor-level strong men were already frightened.

 "Who do you think you are? How dare you challenge our patriarch?"

 At this time, a strong man of the Wulong clan stood up. This person was the pride of the Wulong clan, and his strength was second only to Wu Yifeng. When he saw Gu Yang challenging the patriarch, he immediately stood up, holding a heavy sword in his hand, and slashed at Gu Yang fiercely.

 "Get lost!"

 Gu Yang shouted, the dragon bone spear in his hand trembled, and the violent blood and qi were like a volcanic eruption. The man was swept away by Gu Yang's shot.

 When Gu Yang made his move, Long Chen was shocked. Wow, this guy's dragon power can actually burst out without summoning an abnormal phenomenon?

 At this time, Gu Yang seemed to have completely transformed into a dragon. The fluctuation of his breath was very similar to Long Chen, and the dragon bone spear was no longer a weapon at this time, but an extension of his body, merging with him. Gu

 Yang seemed to be hitting casually, but in fact, the man and the spear were one. As Long Chen expected, this dragon spear could only exert greater power in Gu Yang's hands.


 The strong man of the Wulong clan was blown away by Gu Yang's blow. He forced his body to stabilize in the void, but as soon as his body stabilized, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

 Gu Yang's attack was very powerful, but Gu Yang did not burst out with all his strength. His power was reserved for the patriarch of the Wulong clan, not the little shrimp in front of him.

 If that person continued to fly for a distance with Gu Yang's power, Gu Yang's power would weaken with the distance, but he insisted on showing off his strength and wanted to stabilize his body at the fastest speed, so that he would bear even greater power.

 The most important thing is that this person saw that Gu Yang was just a subordinate of Long Chen, so he didn't take Gu Yang seriously at all. He didn't use his full strength when he attacked, and as a result, he suffered a great loss.

 After spurting out a mouthful of blood, the whole person was listless and had lost the strength to fight.

 "Stupid human race, since you want to die, I will fulfill your wish." The patriarch of the Wulong clan originally looked down on Gu Yang and didn't bother to attack him.

 But now Gu Yang burst out with a tremendous momentum, and even knocked the Tianjiao of the Wulong clan away with one blow. He couldn't help but be shocked and put away his contempt.


 The void behind the patriarch of the Wulong clan exploded, and a black dragon emerged in the black air. When the black dragon appeared, the dragon's might was agitated, and the blood rushed to the sky. The pressure of the half-step dragon emperor was completely ignited.

 The strong men present, bearing the terrifying pressure, retreated one after another. This was just static pressure, they could not bear it, and felt that their bodies were about to be torn apart.

 If the Wulong clan took action, the dragon power would explode more than ten times, and in that case, they would be crushed in an instant.

 "Boom boom..."

 The black dragon behind the patriarch of the Wulong clan twisted, and his blood was wildly excited. The black dragon was not his vision, but a projection of his body.

 After passing the Human Emperor Realm, the dragon clan will gradually break away from the limitations of the human body and gradually appear in the form of the body. In the true dragon form, they will exert the strongest power.

 However, many dragon clan strongmen, because they have always maintained the form of the human race before the Human Emperor Realm, many combat consciousness is still based on human form.

 Therefore, even after entering the Human Emperor Realm, many dragon clans still fight in human form, and their bodies are projected in the vision. In this state, the forms of human and dragon can be switched at will, which is more flexible. The

 dragon power of the patriarch of the Wulong clan was shocking, and the violent power was all concentrated on Gu Yang. Gu Yang was pressed so hard that his bones creaked and trembled constantly, but he still had a calm face and stared at the patriarch of the Wulong clan.

 "A small human race dares to challenge the half-step dragon emperor. It's really looking for death. I'm afraid that now even the vision can't be summoned?" Seeing this scene, a strong man of the dragon clan sneered.

 Everyone could see that Gu Yang was under terrible pressure at this moment. You know, that was a half-step dragon emperor. His pressure was concentrated, and it was simply impossible for a Heavenly Saint to resist.

 "Boom boom..."

 The pressure of the Black Dragon Clan leader washed over the world like a wave. On the entire battlefield, only Long Chen stood with his hands behind his back, quietly watching not far behind Gu Yang.

 The terrifying dragon might did not seem to pose any threat to Long Chen. It could not even blow his clothes or his hair.

 The Black Dragon Clan leader looked at Gu Yang, and the black dragon surged behind him. His bloodline power was getting stronger and stronger. He wanted to crush Gu Yang directly with the power of his bloodline. He wanted to use Gu Yang's life to establish his prestige. He wanted to use his strength to tell Long Chen that the dragon clan could not be provoked.

 The Wulong clan leader was frantically exerting pressure while observing the situation of Long Chen and Gu Yang. However, his face soon changed. He found that Long Chen seemed to have no feeling for his dragon might. The most terrifying thing was that he could not lock Long Chen, whether it was the dragon soul lock or the bloodline lock. Long Chen was clearly there, but he seemed to be unable to sense his existence.

 "Idiot, your opponent is me, what are you looking at?"

 At this moment, Gu Yang shouted angrily, and then Gu Yang's dragon scales appeared all over his body, the vision was stretched, and the sound of dragon roars resounded through the sky. The violent blood and qi instantly bounced off the lock of the Wulong clan leader, and took a step forward and rushed towards the Wulong clan leader.


 The Wulong clan leader was shocked. He had clearly locked Gu Yang. Logically, he should not be able to move at all. How did he suddenly break free? What

 he didn't know was that Gu Yang didn't release the vision just to try whether he could resist the bloodline crushing of the Half-Step Dragon Emperor without any resistance and relying on the strength of his physical body.

 He found that with the help of the White Dragon Clan, he had merged more closely with the Dragon Soul, and his strength had increased beyond his imagination.

 However, when he saw the Black Dragon Clan leader, he began to lose focus and turned his attention to Long Chen. He immediately became furious and directly opened the vision, shattered his lock, and punched down.


 Seeing that Gu Yang did not use the bone spear, the Black Dragon Clan leader also punched out. The two dragon scale-covered fists collided with each other, making a shocking explosion.