
Chapter 5388 Ye Linfeng

 "Come on, stop talking, if you are a man, don't spit, let's see what's going on." Long Chen stood on the head of the Qijiao Swallowing Sky Bird and shouted arrogantly.

 Long Chen had already thought about it. If the other party really started a war, Long Chen would let the Qijiao Swallowing Sky Bird take the Hidden Dragon Army away as soon as possible.

 Only Ye Lingkong, Long Chen and Tang Wan'er were left. The Hidden Dragon Army was in a period of rapid improvement and was not suitable for facing such a powerful war.

 Ye Lingkong dealt with all the God Emperor-level masters alone, while Long Chen and Tang Wan'er were responsible for all the disciples. The difference in the number of enemies and us in this battle was too great, and Long Chen was not sure, so he had to let the Hidden Dragon Army leave first. Although Ye

 Lingkong was powerful, he would inevitably suffer in the face of so many masters. Moreover, Long Chen found that Ye Lingkong was not ruthless enough and might not dare to really kill.

 Among the disciples of the same generation, the red-haired man from the Brahma Pill Valley and the masters of the Yinglong clan all brought great pressure to Long Chen. Most importantly, there were many other terrifying beings. Long Chen had made plans to leave if he couldn't win.

 Anyway, without the Hidden Dragon Army, the three of them had no worries and could fight with all their might. Even if they were defeated, they could still cause them a lot of losses, which was a sure win.

 So Long Chen was full of confidence and was not afraid of a fight. In fact, because his strength had been greatly improved recently, Long Chen always wanted to try out his current strength and see how far it had improved

 . Long Chen's challenge made the strong men present change color. They didn't expect that the Fengshen Haige, which had always been weak, would suddenly become tough and have the intention to fight them to the death.

 "Where did you come from, kid? Shut up!" The old man from Dan Valley shouted angrily. He thought Long Chen was just an ordinary disciple of Fengshen Haige.

 "Who do you think you are, you bastard who came out of the river? You told Long Sanye to shut up? Don't accept it? Just come out and fight. Come on, let the blood stain this land red!" Long Chen shouted arrogantly, looking like a fighting maniac. He was as arrogant as he could be.


 The old man was furious. He looked at Ye Lingkong and said with a gloomy face: "Ye Lingkong, what do you mean?"

 "What he meant is what Fengshen Haige meant. If you have anything to say, just tell him. I will obey his orders." Ye Lingkong said lightly.

 He is now a hands-off shopkeeper, because before leaving, Feng Xinyue told him that if he was tired, he could throw away the burden.

 At that time, Ye Lingkong felt puzzled by this sentence and had no idea what Feng Xinyue wanted to express. Later on the road, Long Chen's bold behavior and the confidence in his eyes all showed his unique style. At that moment

 , he suddenly understood what Feng Xinyue meant, and then tried to let Long Chen carry this burden, but he didn't expect that Long Chen would carry this burden without any pressure and still do his own thing. This is not willful and reckless, nor is it young and ignorant, but because of his extreme self-confidence in his heart, he can lift heavy things with ease.

 So now he doesn't care about anything, and everything is left to Long Chen to decide. As long as Long Chen says to start a war, he will start a war.

 "You... you Fengshen Haige are so bold, are you going to fight against the countless forces of Brahma Valley and Tianyuan World with your own strength?" The old man from Dan Valley shouted angrily.

 "Yes, you are so bold, what's the matter? Don't accept it? Then come on, what's the point of quarreling so fiercely? Why can't everyone sit down and chop each other a few times in peace?" Long Chen spread his hands and said helplessly. "Sit down and

 chop each other a few times in peace?" This was the first time that the strong men present heard such words in their lives. The old man from Dan Valley was so angry that his face turned green.

 Seeing Ye Lingkong saying nothing and following Long Chen's lead, the old man of Dan Valley and the other masters seemed to sense that Long Chen's identity was not ordinary.

 A full-scale war was definitely not an option, because they were all civilians in their respective forces, equivalent to civil servants, and their martial arts were not strong. They were mainly responsible for teaching, communication, negotiation and other social activities.

 But Ye Lingkong was different. He was a real warrior. Even if they had more people, they might not be Ye Lingkong's opponent. The most important thing was that if the battle started, the disciples of Fengshen Haige were massacred on a large scale. In a rage, Ye Lingkong might kill all their disciples.

 If Ye Lingkong went crazy, they would not be able to stop him at all. Then, once the war started, it would mean that they would use the lives of all their disciples to exchange for the lives of the disciples of Fengshen Haige. They could not afford such a loss.

 The old man of Dan Valley looked at Long Chen and said coldly: "What do you mean, you Fengshen Haige want to monopolize the battlefield of Fengyu? Have you thought about the consequences? There is no good end to offending the public anger."

 "Oh my god, it's true that heroes don't ask where they came from, and hooligans don't look at their age. How can you say such shameless words?

 The Wind Domain Battlefield originally belonged to Fengshen Haige, and you forced a share of it. Now that you have tasted the sweetness, you want to kick Fengshen Haige out.

 The dog has been guarding the door for a long time, so he thinks the house is yours? What a big joke, I will announce to you now that the Wind Domain Battlefield will be exclusively owned by our Fengshen Haige.

 If you want to enter, you must get the approval of Fengshen Haige, otherwise... Hehe, we will treat you the same way you treated us before." After

 Long Chen finished speaking, he looked at the young disciples and shouted loudly: "Don't blame me, Long Sanye, for killing without teaching. Let me put it here first. The Wind Domain Battlefield originally belonged to Fengshen Haige, and now we are going to take it back.

 If you force your way in, you are provoking the authority of Fengshen Haige and trampling on the dignity of Fengshen Haige. The consequences will be at your own risk."

 "Hahaha, you are not afraid of your tongue being flicked by the strong wind. A declining Shinto heritage dares to speak so arrogantly?

 What authority and dignity do you have in Fengshen Haige? Don't make me laugh to death. Pray first. Don't run into me, Ye Linfeng, in the Wind Domain battlefield, otherwise I will make you wish you were dead or alive." The red-haired man said with a gloomy face.

 "I will pray, pray that he will run into me. I will use all kinds of torture to make him tell the origin of the dragon blood in his body." The strong man of the Yinglong clan in the distance showed a cruel smile on his face.

 "It's better to run into me. I will give you a quick death. I am a kind person and will not be as cruel as them." A man with black air all over his body said coldly. This person is a strong man of the demon clan.

 "If you are willing to kneel down and beg for mercy when you meet me, I may consider sparing your life..."


 Long Chen's warning attracted endless ridicule and disdain. Long Chen laughed. He knew this would be the result. However, some processes still need to be gone through once, so that there will be no worries when killing.

 Long Chen looked at the old man from Dan Valley and said, "Old man, let me ask you, do you know a man called Yinfa Cankong?"

 When the old man heard the words "Yinfa Cankong", his whole body trembled, and an expression of disbelief emerged on his face.