
Chapter 5371: Running out of ammunition and food

Starlight circulated around Long Chen, repeating endlessly. At that moment, Long Chen seemed to melt into the galaxy and entered a state of ecstasy, allowing the sea of ​​stars in his dantian to merge with the galaxy in the Yaoshi Star Crystal.

 During the process of their fusion, Long Chen quietly felt the fusion and collision of the two forces. At first, they tested each other and collided constantly, forming ripples.

 However, after colliding for a while, they began to merge with each other and merge into each other. What Long Chen didn't know was that the power of the stars was awakening rapidly at this time, and the speed even moved Qiankun Ding.

 Qiankun Ding was a magic weapon in the chaotic era, witnessing the process of the nine heavens and ten earths from prosperity to decline, but it was the first time it had seen someone who could fuse with Yaoshi Star Crystal so quickly and awaken the original power of the stars.

 "What a confusing guy, no one can match his wisdom when he is smart, and no one can surpass him when he is stupid." Qiankun Ding was speechless for a while, even it couldn't understand Long Chen, no one could be sure whether this guy was a wise man or a fool.

 "Buzz, buzz, buzz..."

 Long Chen sat cross-legged in the void. In the sea of ​​stars behind him, a long river was surging back and forth, like a fish swimming back and forth in an unfamiliar river.

 Every time it swam, Long Chen's sea of ​​stars would become more active. Long Chen's sea of ​​stars was originally like a pool of stagnant water, but now with its stirring, it began to gradually become active and full of vitality.

 The long river was like a ribbon, floating back and forth. Long Chen's sea of ​​stars became more and more active. They seemed to adapt to each other and awaken each other. The endless power of the stars began to slowly spread in all directions.

 "Not good!"

 Qiankun Ding exclaimed. It appeared above Long Chen's head, and the bronze divine light fell, wrapping Long Chen and his sea of ​​stars.

 Qiankun Ding acted quickly, but it was still a little slow. The ground under Long Chen sank rapidly, and a pit of hundreds of miles appeared silently.

 The most terrifying thing was that there was no sign of the appearance of the pit, and there was no sound. It was extremely weird.

 "Good fellow, if I acted a little slower, the whole island would have disappeared. Can I communicate with the power of the Shining Star Crystal? This is too fast!" Qiankun Ding was shocked.

 It knew the Shining Star Crystal very well. It had witnessed countless Nine Star Heirs, but even in the Chaos Era, it would take at least half a month for the Nine Star Heirs to resonate with the Shining Star Crystal, and Long Chen did it in less than an hour.

 And not only resonated, the Shining Star Crystal actually gave up all its defenses and began to inject its power into Long Chen's sea of ​​stars to help Long Chen transform the sea of ​​stars.

 Long Chen's sea of ​​stars was rapidly expanding, with more and more stars and a wider range. The power of the stars carried a terrifying annihilation force. If Qiankun Ding hadn't stopped it in time, the entire island might have been turned into nothingness by the annihilation force.

 "Hey, hey, hey, wake up, wake up!"

 Suddenly, the Qiankun Cauldron screamed and woke Long Chen up abruptly. At the moment it woke Long Chen up, the ribbon-like galaxy disappeared from Long Chen's starry vision as if it was frightened, and returned directly to the Yaoshi Star Crystal.

 Long Chen was abruptly awakened, and suddenly felt a splitting headache, and his whole body was in pain like needles. When he opened his eyes, he found that he was covered in blood, and countless cracks appeared on his body, almost bursting.

 "How could this happen?" Long Chen was shocked.

 "How dare you ask? What are you doing? If you let the Shining Star Crystal do whatever it wants, and it continues to expand your sea of ​​stars, your body will explode." Qiankun Ding said unhappily.

 Before, it had always thought that everything was under Long Chen's control and was proceeding in an orderly manner. It admired Long Chen very much in its heart, but it didn't know that this guy was emotionally asleep. If it allowed the Shining Star Crystal to do whatever it wanted, Long Chen's life would be completely scrapped. Long Chen

 is the master of the sea of ​​stars. When the sea of ​​stars is too powerful, it will flow from his dantian to his spiritual roots, and then flow to his limbs and bones through the spiritual roots. In order to allow the sea of ​​stars to accommodate more power, it began to expand Long Chen's body like expanding the sea of ​​stars. Long Chen's body

 is a body of flesh and blood, which can't withstand such expansion. At first, Qiankun Ding thought that Long Chen knew it himself and wanted to use the opponent's power to put pressure on his body and test the strength of his body. It was

 not until Long Chen was stretched to pieces that it realized that something was wrong and hurriedly woke Long Chen up forcibly. If it woke him up a step later, the consequences would be disastrous.

 Qiankun Ding changed from being amazed at Long Chen's talent at the beginning to being full of contempt. Although it has no face, the runes around it surged, expressing its speechlessness.

 "Oh my god, that was close!"

 Long Chen saw that his meridians were stretched to the point of cracks. If they were stretched to pieces, he would be really finished. Repairing his meridians would be the most troublesome thing. He was about to rush to the Star Domain battlefield.

 "Huh? Senior, look..."

 Long Chen was suddenly startled, and hurriedly began to look inside, and shared his vision with Qiankun Ding. Qiankun Ding found that there were powdery crystals on Long Chen's stretched meridians.

 "This is..."

 Qiankun Ding was shocked: "It seems that you, kid, have stumbled upon a blessing in disguise. Could it be that the Nine Stars lineage has really started to change its luck?"

 Qiankun Ding found that those powdery crystals were actually the star power left by the Yaoshi Star Crystal. It stretched Long Chen's meridians and stretched Long Chen's flesh and blood, but it was not just to stretch Long Chen to pieces, but to leave the star power to help Long Chen repair his wounds.

 With the knowledge of Qiankun Ding, it had never seen such a thing. You know, refining the Yaoshi Star Crystal will be met with strong resistance from the Yaoshi Star Crystal, usually by coaxing and deceiving, or violently suppressing it, so it is extremely difficult to refine it.

 But Long Chen was fine. He did nothing, and the Yaoshi Star Crystal actually took the initiative to deliver it to his door, fearing that Long Chen could not refine it, and directly helped Long Chen expand the star sea and improve his physical strength.

 This posture is to carry the bedding roll and settle down directly in Long Chen's place. In order to make the new home more comfortable, it has to improve the future living environment.

 Although it knows that the Yaoshi Star Crystal is full of goodwill towards Long Chen, Qiankun Ding still reminded him seriously: "The power of the Yaoshi Star Crystal is not a joke. It strikes without lightness or weight. If you are not careful, it will cripple you. You can't let it do whatever it wants. Everything must be done according to the steps, and don't rush."

 ​​Long Chen nodded to show that he understood. In the next period of time, Long Chen planned to restore the damaged meridians first, but just as he was about to heal his wounds, Long Chen almost vomited blood.

 The chaotic space was in ruins, so how could there be any extra life force to help him recover, unless he extracted the life force of the ancient vine.

 But the mysterious ancient vine was about to sprout, and it was at a critical stage. Long Chen didn't want to disturb it, so he finally found Tang Wan'er and the others:

 "Let's go, I'll take you hunting."